Major update to lessons organization, tutoring functionality and much more

Sorry @solanderdog and Yutaka, I see the issue now. It works for me only because I am an admin user. We will get that fixed.

Thanks Yutaka, I see that on my wall too. Strange. We will get that fixed. Other walls seem fine.

I didnā€™t see the sidebar at the right. Thatā€™s very useful.
Thank you for your reply.

Mark, somewhere you mention the ā€œExchangeā€. I cannot find this page. I would like to submit writing for correction to a tutor who used to accept writings for correction and cannot do it on their profile page.

On the other hand there are dozens of ā€œtutorsā€ on the Tutors page who have not been active for years. I just donā€™t believe they have made the necessary settings. Itā€™s incredible. Itā€™s so frustrating. Itā€™s as if you said ā€œGo, play somewhere else!ā€

I can still wait for improvements. For the time being I can use the app. But no conversations or writing corrections. Maybe I should just try sending something to a tutor to see what happens, but then, why should I spend points if nothing comes back. There is a big risk of losing points that way, Iā€™m afraid.

However, I cannot use the site in a browser on an iPad or iPhone because I cannot scroll down far enough on the Tutors and Community pages.

@alleray - Have you tried searching for that tutor on the Tutors page? If you spend points to submit writing and the writing is not corrected, you get your points back. The tutors that show are tutors who have set up their profile in the past. The previous set up required you to input time every week while the new setup just duplicates your schedule each week. That is why these guys show up. We will continue to improve the listings but it will take a bit of time. Who is the tutor you are looking for?

As for the Exchange, it is now free and is found in the Community section under Writing Exchange. All you can do there is post short texts and wait for other members to correct them.

Yes I have also been having the same problem.

Itā€™s TroisRoyaumes, who used to offer paid writing corrections and doesnā€št show up on a search on the Tutors page.

A few more updates here:

  • Editing of forum posts should now be possible for everyone. Thanks for your patience here!
  • Playlist listening count should be working properly again.
  • Layout fixed in the Settings popup
  • You should now be able to post on all membersā€™ walls
  • You should no longer see your posts made on other membersā€™ walls on your own wall
  • All issues related to liking lessons should be resolved.

I still have that problem. I canā€™t edit anything in my tutoring profile. Iā€™ve sent an email to Zoran with screen captures. Iā€™ve tried with Chrome, Mozilla, Explorer.

I donā€™t like not being able to go to my lessons very easily. Like ssoldantankov above, I find the ā€œupgradeā€ makes the whole thing unusable.

Thank for fixing the major problems with the Kindle version, so that I can at least find some things now, and can scroll down. But I was going to post this as an edit to another post I made in this thread, but I canā€™t find it. Is there a way to find your post you have made, and I just havenā€™t found it yet?

As a potential student, I was wondering the same thing. It would make a difference as to whether or not I would be able to use the feature.

Is the word count fix coing soon?

@job86 itā€™s on our list. Hopefully this week.

Where do you see who has signed up for a class? Looking on the calendar it only shows an empty space.

Also, how do you find the conversation report?

Are you still working on this problem?

I donā€™t receive messages on a memberā€™s wall and they donā€™t see mine. There is a choice of public/private and I sent messages as private. One message that I sent when I was in one language doesnā€™t show when I go to another language and open the memberā€™s wall. Donā€™t they get an email message when someone posts a message on their wall?
I think the possibility to communicate with members is one of the most important issues here. Languages are all about communication. ā€œRosesā€ are really secondary.


I posted a private message on your wall.
Have you received a notification?

Yes, this is a big problem.
Before I could open the wall of my friends and see their progress, the lessons which they like and of course all my messages to them (public and priivate).
And now these walls are empty for me and perhaps my wall is also empty for them.
And how can wee communicate?
I think the previous view of profile pages like also prervious tiutoring with 15-minute slots and with the clear calender were mucvh more convenient and much more easier.