New LingQ Lessons and LingQing functions

I just checked with a French text - it’s all blue (99.9%), but the number of new words (68) seems reasonable.

Yes, the same thing is happening to me too. When I was studying on LingQ this afternoon in Japan time, there was a temporary server down for a few seconds. After that, all words is highlighted in blue.

I have the same problems with every browser and every language, I am not able to work with LingQ with this situation.

the same problem here

Hello. I like the format of the new LingQ.

However, when will it work right?

Tonight, all of the words turned blue or yellow on my display. It was impossible to study there. Yesterday, specific articles couldn’t make any LingQ words…so and so.

Very frustrating.

Sorry about that. We are working to resolve it.

The highlighting should be fixed now. Sorry about that.

The manual updater of the “words read” does not seem to work anymore (I saw another user had this issue as well), nor can I get the stats to increase by clcking on the reading icon on the lessons page, it only brings up the number of lingqs.

The manual addition of reading stats is on our list. We will get to it soon. To update your lesson listening and reading counters you need to click on the first task icon, the iPod icon.

As far as I can see, LingQing of phrases seems to work fine now. Great!

Phrases still don’t really work for me. If I highlight more than one word, the phrase has one word less (two highlighted->one blue, the highlighted->two blue and so on). It works so-so if I highlight a longer phrase than I need, but then I get commas, full stops, quotations marks and what not.

Phrases don’t work for me either.

If I select “qui m’embête” I get as a lingq “qui m”

I can’t select neither “m’embête” because the lingq I get is “m”

If I select “si je vois quelqu’un en vélo qui… qui m’embête” I get as a lingq “si je vois quelqu”… just until the apostrophe.

For some phrases it works but for most ít doesn’t. Question of wishful thinking. Ever so often a word disappears after a single lingqed word and I have to complete the phrase: Apostrophes are a big problem in French or Italian.

This issue is at the top of our list. We are close to having the Asian languages done, and the library working, so the question of highlighting will be addressed asap. Please be a little patient.