What is really important in the life?

Timroof, you are quite right! And very interesting instance!

Time pass and we all changes our relations to life one time. This was very important in the past; it will become unimportant in the future. The Life is the most important!

Here is my personal answer to the original questions posed by lucianocanepa: “what is my objet in the life? What is really important in the life?”
“And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please Him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing the the knowledge of God…For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us in to the kingdom of the Son He loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” Colossians 1:10,13,14 (Bible)

I am really happy somebody is asking that question! As I am having a quite strong mid-life crisis, I am often asking this question to myself. Actually my question is rather ‘What’s the meaning of life’. Unfortunately I did not find any yet, it’s quite frustrating. So, if I am consequent enough, I would say: ‘f… on everything, and have fun’. But what is fun? Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll? I agree for two of them :slight_smile: (guess which one -I don’t like drugs-). More seriously, I would say that most important in one’s life are friends, friends to share one’s life with. Share happiness, share sorrow, share problems, … and share love (if you are lucky).


Look out the window. Look at nature, its amazing intricacy and complexity and beauty, all of which you are a part of. Look at the colours, the movement. Take it in appreciate it, quietly. Think of your friends and family. The pleasure of sharing time with them.

Then think of the world that you can read about, going back in history, or sharing ideas and stories with others in different places and times. And then learn another language. Then look forward to dinner with your friends and family.

I would add more but I have to host a discussion right now in English at LingQ.

What is most important in life? To breathe easily and fully.

Steve, bravo! Your words remind me of my granny, I miss her very much. She never thought of herself, she was busy every moment - and she never did what she did not like to do 'cause she loved to do all these “simple” things. Recently I’ve asked myself why I am so unhappy - and I realised suddenly how happy I am, indeed - without any rational reason or permission :slight_smile:

I think, that happiness is really important in human life. Ways of achievement can be different. One takes joy during any activity and the result has no great value for him. For another the result is more important and it gives a joy.

In the past, people weren’t concerned with happiness so much, I’ve read. I know that there are atheists who will scorn this, but even politicians know that if you take away traditional belief systems, you have to replace it with something for people or they’ll be miserable.

Maybe “governments” would be better than “politicians”.

it is interesting: all of us from the different countries and all discuss the given problem. And the government at the different countries are different

What is really important in life? Feel and share your feelings.

“What you need in your life is courage, imagination and some money.”

“a little dough”?

Seeing what happened sunday in a forum…hockey must be the most important thing in the world…

Hi, YutakaM
Your opinion is very interesting! But I have not absolutely understood you. What did you mean? Would you like to give the explanations?

Enjoy every day of your life here on Earth.


The phrase is from Limelight.

2 men sat behind prison bars…one saw mud, the other saw stars !!
Some of us are imprisoned by bad health, poverty, old age, feelings of rejection or inadequacy, bad relationships, disfigurement, etc. Many are the prisons… some through our own doing, some through the blow life deals to us. Looking up…or looking down is a choice. Which do you choose ?

timroof, your story is good. There is statement: want to be happy - be him (K.Prutkov)
My choose is “looking up” of course! But sometimes it is hard…