New LingQ Lessons and LingQing functions

at their own faults, the most learned, is not it? I understand that my mail is much, much larger errors. In particular, in the grammar (times, incorrect verbs, etc.). Come the time.

I was insufficiently established. What I wrote is going on when I Click on the blue LingQ button to import my corrected writing text as a Lesson. I will then be able to LingQ the new vocabulary I have suggested. It is clear, however: in the text is not blue not yellow, not labeled words.
When I give the word for the vocabulary (a blue), this delay appears in the “Flashcards” (gotta check the spelling of this word if I just wrote it to someone not “stumble”). In the numerator “New Words” however, does not change a thing. Even if you create 35 words in the “LingQ’s Created”. Counter stationary: stay on zero. With the “Flashcards” to all these words make as 1 to 4. It is perfectly normal to be accepted in the vocabulary.
Thus it is clear where the “faler”. Everything is not “associated” with an is not registered and therefore can not be taken into account in the statistics. Am I right, Mark? In other lessons (normal), the usual think that this problem is not occur.

At earlier version the buttons “LingQ” and “Update statistics” were blue and has been located near each other. So by lingqing new words sometimes I have clicked “Update statistics” instead of “LingQ”.
In the current version the buttons “Play/Pause” and “I know all” are blue and located nearly also, so guess what? :frowning: :smiley:
It’s my unconscious works automatically…
No way to do undo?

And one more thing. By playing audio space button on the keyboard doesn’t work. At earlier version there was no problem.

If I make double click on a word (not highlighted, Firefox) two words becomes highlighted

I really like the feature that I can preview the audio before opening a lesson. Very nice!

Gintaras, you will just have to train yourself I guess… :slight_smile: You can click the I know all button at the bottom of the page. There is no way to undo the I Know All action. As for the space bar, I guess that worked with the old player but not with the new. We have no plans to add keyboard shortcuts for the audio player. Yes, double clicking can lead to some odd highlighting. We are working on the highlighting.

Tone, the New Words counter tells you how many words are new to you in the lesson. Every time you create a LingQ, the number decreases by 1. Once you click I Know All the number goes to 0. You make words Learned by moving their status to 4. These statistics are shown in the Profile. I am not clear on what you are asking.

Thanks. It works well now.

Mark, maybe you can make pop-up confirmation window for “I know all” in the future, at winter for example? :wink:
By the way, I noticed, that saving lingqs became much faster.

You re-tested and don’t understand why the number of “Known words” of your Progress Snapshot in profile page didn’t change. Even if you created LingQs and learned LingQs to stage 4 with flashcard, the number of “Known words” don’t change. Go back to lesson page and click “I Know All” button. And before you click “I Know All” button, see the number on it. It’s called “New Word”. When you click the “I Know All” button, the system automatically add the number of new word and the number of learned LingQs. After that, go to see your progress snapshot and check the number of “Known words” on it.

Is this clear? Hope this helps.
How’s this explanation, Mark?

Thanks. It’s better now. Everything OK, but there are still problems with ‘learned LingQs’ in my profile. I do move the word status to 4. However, the result is 0 or much lower than the real number of learned words.

Thanks, Nobuo!

tevija, we’re working on that.

Thanks for the clarification. Novelty by describing I’ve never tried. This I will do today. I admit that in any lesson, yet I did not activation button “All I Know”. A few words to me always remain and I can not lead to the 4th. If I click this button would then cheated myself, right?

The problem that I have principles is entirely identical to that given by the tevija: inconsistencies in the statistics of the actual state of learning. This is the essence of our observations.
And second: we all not computer “literacy.” Therefore, we need clear instructions. This is now the most misses.

Even if you click the “All I Know” button, it doesn’t mean cheating at all. I recommend you to select your level in your progress snapshop.

There are some explanation about “Known words” in Help Q&A. Go and click Help at the top of this page and read the following Q&A.
How do I increase my Known Words total?

How do I know what level I am?
How do I set my goals and targets?

And one more thing. What is your most fluent language, except Sloven?
I’m Japanese and we have some Japanese members. We can ask how to use LingQ in Japanese and exchange information in Japan. It’s easier for LingQ beginners to understand how to use LingQ site. If you are fluent German, go to the forum in German and ask some question in German. Some old members will help you.

Hope this helps.

thanks. That I needed: precise instructions for use LingQ. I hope to find here the answers to all of my dilemmas.
In my explanation. Because of my ignorance I doing the nasty error. For example: I deletion of circa 50 lessons repeatedly processed. This has resulted in that my “Activity Score” at the time fell from 1700 to the 850. More could be listed. Just trying to say that pioneered the use of essential instructions or hand, which focuses on the right path. Otherwise, the loss of direction and “running” in the false direction. Away from the desired objective.
Thanks again for the very useful advice.

I have what might be a silly question…I just finished reading a text and created several lingqs. When I started, there were “41 New Words” shown in the upper right hand corner of the screen. When I finished, there were only “25 New Words” that I hadn’t lingq’ed.

I pushed the “I Know All” button, assuming it meant the 25 remaining new words would be added to my known words total. However, the tone box which appeared said I was credited for all 41 known words. I’m afraid this will tremendously skew my “Known Words” total with words I really don’t know!

Can anyone tell me what I did wrong?

crowderd, this is a known issue. I suggest you continue LingQing to your heart’s content. The statistics question will be resolved, although there will always be some inconsistency in these statistics. The most important statistic in my view is the LingQs Created statistics. The more of these there are, the more you are learning.

You have created almost 200 LingQs in your various languages. Great going!

When the dust settles on the recent revisions Mark will provide a detailed explanation of how the counting works.

Thank you - I apologize if you’ve gone over this already. Appreciate your response!

Is anyone else experiencing all the words in content items being highlighted blue? This hasn’t happened before, so I’m assuming it’s just temporary. All the words, including one’s I know are all blue, with only the lingqed words being yellow. Quite strange!

Yes, it’s been happening all over. Amazing what can go wrong!