What is really important in the life?

Thanks you, YutakaM
I understand you now!!! :slight_smile: Impressing film and extraordinary person (Chaplin)

Each person wants to be happy. But not everyone is happy. Why? If the happiness (" looking up") is our choice. Either the person do not know that he can choose " to be happy ", or sometimes person is not all-powerful for finding of happiness. From time to time it seems to me that not all depends on us.

Thank you Stasy. I agree sometimes it is very difficult to “look up”. I don’t know K. Prutkov, but I agree with him.

Ks: perhaps the person doesn’t know about his ability to “look up”. Yet, it is within peoples power to focus on the negative, the losses in life, the tragedy, the broken dreams…or to realize that there is hope. Much of the time, circumstances are out of our control. We can either pity ourselves… or go on with life… with hope, realizing that there is still beauty, joy, friendships and love and more… regardless of the past! Life is short…very short…but a vapor. We need to be diligent to keep the ‘weeds’ out of the garden of our heart.

well, Luciano, I faced the same problem when I was graduated, at that moment, I nearly Spent most of my time on work, you know, besides working, it was sleeping. I found that life was so bored and I could’t see my future, at last, I quited my job and started a new life, a life which I have thought for a long time: Spare more time with my family, with my girl friend, my parents, my friends. Have more time on your favourite things, such as basketball, travelling, photo shooting,etc. Get more time to learn more new things, such as different language, then I start my spanish after several years english learning. And the new work brings me a different life, you know, I am young, so I really wanna enjoy my life with my parents, my friends, not just earning more money, that will be so bored for a person’s life. Hope that helps. Want my msn? cajndon@hotmail.com . You can chat with me in English and chinese. Hope I can learn spanish from you.

Well, remember one good ad: LG: Life is good! Life will be good in the future!

Hi, timroof!!!
Therefore, we conclude that the happiness is mostly depended on us. If you remember, it is first theory.
Besides, I have a new thoughts about important “things” in the life. If the person has no these important “things” (yet), he can choose a joyful life, see positive without them.
You are right, the life is short. We should not give a lot of attention to negative cases.

Be happy!

Yes, the most important thing in my life is to be happy. And what makes me happy? I really get it now: what makes me deeply happy is to make others happy. So, it’s what I try to work on every day. And it works, really.
Try it, you’ll like it!

Hi, Margopel!!!
If I have understood you correctly, your way to be happy is daily moving to happiness. Did you mean anything else?

Life indeed is short. And if you are free of superstition, you understand that when it’s over, it’s over.
So logically speaking, if you only have this one shot, you should be as happy as you can possibly be. I’ll go further: You should squeeze every last drop of happiness out of every single moment you are alive.

Since happiness is basically a choice (you can always choose to think and react in the most positive way–“one looked down and saw the bars, one looked up and saw the stars”–so true) the ART of life is to squeeze every last bit of happiness out of every single moment—out of every sight, every sound, every interaction, every job well done, every hedonistic pleasure, every song, every bite of food, every smile, out of every day you wake up in the morning to another new day…you get the picture.

I try to live this way, although it’s obviously easier said than done. Finding this site has certainly made mood very pleasant these days…what a great site this is!

Hi, Timroof! Kuzma Prutkov is the pseudonym created by three authors. One of them was Lev Tolstoi.

Hi Stasy! Now I want to read Tolstoy :slight_smile:
Today I saw a little girl, maybe 4 years old, in the park with her dad. I don’t know why she had tears in her eyes. But I walked up to her and her dad and showed her my new puppy. Whatever brought tears to this little girls eyes was soon forgotten and replaced with giggles and laughter as she cuddled my puppy and played with it. In life, sometimes it is not so easy to bring happiness to a stranger or make them feel comfortable, accepted and loved. Sometimes words are not even necessary to convey warmth and genuine care. If we can bring a smile or joy or a helping hand to others…and forget about our needs, ambitions and schedules for a little while, then we have learned a little …about the meaning of life.

Hi Alex! Thank you for the link :slight_smile:

A sail shows white at sea alone
In bright-blue brilliance of sea haze, -
What does it look for far from home?
Why did it leave its native place?

The waves play and strong wind whistles,
A mast creaks loudly and sways:
Alas, the sail doesn’t look for happiness
And from it doesn’t run away!

Round the sail streams are brightness,
Above it gold sun ray shines;
But it, a frantic, looks for typhoons,
As though a calm is amid ones!

Opposition of desires and ways to happiness is well shown in this poem.

the most important think is respectively Healt and money …besides relationships with the people…
if you are unhealty , you wont enjoy the life whatever you earn
and all of us can see the importance of the money , we cannot do anything without money i think it’s second one
finally the happiness increases as long as you share it :slight_smile: third one is good relationtships

I think that the most important thing in our life is to live in this moment :slight_smile: in this minute,in this second ,because all the best things happen unexpected.It is really true!!

Hi! I’m a dreammer. Then I have many objectives in my life. But I think that more important thing is love. God’s love is contagious, and I wanna to love like He love all people. So I really want to wedding with my BF and to have two children. Then my future family and friends are very important for me. I think than when we can be things tha we like, that’s ok. And if I can to live with dignity and honestly, we can be really happy.