Adding "Known Words" to the statistics dropdown

I noticed that “Known Words” is missing the new statistics dropdown, it only shows Words of Reading, Hours of Listening, and Coins. Is there a way to add “Known Words” back? As that’s the main way in which I like to track my progress.


And how about the graphs? They were useful to see how I was doing that week at a glance.

Why is LingQ fooling with something that already worked and worked better before?

Don’t you have bugs to fix?

Just about every interface change LingQ has made in the past year IMO has been unnecessary and degraded usability.


I agree. Also, where did the progress bar for the next level go? That was super motivating, and I can’t find it.


Hey guys, appreciate the feedback.

We undertook this redesign of the statistics dropdown and profile/stats page to offer better guidance on the types of activities to focus on. We can make a reasonable suggestion that learners should read X number of words in a week or listen for Y number of hours or create Z Lingqs. But it is unreasonable to expect anyone to learn X number of words in a week. Furthermore, we found that having so many stats shown on the dropdown and showing the graph on the main stats page was a level of detail that was a bit overwhelming for many new learners. However, we understand your frustrations and will take them into account. And in the meantime, all of the information you guys want is still accessible with 1 or 2 more clicks.

  • Known Words: we took that out of the main dropdown to put more emphasis on the activities that are directly within a learner’s control. Known words is obviously very important, but it is a byproduct of activity rather than an activity in itself. You can still view detailed known words statistics when you click “View all statistics” to open up the profile page that has more statistics. And your current Known Words count is always visible in the header.

  • Graphs: These are all accessible from the profile/larger stats page. Simply click on any of the >s adjacent to the individual metrics and that will open up the graph for that metric. From there, you can click the dropdown adjacent to the metric label to open up the graph for different metrics.

  • Progress bar for next level: That is also on the Profile / main stats page, on the right side right under the profile picture.

LingQ is a business that serves a wide number of language learners and these choices were made because we think they provide a better framework for learning.

Sometimes our product choices make things more inconvenient for existing users, based on how they’ve come to use the product. This is inevitable, as LingQ is a very deep product that everyone uses in different ways. That’s why we have this forum to listen to your frustrations, learn more about your needs & desires and how we can account for them going forward. So thank you all for your feedback.

Below are screenshots pointing out the information you 3 have asked for.



I was a new user once and the level of detail in the statistics never overwhelmed me. The key functionalities of LingQ are quite straight forward. Is the LingQ team really concerned that the complexity of LingQ might be a big hurdle for people to sign up?

‘But it is unreasonable to expect anyone to learn X number of words in a week.’

Users may choose their own goals. And for a subset of users a certain number of new words is the daily goal. Unfortunately, now we have to do more and more clicks to get to the relevant information.

Having to do more and more clicks to get to the same information is not an improvement - but seems to be a recurring issue in some of the LingQ Up- (or Down-) grades. An efficient tool requires less clicks and let’s the user focus on the language acquisition.


Goal of a good interface is to minimize the number of clicks.

Saying “all of the information you guys want is still accessible with 1 or 2 more clicks.” deeply chocked me.

So sum up we made it a bit more complicated but don’t worry about it you will be used to it … I’m still not used to words becoming “Known” automatically after a lesson has been completed.


I agree. What’s important in learning are the trends, not the absolute numbers. Number of words read is interesting, but more important is my past and current trend of reading. Am I reading more or less over a week, month or year.

I’ve seen early videos from Steve in which he discussed his own trends in learning Arabic or Persian or whatever, and used those very graphs to make his point.

I was a big supporter of LingQ, but with how unreliable it is, I currently use LingQ only as a reader. As a reader, for me it is excellent. Everything else is just too buggy or weird to bother with any more.


words becoming “Known” automatically after a lesson has been completed

=> luckily this can be turned off in the settings.

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Hey guys, we’re going to work on giving you the option to add back Known Words & LingQs Learned to the dropdown.


Sounds good, thank you for listening! It will definitely help to see, at a glance, known words for the day.


I understand that my personal preferences are not necessarily representative of the entire user base for this application, and also that we are all creatures of habit and therefore I may be simply reacting to change because change is kind of annoying when you are frequent hard user of an app, but…

I think the new statistics dropdown is awful. With the old dropdown, no matter what I was doing in Lingq: editing a lesson, listening, reading, with one click I could get an instant refresh of my stats within the same tab. I could set a time period reflecting my current personal goal (maybe I am approaching an important all time number, or maybe I want quick updates on how much listening I’ve done today), and without leaving my workspace just hit the dropdown and see how I’m doing.

Now the dropdown is useless. From every time period and every stat, I can now see three stats for one time period. So I need to keep another tab open, switch tabs and refresh in order to get the old dropdown functionality back.


@GMelillo So you would like to have the option to add back missing stats & change the time frame of the dropdown?

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Definitely. That would be great.

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Alright, we’ll get that going. I’ll respond here with updates.




User can turn off the incredibly stupid default “Paging moves to known” checkbox in “Settings” … if user knows about it.

However, although users continue to complain and LingQ management continues to refuse to fix (it would be simple), there is no way to turn off the “feature” that LingQ will turn all Blue words to Known once the user clicks the checkmark at the end of the lesson.

I love the concept of LingQ. I consider LingQ the least competent software I’ve ever paid money for.

Thank you! I’m glad to have this back again in the near future. I totally agree with the guy who started this thread.

While there were stats that I didn’t care about before, I did care about known words.


@tommy_learner_success I like how the focus is going towards statistics, which people can directly control. I also like how you’ve added tips related to the ‘LingQ method’. I think these are two good ideas.

With regards to change, it’s currently a faff to switch between languages within the statistics. If you change the language, you are redirected to the Library page, so have to navigate back to the statistics page. You should be able to easily switch between languages on the statistics page or at least easily.

There are also a few untranslated texts on the ‘LingQ method’.




Actually you are right. I have just gotten so used to make sure that no blue word remains…
So indeed this is a reasonable suggestion for the LingQ team to allow the words bekoming “known” automatically after a lesson has been completed to be turned off. This should not be too difficult to implement.

Thank you for spotting is.
Another workaround would be, not to complete such lessons. Not ideal though.

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At the very least, there should be an “undo” button, or else “known” words should appear in the vocabulary list so they can be downgraded if necessary.