Netflix importer not working

Yup working for me as well!

Not working for me ; neither iPad nor mac / chrome nor mac / safari

Tampermonkey creates a VTT file that you need to convert into a text file

happyscribe seems to work fine to do this

it is a heck of a long-winded way though. Wish they’d fix the lingq extension!

Yeah, it stopped working for me today. Worked fine 3 days ago. I’ve tried with both Chrome and Firefox.

Thanks everyone, we are looking into it.

It is still not working. I imported the Kevin James Never Don’t Give Up weeks ago but it created only part 1 and not the complete show. I tried it again, today. Nothing imported.

ok it is working. I deleted my previous Kevin James import and imported it again. And it created all parts.

Hi Zoran, I left a comment a few days ago but I can’t see it. So makin sure you know it isn’t working again.

@Talis Thanks, we are investigating the issue.

Thanks Zoran :pray:

  • not working on Edge

Hi Zoran, it’s been almost a week, is there any progress on this issue? Using Netflix was by far my best study method, and something only LingQ can do.
Thanks, T

We are trying to figure out what’ going on. Thanks for your patience!

Has the importer been fixed for Netflix? Trying to figure out if it’s my PC extension or not?

Same for me. Mac on all browsers.

I’m no longer to import from Netflix from safari. When I try to import a lesson I am unable to select a language and complete the task

Please make sure you have updated to the latest version of the Safari extension. All should be working well.

Update: The Chrome, Safari and Firefox extensions have been updated and should resolve any Netflix import issues. The Edge extension will take a little time to go through their review process.

Working for me, thank you! Mac (Yosemite) on Firefox :+1:

The app no longer allows imports. The import button stays grayed out. I have an Android with all updates current. It has been doing this all week.

The Edge extension update has now been approved and is available as well.