Test Your Language!

33200 words in French. About right.

Kool. Thanks for the response!

Great efforts but where is Arabic.

Nice! Und dein Bart sieht auch gut aus!


Who cares about Arabic ?

Oh, you’re back, great. Were you taking a break from trolling? Or just trolling elsewhere for a while?

Arabic is the fifth most widely spoken language in the world according to some lists, and is one of the six official UN languages, so probably quite a lot of people care about it.

So we should pander to the whims of someone demanding a language be added because it’s a popular language ?

Anyway, who are you ?

That’s right, nobody.

Is the test not available in Hindi?

I’m afraid not. We don’t offer Hindi on LingQ yet. We only have this test available for 6 languages anyway.

It will be available to test English for Romanian speakers ?

Thank you very much!

Starting with 'for ennglish speakers; is a geat movve. It is not my first language but it is the first we learn aside from our own language.

There is a really annoying thing that if everything gets highlighted and you click at a seemingly random place to make the highlighting go away, it will think you picked a word. Got 3 “wrong” answers so far, just because of this.

It´s ok if you click outside of the white box all together though.

I seem to get from around 20-30K words from the French test, despite having 60K known words. The problem seems to be that I´m bad at picking the right words to fit into the sentences, even when I understand all or just about all the words in the sentence and the options to put in. I often feel more than one of the available words fit into the sentence and perhaps that comes from having a large vocabulary but a lacking sense of grammar and the structure of sentences.

NIce! Thanks for this. I did not actually know that you can virtually test your language skills. It is also a great thing that it is available in different languages. Well, thank you for this link. Will probably have it saved for future reference.