Major update to lessons organization, tutoring functionality and much more

I can’t find you on there.

Thank you for this detailed explanation of the situation. I’ll wait to see how it all works out.

still waiting for the update for android? what is happening about it?

Thanks, solanderdog. I appreciate it.

Give us some time to work out the kinks. I am also partial to maintaining the option to have free language exchanges. Difficult to organize in the system and not too many people do this. But let’s think about it. Note also that in setting your schedule forward, you are not obliged to confirm or accept any conversation request based on that schedule. However, having a schedule out there is going to ensure that we have some action don’t discourage learners and tutors through inactivity. At least we think so. Let’s see how it works out.

Will the word count for vocabulary be added soon? Also, I would like to be able to look through my word count. Before the update one was able to click page numbers that went through all unknown words. I really, really hope this gets fixed ASAP. Thanks.

@Oxygen Yes, we hope to have those things back in the next few days.

The next Android update will be a big one. Hopefully, we’ll have it ready in the next week or so.

No, gifted points are not affected since points are deducted immediately from all tutoring transactions. So, no points need to be deducted from points that end up in your account. That was the one of the big problems with the previous version which meant we ended up with two different classes of points which was very hard to track.

Your point about the lessons award illustrates the reason we had to make this update. The reason the lessons award is going down is because there are fewer points expiring now than there used to be. This is not because users are more careful with their points but rather because fewer points were being sold and being used and therefore expiring. You ask why we made these changes, that is why. Regarding content points, we will figure out how we continue to provide lesson awards.

Thanks, Mark.
And two questions left:
I have about 200 friends-followers but if I try to see all of them and press ‘See all’, I receive only 12 of my friends on the page. And how to see all friends?
And when I receive several roses from the same learner for my lessons I used to open this notification in order to thank this learner for his/her roses. But now if I press ‘see the rose’ I can’t see the profile of the learner and can’t thank him/her. Will it be correcterd?

Much looking forward to it.

Please fix the site before broking the app.
The only way to find the lessons still exists in the app.

I think it could be discouraging if students have their requests rejected over and over again or get no response at all because a tutor who no longer uses the system still has a schedule posted.

What are you talking about?

There is an issue with the pager on the site. Hopefully that will be fixed today and you will then be able to access all friends. The rose issue is also something we are working on.

Yes, tutors who respond quickly will be show higher in the list of tutors and those who don’t respond will fall and eventually be removed.

That’s good!

Some more fixes just pushed:

  • Pager is back working on Library tabs, My Lessons, Vocabulary and Friends list
  • There is a Resource dropdown for all lessons in the reader. It defaults to Full Text but if additional resources like Translation or Video are available, they will be listed in the dropdown. If Translation or Video is selected from Resource dropdown it is remembered for that lesson.
  • LingQs can be edited from the “View all LingQs” list when in Review
  • Word count showing again in the Vocabulary list
  • Listening time is tracked automatically in the Playlist once again.

I’m looking forward to the Android update, too! :slight_smile:

It has been imppossible to edit my schedule and tutoring info for at least 3 days. I hope it’ll be fixed soon.