Test Your Language!

:slight_smile: Well, that’s two of us! Any more?

It isn’t that easily done, but we will keep it in mindfor sure :slight_smile: Thank you guys.

I had the same result in French as you, Mikebooks! :smiley: I had intermediate level and 7000 words in German.

I really enjoyed the French, German, and Russian tests a lot. I have not seen anything like this, and I know it will become popular with most of our members.

For me, the test indicates this:

Intermédiaire 2

You know approximately 10000 words!

From 2400 words to 10000!


Hello Lux,

I have a little problem, I can’t share my result on wall and with my friend…
I finnished the test, click on share but nothing happens.
Thank you in advance!

Stay good, Cordially,

That’s not good! What browser are you in? Which button are you trying to click? Facebook, email…?

ohh -_- i need for Arabic speakers , by the way thank you , it’s good step

nah, it is better to try to copy others test methods, at least to simplify it. In the toefl there is no “not sure” answer.

Yes, me! I did tests for three of my languages (Spanish, French, Portuguese) but Italian is the fourth and I’d like to do that too.

The same happened to mo. I just was able to share the link to the test but not the results.
Mizilla Firefox 30.0

Congratulations! I also scored Advanced 1 in French :slight_smile:

This happened to me too, with all three tests I took. It seems that when you click the link to the test (either the link at the top of this thread or the link in the email they sent), you are sent to a page where you’re not logged in. And then if you log in, you can’t get back to the test. So I suspect that this might have something to do with it.

Edit: browser is Safari.

You should be able to access the test page whether you are logged in or not. That seems fine for me.

The sharing controls on the left side of the page don’t include any results. In fact, only the Twitter sharing link on the results screen actually shares your results right now. We will see if we can get that added to all the sharing buttons on the results screen.

Yes, you can access the test page. But you aren’t logged in. And perhaps for this reason (or some other reason), you don’t seem to be able to share your results after you finish the test.

Actually, the share window is in a popup window so if you have your popup blocker on, that is probably the issue.

Mozilla Firefox 37.0.1.

I can do the test, not metter if I am log in or not… When I finish, I had to option to chose:

  1. share and little icon of LingQ
  2. email

I want to share that on my LingQ wall, I make my message, put all friend, click on share… for one little second it’s write : sharing… and than nothing. I am on the same page, on my wall there is a nothing and that’s it.

i tried to copy URL link and put on my wall, it’s not my result its generally starting of the test…

I turn of all my extensions, doesn’t help.

Also, on the starting page of test, if I log in ( he said that I am not, but I never log out from LingQ) he move me to “Learn page” with my lessons and the test disappear…

I don’t think it is related to extensions. I think you may need to turn off your popup blocker in your browser. Also, if you log in it will take you to your Learn page. Don’t log in. There is no reason to log in if you are taking the test.