What is really important in the life?

Art Buchwald once said - “The best things in life aren’t things”

I think that important things in the life are different for each. Somebody consider that family is most important in the life. Others believe that successful career, realization of the talent have most great value in a life.

Well…What is really important in life? Sex, drugs and Rock & Roll of course. Currently I would also add Lingq…
Being seriously, that is a question that humankind has been asking itself from the beginning of time, so I guess it has not an easy answer…

It is shown, that stupid person are more happy than intelligent. Although I think that is controversial point.

I must be very stupid then and I am content to be in such a blissful state. There are traditional routes to contentment-like nestling in your faith and family-but many people falsely think themselves too superior to accept such simple, and traditional pleasures-so they will keep seeking an illusion.

There is a russian proverb: Less you know - you sleep more strong

There are two opinions concerning happiness in a life. 1. The happiness is inside us and depends on us. Therefore the person can learn to be happy. 2. The happiness is determined by important things (they are individual for everyone). Therefore, if the important things are present at his life that he is happy and on the contrary.
What opinion more true???

What opinion is more true??? I am so sorry!

Ks I think, that second opinion is more true.

Stasy, I agree with you. The second theory is closer to me. But, when the person will achieve desirable, he will want something another and will be again unhappy. Probably, important things can modify over the life.

happy - it is moment! Only moment!

But if happiness is dependent upon important things (#2), your happiness is dependent upon “things”. “Things” can be taken away. I think a person should find happiness / joy from within himself. Joy comes from within…within the heart. Joy is not dependent upon things. Joy is a choice and resides within the heart of a man…regardless of what happens. I may be disappointed and sad because I have lost some “thing”, but I can remain happy for I know my joy is not dependent upon the external, temporal and transient nature of “things”. Just my opinion :slight_smile:

Hi, timroof
You suppose that the first opinion is more true! But “things” are not material things. It is may be love, realization of talent or anything but. These really important things make you happy in the right way. I think a person should find joy, which is very similar happy. Although, probably I am mistaken. And I hope that have clearly expressed.

I do not agree with you! I think, that is possible to feel happiness over the life.

Hi Ks, Yes, if you put it that way, I agree with you. I mistakenly thought you were referring to physical. Perhaps you are correct in your thoughts on joy/happiness. I usually think of joy as a deeper sense of contentment with oneself, life, etc. Happiness, I tend to think of as more of a temporary state of being, contingent upon external influences. Again, this is only my opinion. :slight_smile:

Both opinions are true. How to combine both of them?

Stasy…I know, I know. Give chocolate and eat chocolate !!! Giving chocolate will strengthen your inner joy for you have given nice gift and have made someone happy ! Eat chocolate and you will be happy because it tastes good ! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: small joke

Hi, Tim! Your example (about chocolate) is very good!!! Perhaps, we are near truth!

for me, my religion is really important in my life. if i lose it… then i will forget why i live in this world. i hope, i dont. and the happiness is a secret treasure within it. i need to make an effort to reveal it… to me.

Religion it is belief. Each person trusts in something and it is always very important in his life.