New LingQ Lessons and LingQing functions

I experienced the same problem as peterlaunonen (words drop off or disappear (until page is refreshed) when LingQing expressions that contain already LingQed words) - very frustrating - because I tend to LingQ more and more phrases. Sometimes only a part of the word is highlighted (yellow): eg. renvoyée - only ‘voyée’ is highlighted and it’s impossible to lingQ the whole word or even delete the LingQ.
Also it’s impossible to ‘copy and paste’ from the text - I read dilemme’s report and Mark’s answer, but it’s impractical to copy from the print view or from imported material. I think it should be possible to copy from the workdesk text without creating blue highlighting.

A couple of days ago I wrote in forum “Known Issues For the Current Update”:
“I can’t put the whole phrase into clipboard. If I select phrase - it becomes blue and there is no function like"copy”

This issue exists in Opera and IE only. With Firefox I can copy whole sentence.

steve wrote:
“If you have a lot of yellow highlighted words on your text you will find the hovering yellow words showing up when you may not want them. I find that it is helpful to get in the habit of parking your courser somewhere white so as not to trigger the yellow pop up when you do not want it.”

Blue highlighted words do the same.

One way to solve this issue may be to change old habits (this is helpful for our canonical neurons);
the other way can be to change the way how lingqing works (not from cursor, but from a click).

The button “I know all” didn’t work today in Opera and Firefox (internal error), but worked in IE8

I know that there are some serious issues here and the programmers are working on them.

However I would like to get some reaction to the new functionality, even given the glitches that have been identified.

I have been using the new lesson page for LingQing now for a short while, and I find it much more enjoyable than the previous for a variety of reasons.

The appearance is more pleasing and this includes having the full screen.

Another factor is the sense of action. I feel a sense of anticipation or looking forward to things that might happen. Will there be a user Hint? Which yellow highlighted words will show up. How many new words will I find that I did not know…etc.

To me it is a more active, and interactive, experience and therefore more enjoyable, much more enjoyable. To me LingQing in the old system was more of a duty or chore that I knew I had to do in order to create my word and phrase list. This is more fun, at least for me. I realize this is personal. Any comments.

In fact the new LingQing does not seem to work properly on my computer. Nothing happens for me in Firefox, and and Safari I have to click to open the yellow, blue or underlined words. At first this seems easier because there are no pop ups. However, after a while I found it less pleasant, less active, fewer things happening and more of a chore. In my experience, the hovering definitions are more pleasing, more ludic. So I would suggest trying to get used to parking the cursor out of the way when you do not want things to happen. Just my view.

Still haven’t figured out problem on my Mac. I do have other mouse problems on my Mac so I may take it in for service.

Does other people besides me have the problem that nothing happens when the move over a blue or yellow word? I have this problem with all lessons in Firefox that I tried. I have this problem with some lessons in IE 7. Some lessons work with IE 7. Any hints what I can do?

From August 6 to 16 I’m on holiday. I hope that I can work properly with LingQ again after my holiday. For me it is no fun now.

But I think if it work properly, and if there is a way to cut&paste text to bring it into the hint, it would be an improvement.

I like blue highlighted words. In the past often I had forgot if I have some words in my vocabulary, so I linked the same words. Now I can see all of new words.

I like appearance of new LingQ also. New LingQ is very beautiful and therefore pleasant.

One thing I don’t like. To set number of listening/reading at LingQ-1 I had just click on a counter. At LingQ-2 I must open pop-up then set number and then close the pop-up. There is a lot of work. Three times more :slight_smile:

By the way. I and other learners came to the LingQ to learn from you, Steve. So if you, our Teacher, have created a new system, we will learn to use it. I admire your passion to learning and passion to make new things for learning. Now I understand what does it mean “Kaufmann Typhoon” :slight_smile:

To Vera
I had this problem with Opera and Firefox. With IE8 this problem disappeared. (But actually I hate IE8. I think we must be patient and work with other articles, which work properly. One day problems will be gone)

One more thing. If I’m clicking on yellow or blue highlighted word, pop-up appears next to cursor. That’s great.
I don’t have to move cursor far away to fill fields. It saves my time.

To Gintaras: To Gintaras: No one else reported this problem. Therefore I asked if it is a special problem with my settings. But if you have the same problems my settings seems to be o.k.

I have the problem Vera, but only on my Mac, but not on my wife’s Mac. I am trying to figure out why. Vera give us all your suggestions before you go on holiday, then forget about LingQ, and then when you come back, hopefully all will be well again.

I really like the new blue/yellow/grey underline/white words distinction. I also really like the mouseove for a dictionary definition. I was getting really bogged down with Russian because I had loads of LingQs which were really very obscure (gerunds, instrumental plurals etc). I had had to create the LingQ to find out what the word meant by reading. Now I can choose which words are worth a new LingQ.

But…the Tutor page no longer tells me who I am having each conversation with. I can click on the title of each conversation as before but the link now seems to be broken. This is a pain because I have to search through my e-mail to find out who I should be Skyping, whereas before all the information was on one page.


just click “calendar” and you can click through to the same info

Actually I enjoy looking through the highlighted words in a new text.

Now mightn’t it make sense to put a word list or word lists with the 1000 or 2000 most common words in a given language into the library? Words that have not been LingQed from studied texts would be highlighted in blue in the list and you would get a percentage against which you could also measure your progress up to a certain extent. Then you could also go for examples from the library for these ‘new words’.

For importing a word list myself I would need the import function though…

I like the new linq lessons and lingqing very very much! Much easier and fun to work with the texts and the lingQs.

I have a whole bunch of lessons that I never added on my desktop, supposedly recently added (European Portuguese, Steve’s book, the series). I can’t seem to remove them nor archive them but I’d like them gone.

I like the new colours and the mouse-over function. Great. Almost like a popup dictionary.

While Chinese was in Beta (for how many years now?), I wonder if it will ever step up to Alpha. Right now it’s worse than before (yes - I know that the programmers are working on it!), since everything is a mess.

Current lesson:
23 new words according to “My lessons”, but only 5 (!) when I open the lesson. No yellow LingQs. I can’t even highlight a single character (except already underlined ones) without getting a whole phrase (I just tried it - eight characters plus a full stop). I cant import. Copy/paste is not an alternative I’m considering right now.

Actually, going alpha will be stepping down, rather than up.

Jeff, we need to fix the problems with the new update first. After that, fixing Asian languages is next on the agenda. We have some ideas and will implement it within the month (hopefully! :-)).
JustMe, I don’t know what you mean by your Desktop but you can archive and delete any lessons from the Lessons page.
Reinhard, we will fix the import text editor in IE.

My desktop, work desk, homepage, list of lessons, whatever.
Yes Mark, I did finally managed to archive them (all 18 of them :S ) then delete them but it still doesn’t explain how they got there in the first place, with words already highlighted. =/
So, thanks anyway.