Netflix importer not working

We are looking into the issue and will do our best to have it fixed asap.

Same issue it seems. Getting an error message. The new Chrome extension is “not compatible” with my old computer. Are there other options for me?
Also are there options using an iphone or ipad?

I’m having the same problem. Early today I could import 2 episodes of a series, then suddenly it stopped working. And I the only error message I get is “Error:”. I tried Chrome and Firefox and it was the same in both browser. I also deactivated other extensions so that there wasn1t any interfearence, but nothing changed.

Same with me, can’t import Netflix shows, but I can import YouTube vid’s.

Still not working, weeks later? How long do we need to wait?

In the past the issue has been with Google, not updating the extension for LingQ.

So weird, worked for one, then went back to standard not working mode.

As of today I can’t import from Netflix via Chrome, even though my browser is up to date and I reinstalled the Lingq extension. I get the “Error: No appropriate captions found” message.

For those who are tired for waiting for Lingq to fix this, there is a solution here: Netflix - subtitle downloader

Thanks parcero. I’ve downloaded it along with ViolentMonkey, but have no idea how to use it. Can you help?

I used tamper monkey, but just clicked install this script, and then it appeared as an extension in chrome and at the top of the Netflix page when watching a video I could download it.

This may help How to download subtitles from Netflix TV shows, movies and videos let us extract, get, rip captions - YouTube

Thanks parcero. Tried installing Tamper Monkey. The option doesn’t show up like in the video you sent. Can you send me a screenshot of where it’s at on your computer? Maybe I’m missing it.

I get an “Error:” message in both Safari and Chrome on macOS;
Actually it just doesn’t work for Terrace House, maybe it’s because the Subtitle option says CC

Strangely, it worked for me earlier today, when I managed to successfully import the captions from one episode of a show, then this evening when I tried to import the captions for the next episode, it failed to work, and still isn’t working. Still using Chrome.

Once you do all the steps that Parcero said, Netflix shows up this new button on top of the page. You can download the subtitles in a zip folder. You must unzip it and then convert the subtitles into text. You can now import them on Lingq. This is how I managed to do it.

Thanks for the detailed explanation soymilkcoffee :slight_smile: unfortunately I’m not seeing anything like your screenshot either. Thinking maybe it’s because my mac is about 8 years old?

thanks parcero. I used TamperMonkey and your link and it worked. But the result is full of extra info (time stamps, etc…) . This is an example from Brazilian show.

00:00:12.303 → 00:00:14.723 position:50.00%,middle align:middle size:80.00% line:79.33%
<c.bg_transparent>Deixa eu ver essa daqui…</c.bg_transparent>

00:00:14.889 → 00:00:18.810 position:50.00%,middle align:middle size:80.00% line:79.33%
<c.bg_transparent>Não, fica parecendo um peixe psicodélico.</c.bg_transparent>
<c.bg_transparent>Deixa eu ver essa outra.</c.bg_transparent>

00:00:19.310 → 00:00:21.146 position:50.00%,middle align:middle size:80.00% line:84.67%
<c.bg_transparent>Não. Muito, muito lilás.</c.bg_transparent>

Anybody know how to get just the text, like it was before (I did it 1 year ago and it was a charm)? Thanks!

I tried importing from Netflix today and it seems to be working again!

amaziiing. yes it works now! you brought good karma. thank you :slight_smile:

YESSS me too! Bless both of your karma!