New LingQ Lessons and LingQing functions

I’m not sure if this is due to the update or if it’s been this way for a while, but when I try to lingq some German verbs, it automatically capitalizes them some of the time. I think it does so when the word already has a hint for it, but I’m not 100% sure on that yet. It’s not a particularly important issue, just something to note as obviously german verbs should not be capitalized.

I am now unable to select more than one word to create a LingQ. I used to be able to select entire phrases by highlighting them and creating a LingQ for them. Now if I try to do that, it deletes the one blue word in the sentence. This is tough because some words just don’t make sense on their own in the context, and you need to see what else is around it to get the real meaning.

Also, I am unable to add words of writing in my profile. Meaning before, when I looked at my weekly progress report, I could press the plus button and add stuff in. Now when I try to do that, it allows ,me to type in the number of words I wrote but it doesn’t actually update my progress report.

Janne and others. We appreciate your patience. I must say that I am not having problems and am LingQing more than ever. 172 LingQs yesterday and I cannot wait to get back at it. I am LingQing words and phrases.

Every time I see the problems that others are having it is like the jabbing pain of a tooth ache. I hope our programmers can fix these problems soon.

Hi Vera!
You wrote: “And if the functions are not available for a longer time it is frustrating.”
I have just posted my reaction to the above facts. And on the way to the party to the update. This is exactly what is in their fasting indirect you determined and suggested a solution: parallel problem solving. So,so that the old state of bursts.
My comments were well-intentional. Are supported by established facts. There was not anything personal. Each truth is always the one side of a cruel, painful. Those who show an error, is the “devil.”
However, the day that held that the matters improve. As for me I now LingQ’s all what I the current use for learning.

One more problem I just discovered - the “words read” is not being updated in the progress report.

In my profile ‘progress snapshot’ my learned lingqs after saying goodbye disappeared in an unknown direction without a trace. Today I’ve learned 10, but none of them is fixed in my profile. What’s the problem?

Do not boast the day before the night. I was too “praised” that now at LingQ’s what I have all the current use for learning. Even in my “Progress snapshot” does not work section “LingQ’s Learned”. I Processing and circa 300 words! Achieve any change. As if I did not do anything.

Hi tevija!
I know you are definitely among the best students in the LingQ, if not the most good. Among those who already -months long- every day “expire” to the goal. In this case, that means 100% achievement of all the items in your “Progress snapshot”. What a lot of work this is to know anyone, who has tried at least once a day reach “norm”.

Therefore, I understand this completely. Now you can not know whether you or you did not achieve the daily goal. Because “timer” does not work. Currently, we are obviously all without this measurement. Probably just working on this segment. Such is the situation. Unfortunately.

Hi tevija,

How did you learn the 10 words? When I move words to status 4 manually or automatically using the flashcards, my Learned Words statistic increases normally. As has been mentioned elsewhere, the Known Words are not increasing as they should. We are looking into this.

Janna, you must manually add your reading statistics. The system can’t track what you have read. Although, we do count 1 time through each text that you click “I know all” for. To increase your reading stat you should click on the first task, the iPod icon, and you will see reading and listening counters you can update. You can also add stats manually to the Progress Snapshot but the reading and writing doesn’t seem to be working now. :frowning:

We hope to have these statistics issues resolved in the next few days. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Hello mark,
I’m very sorry indeed, but mine, I mean stats, don’t. Out of 23 Learned words, moved mannually using the flashcards to status 4, as automativally it is out of comission, I’ve got only 1 point. I can understand the point, but it’s really annoying. As for ‘known words’ there are some trouble, whereas, reading and listening stats are OK.

I don’t want to ignore Chinese, so I tried copy/paste - 5 words of ~20 were saved. All other tries resulted in a “500 internal server error”. How come some words got saved while most didn’t?

Are you adding them in the Vocabulary section?

tevija, make sure to refresh your Home or Profile page to see your latest stats. I have no problem with the Learned LingQs stat.

I have lost the ability to create LingQs altogether, or to see the LingQs I previously created. The function worked fine yesterday, including seeing the definitions of Linqed words when I hovered the cursor over them. Perhaps you have that function down at the moment.


Just refresh your browser a few times and it should be fine. We made an update today and the version in your browser cache is interfering with the new version. I had the same problem but it works fine once the cache is refreshed. You may have to close the browser and re-open it.

Well Mark, you and your team have been under a lot of pressure this week. I hope it hasn’t spoiled your family holiday!

I should like to just say that LingQ 2 has fixed a design issue that was stressing me out very much, viz the fact that I could only choose to mark whole texts as known or leave them as not known. I read and listen to books and create lingQs chapter by chapter. After listening to and reading a chapter there’s no way I know all the words in it - maybe 80% after 3 readings. It was really bugging me that partial understanding of a chapter didn’t raise my stats. Now I can select the blue words individually and mark them as known, I can have several goes at the same text and see my stats rise after each pass through.

I also now don’t have to create a lingQ for each new word I meet - I can choose to just do, say, the verbs in the infinitive and simply mouse-over the others for definitions. I was creating so many lingQs I couldn’t possibly learn them all, and was starting to get discouraged.

Thank you for restoring my motivation and giving me new ways to use LingQ!

Today I’m re-tested "Progress Snapshot. I created 35 new words (LingQ’s Created). It considers the familiar words. Except for the four words I am using the “Flashcarts” in this lesson and all the words get in the 4 (repeat the exercise to 5-times). Results show (for Today): “LingQ’s Learned” shows 4, “LingQ’s Created” shows the 35, “Known Words” shows 5, and this “Flashcarts” now contains only four words.
Conclusion: achieve a level 4 apparently does not activate the registration of the “LingQ’s Learned”. Activated, however, delete and transfer 31 words from “Flashcarts” somewhere else. Is this a hint what help Mark?

It’s not called “Flashcarts”, it’s called “Flashcards”. Mouse over “Lessons” on the menu bar and then click “Vocaburary” button. You can find all your LingQed words and phrases here. I believe your level-4 missing words are here on the list. And there are also “sort function”, “filter by level” and “filer by lesson”.

Hope this helps.

“Are you adding them in the Vocabulary section?”

Yes, the vocabulary section, I have a “print preview” in another tab, which I copy from. (IE 7.0, Vista, PC if that helps)

When I LingQ a word it works and is highlighted in yellow, but if the same word appears in the text it remains blue and can be lingQed again. Phrases still don’t work properly, one word drops off. Sometimes the phrase (example) is very short and I can copy a longer part of the sentence from the ‘examples’ list.
The audio now works fine on the lesson page, great!

Thank you for the kind words about the site, Helen and SanneT! I know there are some problems and some things that you used to be do that can’t be done the same way any more. But there are a lot of improvements that, all told, greatly improve the efficiency and speed with which you can create LingQs and study. We have more bugs to iron out but we’re getting there.

ToneN, there are some issues with the statistics. We are working on them. I think some of them were that way in the previous version, as well. Only, now that the New Words count is so prominent has it become obvious where the problems are.

Jeff, we are now working on making the Asian language functionality the same as for other languages so please just be patient for another week or so. We are not going to spend the time fixing what is there, we would rather spend the time doing it right.

Reinhard, that duplicate LingQs turning yellow is in our list, as is improving the phrase selection which can sometimes behave strangely. Good idea to copy examples from the Examples list where you can copy and paste.