New LingQ Lessons and LingQing functions

I’m relatively new to Linq. I joined some time back and didn’t use it very much because there wasn’t much content - I’m really pleased with all of the updates and I did use the old system for a short time just prior to the udpate. The process of lingquing definitely seems much smoother to me than it was prior to the updates. Being a newbie, my feedback might not be too valuable as my questions might not be related to glitches but to things I’m not sure about with the system. But I do have one thing that seems to be a glitch. I’m studying Italian and I can’t seem to Lingq a word without picking up the apostrophe and modifying word before it - i.e. dell’ottimo. Every time I try to select ottimo, it picks up the apostrophe and the dell which I don’t want.

sodonnell, I believe this is a known issue and is on our to do list.

JustMe, this is a most curious situation. I wonder if anyone else has had a pile of unwanted content suddenly appear in their lessons. In order to resolve this problem we first need to find out if it is widespread, related to a particular set of circumstances, (language, browser, actions by learner etc.) So any additional info from JustMe or others would be appreciated.

Actions speak Lauder then words.

What is now doing the act, which is normally carried out during the development phase. On the market, however, still places the product, which has already been finalized. This means that it passed all the developmental stages: development, prototype product, zero series, the serial production (or use) of the product.

On the basis of (too) many comments is possible to conclude that the new version LingQ now barely in the development phase. On the market (in use) is, therefore, occurred significantly, significantly too fast. Therefore, even as many still unresolved problems.

It is totally incomprehensible to some excellent work which is exchanged for something that works, better to say … do not function well. Visual appearance, there is only a second-class importance. I saying that any shortcomings are far from eliminated. Some may never not. It is a “sawing” branch on which sit really smart doing?

I am a little bit confused. I’m having 7 pages of 25 lingqs each. All in all this should not be more than 7x25=175 lingqs. But the system tells me that I reached the maximum of 300. Seems for me somehow mathematical impossible…

ToneN even if we are all doing the jobs of beta testers and the new site was updated too soon we don’t mind at all. I think most of us are all very happy to help and prefer to enjoy the new site now rather than wait more months with no bugs.

Maybe there are many comments of bugs but bare in mind all different browsers and o.s., the important thing is that they are all getting fixed.

I think it is better to launch a new version earlier, but when the majority of users are on vacations, then later, when all come back…
Bugs are in the every version of product. You can test product for a couple of months, find a lot of bugs, but when you launch it, users can find as much bugs as you have already fixed… Of course, it is better to write bug-free code, but it is impossible. To test everything is also almost impossible, and it costs too much. LingQ is not a space rocket software, so the price of errors are not too high (although it is rather high, when it comes to satisfaction of possible users). That’s why I think that having several bugs (ahem… but it would be better, if there are less bugs, then this time…) is normal practice.

Click on the Speak button for a lesson (a picture of headphones, that confused me!) and I get a list of 34 pages of all tutors, including me. I’m looking for Rasana, so I go to the filter drop down list. There I can choose…erm, Mark or Steve.

Perhaps you could tag the tutors with the language they support, so I could choose Rasana only, or all Russian tutors, or all tutors available for a given day?

even if there there is no any bug with speaking section, you can’t find my conversations, as I just do not suggest any conversation in August :))
We are moving this week-end, I am packing things this week. And after moving we will not have a high-speed Internet. That’s why I will not be able to use Skype for a while.

Steve or Mark,
I have a question. I found “Tutor Notes and Comments” +Add comment button at the bottom of a lesson page. Every members who learn a lesson can add comments? I know there was a button of “Ask your tutor” in the previous lesson page.

Can I leave a casual comment like "I really like this topic!! or I enjoyed to read and listen to this episode!, something like this type of comments? When I click +Add comment button, the text area for the Ask your tutor forum. I know all of the messages in the Ask Your Tutor Forum are questions and answers about phrases.
I hesitated to add comment. I just want to make sure what type of comments I can post. If I can add casual thought after study the topic, it would be fun.

Hi Berta!
With all due respect: is it really too much to be hired from the (purchased, gearing, etc…) expects to be concerned also worked, was useful? I am sure that in private life act exactly after the above-mentioned position.
Second: I also would much prefer to learn English. Unfortunately this is currently impossible or at least very, very difficult and limited. Evidence they find on the findings of both the Forum.
Thirdly: of course is necessary upddating in terms of insurance. However you need it, if it do quality or, if this do to “ruin” essence, the basic situation. Do we not say me that there is no difference.

