Translator not working

The translator no longer works for me. What should I do?

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Can you please give us more information? What exactly doesn’t work for you?

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When I click “translate” nothing happens.

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Are you referring to Translate Sentence feature in the sentence mode?

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The same happens to me in Chinese. Nothing happens when asked to translate the full text. Sometimes it works partially just for a few sentences.


Probably you have the same problem as here below:

  • Set Settings/Reader/Sentence Translations/Default Translation Source to Gooogle Translate.
  • Click the “Show Translation” button or press the shortcut key (Shift-T) quickly multiple times. until you see a translation.

That works for me about 80-90% of the time, though it’s far from ideal.

Thanks jt23. I switched to DeepL, but it’s still not right. It shows translations for highlighted words automatically but it doesn’t translate phrases/sentences.

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