Netflix importer not working

Is this still not working? What is the workround? I am looking at Netflix screen showing French subtitles with the extension displaying “Error: no appropriate captions found”. Joined Lingq today and so far it’s been v frustrating

They’ve fixed the Firefox plugin, but Chrome is still broken. To be fair, it looks like it’s not their fault. They’ve got a moving target to hit since sometimes browsers and content providers change how things work in a way that breaks plugins.

Thanks Brandon. Appreciate your reply - I downloaded Firefox and the extension worked fine and very quick and smooth. Up and running!
Not sure how everyone else uses it to learn but I split my screen so Netflix and Lingq both displaying

So it is working in chrome, but it imports not the complete subtitles. I tried the show community S1:E1 (english cc subtitles), and it imports only the last 50% of the show. If I go into the developer console, you will find the full 100% subtitles. So it’s a problem with the importer.
I tried the firefox lingq importer as well, and there is also a problem.

Now I opened it again in linqg and see the first 50% of the subtitles. Stange.

Now I figured out that lingq can’t handle only 2000 words. But it would be cool if the importer split the contents into parts.

@DragonByte79 LingQ does split lessons automatically every 2000 words. But it does actually import the complete text and split it into parts. In some cases, it takes some time for additional parts to appear, but if you check the same course now, you should see the complete text there.

Same for me. Chrome doesn’t work at all but Firefox succeeds in just a few seconds. Mine is macOS 10.15.7

We are investigating the issue with Chrome and Netflix and looking for a solution. It turned out to be a bit more complicated that expected, but we hope to find a solution soon. Thanks for your patience everyone!

The same situation.

Thanks Zoran. I am experiencing the same failure with Edge (Windows 10) and Safari (Most up-to-date Mac OS)

@Zness Strange. Are you sure videos you are trying to import have subtitles available in your study language?

I’ve used the extension fine the first 22 episodes of Call My Agent. But yesterday and today whenever I try (on any episode) I just get a red error message. Exact same thing in both Chrome and Firefox

Yes. I am trying to watch Pálpito. It worked a few weeks ago for S01E01, but it does not work anymore, as I am trying to watch S01E02 and getting simply “Error”.

FWIW - I am also having the same problem as Zness. (There are available subtitles). Running a PC. Have tried Firefox, Edge, and Chrome.

The lingq extension isnt letting me import off of netflix. I get an error messege usually displaying that there are no available captions and other times just an error messege with no information at all.

Zoran, are you getting the error?

Thanks everyone, we are investigating the issue.

It hasn’t worked in 2 days for me from Chrome so I downloaded Firefox and it doesn’t work on there either. It just shows error but no message.

Importing from Netflix didn’t work the first time I tried this morning, but a minute later I was able to download one episode of Seinfeld, then it stopped working again.

me, too!

On MacOS, Chrome worked yesterday, and it allowed me to import subtitles from Netflix. Today, Chrome doesn’t work for the same show’s episode. I tried Firefox, Safari, and Edge, but none worked. I upgraded my OS to the latest (12.5.1), but that did not help. Any recommendations would be appreciated.