Thank you berta and rasana for your understanding of the situation. Perhaps we launched “early” but in fact the launch has been delayed much longer than we expected, months longer. We have made very substantial changes.

We felt the changes were necessary in order for LingQ to become attractive to a wider group of users…easier LingQing, easier to use Library (when it is working properly) , more enjoyable learning experience and more. We are confident that the changes, along with other less substantial ones we have planned, will achieve this goal. If we did not think the these changes could expand our user base, would have no choice but to shut LingQ down. It is our risk and our decision.

If we have sped up development by a month or more by inconveniencing some of users for a few days, and some more a week, I believe it is worth it. I would do it again. We cannot afford to refine and test for ever on our own. Some users may be so offended that they leave, that is their choice. We think most users will help us make the site better, and that is what we are seeing, people reporting problems and helping us fix the bugs. We appreciate the cooperation and understanding.

Mark did not anticipate so many problems or he would not have scheduled the launch when he did, since he is on a week holiday with family in a location with a slow connection, trying to coordinate the programmers and answer users’ questions while his family is playing in the sun.

Nobuo, you are absolutely allowed to just comment! Tell people how you liked the lesson, ask for similar lessons, comment on the sound quality. Whatever you like. That is exactly what we want. Also, the Ask a Tutor forum is open to everybody. Anybody can ask and anybody can answer. Plus and Premium members are guaranteed an answer from their tutor but most questions are quickly answered.

helloyou, how many LingQs do you have in other languages? All languages are combined for the LingQ limit.

I’m glad to hear that we are allowed to just comment in each lesson! I think it’s nice improvement in New LingQ. Some time when I imported and shared articles from VOA, I wanted to say “This is a interesting story! Check it out, everyone!”. And we can leave our comments easily right after I listened to the episode of EnglishLingQ podcast. When I happen to find a treasure lesson in the library, I can express my feeling how enjoy is it.

When I add comment for the lesson, if I can choose the forum that I want to post, I would be more confortable. Those kinds of casual comments(not questions) are suitable in Contents Forum or Open Forum.

And one more thing, The indication “Comments and Tutor Notes” is better than “Tutor Notes and Comments”, because it’s easy to understand everyone can add comments, not only tutors.

I have to admit that I understand ToneN attitude and the answers to him seems to be a bit harsh in my opinion. I personally would prefer to wait longer with improvements and to get a software with less errors. You should try to see it from the view of a paying member. A paying member is different to see from free members. A paying member pays for getting special functions. And if the functions are not available for a longer time it is frustrating.

I worked as a software developer for a long time. And I know that software development is difficult. It is normal that there could occur errors. But I think you have to reduce the number of errors on a minimum.

Maybe it is possible to change the way how improvements are done. I read that the update was first made on a test server. Why don’t you offer a beta version and ask some of the members to be beta testers on this server. I would love to help and become a beta tester. Or you offer the option to switch between old and new functionality for some weeks.


These are good suggestions. We did not anticipate so many problems. i have no idea what is involved in setting up a Beta server but it is something we could look at for next time.

When I first found LingQ I was astonished that it was:
a) inexpensive
b) flexible
c) friendly
d) no strings attached.

Some of the new “features” [cough]bugs[cough] are a bit of a nuisance (although they have now either been fixed or I have figured out work-arounds). I am quite prepared to be a beta-testing guinea pig if it keeps the membership costs low and the system responsive to user comments.

If you had set up the new system to run in parallel with the old I for one would have just got confused. Presumably the data on the two systems would get out of step?

To Mark,

I think this update is great. However, I have something to say. As a royal member. I have to say, you should test the site more carefully before launch it next time. Really, we all understand that small problems are normal, inevitable, but it is hard to believe that you have done all the inspections. All of the changes are great, better, and most of the members would agree. But the details do matter.

I mainly study English here. Everything is fine and really brings me a better experience(when it’s not getting slower.) The only inconvenience is that unpredictable evil blue selection. I have to select very carefully and reload page if needed.

But when leaning Asian languages at LingQ, you must constantly chose a selection you want to create a LingQ. That makes it become a chaos. I am pointing out this because there might be a few of paid members who study Japanese here primarily .

This is just my sincere suggestions. I deeply admire you and Steve for creating LingQ. (by the way, have you ever thought about applying this innovative way of learning languages for a patent?)


Please rest assured that we did not anticipate the number of problems that we are experiencing and are very sorry for the inconvenience. We are working to fix things as soon as possible.

Words with hiphen (ex, bien-être) can’t be Lingqed, only the first word appears…

this seems to happen also in phrases in which there is a word from which a created lingQ already exists…