New iLingQ 2.0

I have a request related to this answer "2) Yes, you will have to open the app and open a lesson to have the lesson update word statuses. " to my recent questions:

I think it would be great if there were a setting by which you can update all word statuses in all lessons without having to open individual lessons online. It seems that would be the natural way to do it because it is likely people are reviewing vocab across lessons rather than lesson by lesson.

@dooo - I just checked, and this is what it actually does do :slight_smile: Just restart the app to go back to online mode and everything will be automatically pushed to the server.

As you can see, I was testing in a test account! :wink:

I have just installed iLinqQ 2.2 and I have some questions.

  • It doesn’t no longer work large text, doesn’t it?
  • How can I know how many MB (audio) did I store at this moment?

@Yasuko - It still works with large texts. Nothing has changed there. Long texts with long audio and many LingQs may take a little time to load but it still works fine. In fact, it should load more quickly than it did before. To see your audio cache size and to clear it if necessary, go to the Settings screen in the app.

Well… It doesn’t work with large texts in my app… Also some strange letter appears between text like “ f=”mGuruUrl://45”class=”one To Three”>”
Anyway it isn’t big deal, so maybe I will wait until new version comes up.

It’s naive question, but when should I clear MP3 chache?

Yes, the large text isn’t working and there is that code appearing for some phrases. These issues will be fixed in the next update. As for clearing your cache, you shouldn’t really have to do it most of the time. As you add new lessons and archive old ones, the cache will be updated. As you add new lessons, older lessons should be removed from the cache automatically.

This is in response to Alex’s last post,

I do not experience the same thing. I had a lesson open on the PC and made some additional LingQs. Then I went to iLingQ which was on line and refreshed on the lesson list page without opening the particular lesson. Then I went off line and opened the particular lesson and the LingQs I had just made were not there.

If this problem can be verified I would like to renew the call for refreshing on the lesson list page to refresh all LingQs that had been made between iLingQ sessions.

Just want to bump this to see if anyone else has the same experience…

Yes, dooo that is how the app works. The lesson texts and LingQs are only refreshed when the lesson itself is opened. We are not going to refresh all lessons texts and cards when refreshing the lesson list since that would make that page load extremely slowly especially as you have more and more lessons. That is the same reason we can only show lessons previously opened online when you are offline.

ok thx… is there another iLingQ (flashcards only)? And if so does it work the way I suggest?

No, the flashcard app does not work offline. Sorry. There is no quick way to update all your flashcard sets on the app.

Thanks again.
I think it would be nice to have an “sync all” setting, at least for the first 30 lessons on the Lesson list. Just my 2 cents.

Issue: Using iLingQ for iPhone version 2.3.5, some language names in the language selection screen show as codes. Such as nl, eo, fi, he, ar. Other languages appear by name.

@keke_eo - It seems to display properly for me on 2.3.5. Can you try reinstalling the app to see if that helps resolve this issue?

I didn’t do anything and now it seems to work :slight_smile: Must have been a temporary glitch.

OK, glad to hear it! :slight_smile:

I’m not sure if these questions are covered above…?? But I have a couple of questions:

  1. I have a playlist on the on-line LingQ account.

  2. This playlist does not display on my iphone.

  3. Lessons that I have on my account are not displaying on my iphone.

  4. I tried to delete the mp3 cache but the button doesn’t seem to do anything…


@pmda - I’d be happy to answer your questions.

(1&2) The playlists on the site and in the app are currently not synchronized, though this is a feature that we hope to add soon.

(3) The app will display up to your 30 most recently opened lessons in a language. It should show the same list as the My Lessons page shows when the Recently Opened sort is active. If this isn’t the case try swiping down on the list of lessons to refresh it and see if that helps.

(4) Do you have mp3 files stored there? Tapping that button should return it to 0/100 MB. I just checked and this seems to work properly, so make sure you’re updated to the most recent version of the app: ‎LingQ | Learn 42 Languages on the App Store