What's up with the abomination of the new UI statistic?

And it seems like the chart of words per day or month is gone. Either that or i just can’t find it anymore.


That’s just because the staff at LingQ think their users are dumb and can’t learn some interface. But for some magic reason they still believe that everybody can learn a language. A language that contains so many different items (words in that case) that their interface is just simple compared to it. No matter how many items they put on it.

I was eyeing on the new words stuff, since that went a bit down, when they dumbed down the interface. It is now hidden somewhere, so that I don’t look onto it anymore.


LingQ’s motto:

“If the UI ain’t broke, mess with it until it is.
If it is broke, don’t fix it”


Can LingQ please hire or contract with Rooster? I am sure even mentioning this idea causes tension but he is the only person that helps the same day and puts out daily fixes for his extensions with little to no help from LingQ. Every issue I have with LingQ, I really wish I could just contact Rooster.


It’s a curious choice, but I do get it in some ways. There are a lot of a people that come to Lingq and are really confused by the stats and what they mean or the coins (probably would be better to get rid of this, but I’m sure there would be just as many or more complaining if they did that), or how much of this or that they should be doing. Although most of us who have used Lingq for any time do figure out kind of what the colors mean (although some of them never quite made sense to me…where two stats would have different colors, even though both were maxed out on the right side. )

I do personally like the old view to be sure.

I think it could be a lot better if both writing and speaking were added back in and the ability to switch to the various time ranges on just the pop up piece would be much better. (Including the timeframes removed as aronald noted). I’d also love to see the target numbers back in each timeframe.

i.e. have closer to the old interface, but also add the “ok”, “attention” or whatever, and the links to the explanations to help newer users.

I do think the change overall makes the stats less useful for the serious LingQ user…hidden, more clicks to get to, not as detailed (missing timeframes, missing targets for each timeframe), so I agree it’s a step back on one of the features I find great about LingQ as I’m a bit of a stats nerd.


Find the initial thread here:

It has been also applied to the challenges.
So at the beginning of a period all statistics display “Warning”. It’s really naive. The person who presented the changes from LingQ was quite happy about them. So at least there is one person appreciating this change…


Thanks for the feedback everyone. Of course we aren’t trying to make the experience worse. We will see what can be done to try and get things closer to how they were.
@SeoulMate What are the “countless bugs on the platform” that you are referring to?


some that I can think of right now:

  • sometimes the next lesson doesn’t appear when finishing a lesson
  • multi-word lingqs next to each other appear connected
  • the confirmation window when paging with new words no longer appears
  • sometimes the lingq info box gets stuck and won’t let me change its level until switching away and back
  • apparently canceling a subscription is hard? I haven’t tried but the number of forum posts about this is a bad sign

Hmm… I actually did cancel my subscription and it wasn’t difficult at all, so I’m not sure why there are so many posts about that…


One that’s really annoying is that phrase-LingQ’s that are set as ‘‘4/Learned’’ often appear as not highlighted and when changed to known - they get the underline they should have had prior to moving them to known.

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Here are a few examples of the bugs I am referring to:
• sometimes, when trying to amend a definition in the web app, the old definition keeps reappearing and I have to delete it and re-write the whole thing again.
• on iOS the generate audio function has been broken for a while and is still not fixed.
• The counter displaying the number of unique words in a lesson is malfunctioning.

I also really wish you would stop adding countless gimmicks on to the platform (the new background colour being the most recent example) and focus on improving critical parts of the UI e.g. getting rid of dictionary pop ups (the early 2000s are long gone), improving paragraph html formatting, giving users the ability to edit and batch delete tags, replacing the user definitions with AI are example of improvements that should be given priority. There was no immediate need to add new background colours, especially if you are going to release this feature without testing it properly. Did your developers no try the various colour combinations beforehand? Had they done so, they would have noticed that most of them make lingqs unreadable.


…without even mentioning that everytime they introduce a new feature, or change one thing, other things don’t work anymore, making the entire software so unreliable that many of us only use few features to avoid many headaches.

It’s almost impossible to have an entire week without problems. Sometimes it is just exhausting.


