How to Import Using the Browser Extension

You can use the LingQ Importer browser extension on Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and more to import articles and videos instantly

Import articles, Youtube videos and Netflix episodes with two clicks. First install the browser extension and then follow the steps below.

Windows PC or Mac

  1. Visit a site with the content you are interested in; news sites, YouTube, Netflix, etc. Check out a full list of possible sources here.
  2. Open the page you want to import on your browser.
  3. Click the LingQ extension button in your browser bookmarks bar.
  4. Set the import language, choose a course, and click Import.
  5. Immediately open the article, video, or Netflix show in LingQ. Then it will be saved in "My Lessons" for you to revisit anytime later.

Android and iOS

  1. Install the LingQ mobile app from the iOS App Store or Google Play.
  2. Visit a mobile site with the content you are interested in, news sites, YouTube, Netflix, etc... Check out a full list of possible sources here.
  1. Click the Share option in the browser menu.
  2. If the LingQ import extension is showing, tap it. If not, tap "more" to see all possible extensions and activate the LingQ Importer.
  3. Set the import language, choose a course, and click Import.
  4. This also works on any apps that have built-in browsers, like Twitter.

See more in-depth articles about importing on our blog:

Pro Tip:
Sometimes Youtube videos and Netflix episodes take some time to process the audio. If it is not immediately available, give it some time.
Still need help?
If there is an error with your import, email to indicate your device type and the original URL you imported, as well as the failed import LingQ URL. Providing this info will help our team assist you faster.
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