New iLingQ 2.0

I’m on iOS 4.1

Have you tried deleting and reinstalling the app? I wonder if there was an issue with the install, and reinstalling may help to fix it.

I have tried to use the flash card app again after a while. It crashes as soon as I want to switch to another language. (iOS 5). I can use iLingQ without any problems though.

We don’t actually support the flashcard app anymore, hence the notification that iLingQ is available for Free members as well. We don’t have any plans to update the Flashcards app anymore and encourage everyone to migrate to iLingQ instead.

No problem. I just didn’t realize it. I’m happy with iLingQ :slight_smile:

I just deleted and then reinstalled iLingq. After that iLingq started with no problems, but when I entered my account data and tried to log in, it crashed instantly. Now the app is in the same state as before. It seems that the log in process causes these crashes.

Same with me… iLingQ crashes immediately.

Update: After deleting the app and reinstall via iTunes, everything seems fine.

@Poljakov - Can you try what hape suggested? That is, deleting the app and reinstalling via iTunes?
Also, do you have any strange characters in your password?

I tried what hape suggested, but with no luck. And no, my password does not contain strange characters, only alphanumerics. Also I noted, that it’s not even the log in process that is causing the crashes. When I try to log in with a fake password, instead of crashing it gives me an error message (as it should be), hence the crash is caused by something which happens after authentification.

Can you email your login information to LingQ Support so we can try and reproduce the problem? Just send an email to support (at) lingq (dot) com.

Hi Guys

I have some iLingQ questions:

  1. is there a lmit to the number of lessons that will display? I seem to remember it being set at 30 so it would not take so much time to load. And if so, what if the items on your playlists are either a) not on your main list and/or b) exceed 30 in total?

  2. If I edit flashcards on a PC and then go to iLingQ in some WIFI zone, will I have to not only open the app but actually open the particular lesson that I edited the flashcards in… in order for the flashcards to be updated in IlIngQ?

  3. If I delete the MP3 cache, will the audio slowly accumulate again as i refresh lessons in Ilingq while connected to wifi.



@dooo - 1) Yes, you will only see up to the first 30 lessons in your active list on the list page. Lessons in your playlists will only appear in your playlists if they are not still in the first 30. It’s possible that you could have more than 30 lessons in your playlists but there is a limit on the amount of audio that can be stored in the app. Right now you can only store 100 MB.
2) Yes, you will have to open the app and open a lesson to have the lesson update word statuses.
3) Yes, the audio will accumulate again after you remove it.

Thanks Mark. “Lessons in your playlists will only appear in your playlists if they are not still in the first 30” Is this a typo ?

These lessons will continue to appear in the Playlists, actually. But as Mark says, it may cause conflicts with the mp3 cache if you have too many lessons there.

So, as long as you do not exceed the the 100 MB audio limit, you can have more than 30 unique lessons if you add all the unique lessons on the active list and the playlist.

Do you find issues when this happens? I have 4 playlists in Chinese totalling about 60 lessons, plus the active list. I find that sometimes, especially when offline , the lessons will not load even though I have loaded them online before.

If you hit the 100MB cache limit, the oldest cached items will automatically be deleted, hence why some previously loaded items won’t display (they’ve likely been pushed from the cache).

Actually that has not happened. They are short lessons and the highest I have been is 90MB something. In any case it is not the audio that is not loading, it is the text. (I generally have an mp3 player that I use for audio since I like to listen while I flashcard.)

I’m not entirely sure. Are the items that aren’t showing in the playlist or in the lessons list?

Playlist. It is intermittent.

OK. If this continues to happen, I recommend clearing the MP3 cache while connected to the internet. As soon as you clear the cache, the items in the playlists will automatically start downloading again.