Major update to lessons organization, tutoring functionality and much more

I wonder when it becomes possible for us to edit our posts on the forum pages.
It is impossible to save edited posts.

The web server doesn’t accept any changes of past posts. What we can do is delete the posts and write a comment again.

{“entityMap”: {}, “blocks”: [{“text”: “\u3042 …\uff01\uff01”, “depth”: 0, “type”: “unstyled”, “inlineStyleRanges”: [], “entityRanges”: []}]}

Mails from lingQ that tells us that someone has commented on our post are strange.
They are garbled characters. It happens not only in mail messages but also in the “Notifications” section on the web. I suppose that some commands related to character codes are missing.

The notifications do not display any text of messages. They duplicate the thread title. Example:

16 minutes ago
commented on Updates, Tips and Known Issues
Major update to lessons organization, tutoring functionality and much more
Major update to lessons organization, tutoring functionality and much more

{“entityMap”: {}, “blocks”: [{“text”: “1. I am worried about your health.\n2. I am worrying about your health.\n3. I worry about your health.\n4. Your health worries me.\n\nAs a native speaker, these do not have significant enough differences to worry about which one you choose to say. Though, the first sounds most natural to me.”, “depth”: 0, “type”: “unstyled”, “inlineStyleRanges”: [], “entityRanges”: []}]}

This is what I received now.

Yes, it’s odd.
And if write something on someone’s wall, it dublicates on my wall (For what? ) - and without the indication of the person on which wall I wrote it.
If for example I infiorm 10 of my friends about my new podcast - I have all of these 10 messages dubblicated on my own wall. It looks weird!

Thanks we are working on this…

That seems strange. How are you trying to do this? Which browser are you using? Make sure to click Edit on the Profile Settings page and make sure to click Save to save your changes.

Which browser are you using? Editing posts seems to work fine for me in Chrome and Safari.

Safari, mac OS 10.12.6

I cannot edit the above post.

More than six days ago, Brucenator wrote the above comment in this thread.

Yes, that’s strange. We’ll look into that.

In the interest of not bothering all the people on this thread with a string of notifications with the back and forth on this, I have asked you for more detail on your wall. Editing is working so it seems to be something specific to you. It was an issue when Brucenator reported it but has been fixed for days now.

I just tested it. It still doesn’t work for me. Windows 10, Firefox (61).

What doesn’t work? When you click Edit nothing happens? Or, when you click Save nothing happens? It’s fine for me in Firefox too. Please send screenshots of what you see. Ideally, email support or post on my wall.

I use Chrome. I had no problem since last week-end. When I click on “edit” it opens my profile. I can edit my description but the rest of the page never finishes loading.

I mean “until last week-end”. I’m not able to edit posts either.


Your wall does not accept messages. There are no messages on your wall.

When I click save, the editor closes but the original message stays the same … even after I refresh the page.

I just tried to edit my last post. I typed “test” and clicked save. Nothing seems to have been saved.