Tips on Finding Content to Import in your Target Language

The worldwide web is a vast sea of content. Sometimes it's tricky to find materials in the language you study. We've got some tips and tricks to help you!

Looking for content to import? First, the LingQ Team and Community have provided some resource lists for you to look through:
Still want more? Or there's not so much content available in your target language? Try these tips:


Perhaps the most straightforward type of import. What topics are you interested in? What are you curious about? Instead of searching for a question you have about culture, history, or even the language you're studying, in your native language, why not search it in your target language?
You study Dutch. You want to understand how declensions work in this language. Rather than searching in English, type hoe werken verbuigingen in de nederlandse taal (how do declensions work in Dutch language) into Google.
You'll have a wide variety of articles, blog posts, and maybe even Wikipedia pages on the topic. All in Dutch! Open one up, click the LingQ import extension logo, and pop it into the LingQ Reader.
Pro tip:
This can lead you down a rabbit hole. Perhaps you like an artist's work or a certain historical figure has fascinated you. Search for that person's Wikipedia page in your target language so you can read about them while you study.

Netflix episodes

You want to learn your target language through watching TV. Try asking on our forum for suggestions. You can also mimic the style suggested above.
You study German. Search beste deutsche Shows auf Netflix (best German shows on Netflix).
The key is to search in your target language so that your results are delivered in your target language.
Pro tip:
If you aren't able to stream the shows you want on Netflix in your country, you can look into getting a VPN.
Once you've found a show you love, turn the closed captioning on and import it into LingQ!


You want to import music and videos from Youtube, but you don't know whose songs to import. Run a google search in your target language.
You study French. Search musiciens français 2020 (French musicians 2020). You'll be given a long list of top artists in the Francophone world from recent years. Change the year if you prefer non-contemporary artists.
Once you find someone you like, stream their music on Spotify. This will lead you to other similar musicians.

Then search for these artists on Youtube. Find their music videos with closed captioning available. All these videos are ready to be imported to LingQ!


You want to study your target language by reading books, but the ones you want to read aren't available in our Library. Search our resources above, and if you still need more content, apply similar strategies to finding books for you.
You study Arabic. Search كتب عربية للمبتدئي (books for Arabic beginners), or whatever best suits you. When you find a book that looks interesting, search for it in e-book format.
LingQ supports various e-book file types: EPUB, PDF, DOCX, TXT, MOBI, SRT, ASS, VTT, TTML.
What are you waiting for? Import any content you want into LingQ now!