I know. I think because there is no other serious competitor around (for now), they get away with it, but that day will come. As I said before, I almost use Lingq as a reader and on iOS (I have a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse to use with my ipad). I would love to spend more time on the web app because it would be nice to work on a larger screen, but it’s far too glitchy. And yesterday’s update was the nail in the coffin.


i find the dictionary pop-ups pretty useful, especially for not that popular languages since not always are the user/ai provided options correct or entirely clear + at least that’s a feature that’s actually working :smiley:

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Dictionaries could and should open on the side, ideally. There’s lots of space for that on the web version. Users could then input their definitions without ever leaving the dictionaries page. Pop ups are inconvenient because as soon as you click out of it, it closes and has to be reopened again. There are better ways to do things in 2024, but sadly this does not seem to be the primary focus of the Lingq’s team.


you mean like this?:

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No, she means when you click on the dictionary you have on your right side of the screenshot (for example Linguee, following your picture), to search for a definition. It opens the dictionary in a pop-up regardless on how much screen size you have. Which is very annoying if you write many definitions, especially if you have verbs with many translations and you want to write them, or write in your notes. Each time you start writing, the pop-up disappears below the window of the software, and you need to do more clicking, or gestures, to bring it back.


Controversial opinion, but I like the update!

I’ve been using LingQ for years and it was a long learning curve for me to get used to the interface. I think making the interface more focused for new users will go a long way towards improving adoption. It’s a real shame to first impression videos online, and see people bounce off hard.

That said, I still love diving into the stats, and those are all still available to me on the separate page. I also like how the detailed stats page has a lot of added context for all the statistics. “Known words” vs “LingQs learned” is particularly confusing for new people, so I’m sure the added text will help them as well.


Or like this:

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@SeoulMate Thanks for the feedback. It is helpful to list the issues like this especially if they are reproducible. I’m not sure if these issues have been reported before but, you can’t assume we know of all issues. We rely on users reporting things that occur. It is not possible for us to identify all issues ourselves.
I have forwarded to the qa team to try and recreate them. Any specific steps that reliably reproduce these issues would be helpful. The reappearing meaning seems to be working fine for me at the moment, but, I don’t doubt that it happens. If you do figure out what particular sequence causes it to happen, that would help. Anything reproducible can be fixed.
As for the additional reader themes, those were requested by multiple users. Unfortunately, the implementation was not perfect. We are working to fix those issues. Should be back to normal in a few days.
As for dictionaries, we used to have them embedded but there were issues and we had to go back to popups. It has been a while since then so we can review and see if it is possible to embed them again, but, to assume that it’s easy and something we just arbitrarily choose not to do isn’t accurate. The fact is that the reader page is a very complicated page and anything done on the page is not easy to do and takes significant effort. There are far fewer issues on mobile because the environment is much more under our control.

It is more helpful to calmly report issues which we fix if we can reproduce them. Yes, it can be frustrating as a user to encounter glitches, I get frustrated myself and understand the frustration but some issues are just difficult to fix and identify as they are caused by a variety of factors across different browsers which can have their own issues and are also being updated regularly. There’s really no need to be angry with us! We usually try to fix issues if we can. And, if you can ever identify specific steps that cause the javascript etc… to glitch up, please let us know. We can’t fix what we can’t reproduce.
Also, in fact, the web app mostly works well. I think we are letting our frustration get in the way a bit in this thread.
Regarding the stats, we will be incorporating a bunch of the feedback we received into some updates that will hopefully restore things more or less to the way they were.

As for some of the other things you brought up:

What is wrong with paragraph formatting?
You are able to batch add/remove tags in the Vocabulary page. Editing tags is more difficult but it’s easy enough to batch remove an incorrect tag and add a new one.
AI definitions are being worked on and coming very soon.

@perplexing Are these web issues or mobile? I have never seen the next lesson issue but specific steps to reproduce would be helpful. We will try to reproduce ourselves.
There is no obviously good way to separate multi word LingQs beside each other.
Are you talking about the confirmation window on mobile?
Which LingQ widget? When in hover mode on web? On mobile?
Canceling is not hard. It can be an issue if users are trying to cancel a subscription from the mobile app stores from the web and vice versa. At any rate, a quick email to support resolves all issues quickly, with no hassle.
@iam3 Can you provide specific steps to reproduce the phrase LingQ status issue? Seems fine for me. Which browser do you use? Which language, lesson, phrase?