Test Your Language!

Ahh…it’s when you are trying to share on LingQ! Ok, let me look into that. Sorry for the confusion.

Took the test for German. Apparently I know 37500 words (!!!) :-0

It’s a good test as far as it goes. I did better than I expected, (Advanced 4 - 32,500 words ) Hablo y escribo bien pero no entiendo mucho cuando las personas hispanicas hablan a mi. I speak and write pretty well, but when spanish speaking people talk to me I don’t understand a lot.

I got Spanish as English speaker 32,000 (Advance 4) and English as a Spanish speaker I got 25,000 (Advanced 5) so it was pretty close. I think I read somewhere that English has more words than Spanish.

This is really awesome!!!

However, I’m wondering how high the test goes. According to Avatar growth on LingQ, 32,500 words are needed to “complete” Advanced Level 2 and reach Advanced Level 3. That’s where I’m headed now. Since I was only moving ‘active’ words to “Known” status, I know I know more words than my official LingQ word count suggests.

However, the test results show I’m at “Advanced Level 5,” but still at 32,500 words (Advanced Level 3). Lykke, does the test “top out” at 32,500? Thanks again!

Great to have this function. Is there a rough approximation of how the LingQ proficiency levels correspond to the European Framework levels?

I received Advanced 1 and 25,000 words, which is 10 times my actual known word count. I know my known word count is underestimated because I never actively change my recognised unknown words to known, but this still seems a huge discrepancy?

Once it gets refined I’m sure it will be a useful gauge in helping smooth out some of the idiosyncratic influences of how different learners define/create known words.

The known word count is mostly meant to act like the mechanical rabbit at the dog track to show that you are making progress and to keep you motivated to reach certain points. However, I seem to remember something a ways back being said (by Steve or someone else) that the Avatar levels were meant to roughly correspond to the levels of the frame work.

HOWEVER, one’s ECF level is determined by how well you right, speak, listen, and understand. This LingQ test, and the regular/official Known Words count only gauges how well you might understand. Therefore, if there’s any correlation, I think it’s that: The test tells you your word count and your world county roughly measurers your POTENTIAL to do those other things (listen, speak, write, etc) provided you practice them.

I put my " know words" only to level 4. So I can have a look at the translatation if I forgot a word.


Lyx wrote that “and this test is meant to be fun” and for that’s it’s really great! Especially as I have to take the Spanish test in English and have to translate twice.

But … I’m a raw beginner at Spanish, and I mean raw beginner. Yet the test, taken three times, tells me I know 6000, 1700 and 6000 words respectively. :-0

Thanks for the reply. That feels about right re the avatar levels - if Intermediate 1 is around B1 comprehension… That seems closer anyway than the ‘Advanced 1’ level that the test gave (even for comprehension). I’m guessing my output areas are somewhat lower though.

Thanks Jolanda. Yes, that’s a good idea and what I do too - it’s dangerous to assume anything is fully ‘known’. :slight_smile:

I think you are right. I got to advanced level 4 in Spanish and the same 32 500 words.

I did the English test and enjoyed it. Still, there’s one thing I don’t understand: why did I got an advanced 5 level with 25000 known words, when people with the same number of known words are only granted an advanced 1 level ?
Maybe is that because I answered more difficult questions?

I wish I could take an Italian test too, just to see if ho dimenticato tutto.

No test for Turkish people :frowning:

Oh, yes, an Italian test would be terrific!!!

Yes, and even if that is the “comprehension” level for whatever ECF stage, it’s at least the “potential” for comprehension if you have prolonged exposure even if it’s not yet full-blown activation.

Hi! Could you please tell me which is the highest level which can be obtained in the French test? Thank you in advance!

Will any other languages be added to this? It has been almost 3 years and it looks as if no new languages have been added. I study Chinese (French and Spanish are secondary right now) and would love to see where I stand in a couple of months. Are there any plans to add to these languages?

The test will go as high as you can go. At least until Advanced 2 which is the equivalent of over 25000 known words on LingQ I think. Your known words score on LingQ is the best indicator of level. This test is fun and gives an idea but if you are using LingQ, you will have a much better idea just from your known words number.

We have no plans to add additional languages I’m afraid. But, as I say above, just using LingQ is the best way to get an accurate reading of your level. Your known words total is the best indicator of your ability. This test tries to approximate that but is not going to be as accurate as your actual known words level.