Major update to lessons organization, tutoring functionality and much more

@KatysLanguages - The fact it is that the major update done to the tutoring section was done to increase usage of our Tutoring functions. They are underutilized relative to the other functionality on LingQ so our choice was to remove that functionality or to improve it. Improving it means making it so that it works more easily for all tutors and users and making it so that our service is on a level playing field with other competing products. Therefore, we decreased our commission, which you should be happy with. Yes, that meant we had to close out the previous points that fell under our previous commission rate. I donā€™t see why it matters whether the commission is deducted when you cash them out or right away. As a tutor who is going to cash the in anyway, it makes no difference.

Yes, you do need to reach 10000 points to cash out. That wonā€™t change. As for the tutoring info, yes, you set a weekly calendar which then gets applied across all future weeks. The previous system where you had to constantly repost your available time each month was not convenient for most tutors, especially in less active languages. We are looking at a way to enable adjustment of your weekly calendar so that should be coming before too long. In the meantime, letā€™s see how the new system works. You have to accept conversation requests so users canā€™t book time when you arenā€™t available.

Regarding notifications, emails werenā€™t sending properly earlier today. I think those emails should be sending properly again now. Please let me know if this continues to be a problem.

As for the bulk discounts, users pay for all 5 or 10 lessons up front and need to book them all. They can reschedule them but not get their points back unless all conversations are canceled. Finally, we are still working on the Tutors list. Now that there is real data there, we need to fine tune it so that active tutors are favoured and show up first in the list. Give us a few days to get this done.

@hdemunck - Yes, we do need to return that word count. That was just an oversight. As far as the star, thatā€™s been gone a long time! Thereā€™s always a toss up between providing more functionality and keeping things simple and uncluttered so that users can understand the interface. The word list should be unchanged from the previous version. As for the alternating colour, it is still there, itā€™s just grey now.

Yes, there are still some issues when looking at Courses in many of the shelves/tabs. We hope to have this fixed soon.

@jonesjack - I assume you mean here on the forum. We just felt that led to an overall feeling of clutter so removed those. You can still click through to a userā€™s profile to see how they are doing in their languages.

Thatā€™s good, because usually when a student books a conversation with me, I block off 15 minutes before and after the conversation to prevent back to back sessions. This is impossible now.

@Lanto - We had some issues with the Tutor listing page but results should be showing now and search is working. We are going to continue to refine those results so that more active tutors show towards the top. It looks like you havenā€™t input your calendar or rates. You need to complete set up for tutoring in order to appear there. We recommend adding a video of yourself as well as profiles with videos will be favoured in future.

@TommyTrue - There were some issues when we first launched but those things should be working now.

Ok, no problem. Thanks for the reply and explanation. I appreciate it

Ok thank you, Mark!
I say: 50 whip-lashes per bug for the developers. That should do it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Iā€™d just like to say I love the update. Everything seems cleaner and more ā€˜professionalā€™. Love the stats and graphs. Hopefully the bugs around the courses section and what not get resolved soon. Thanks for a such a great improvement to the site!

I canā€™t hide the courses I completed there and there are tons of empty courses with no lessons, no new words or LingQs and usually no proper names.

Also, Iā€™m sure to have posted this before and I canā€™t find it again?

I find this update to be not so good:

The changes in general seems focused on beginners and forcing people to use library

Start page:

  • I donā€™t care about library lessons - give my My lessons, and My courses, and most importantly My recent imports - with statistics
    Reading view
  • Drop down control is a complete downgrade from previous experience; the way in automatically appears is annoying
  • I can not find anywhere how can click to go to original url of my import;
  • Where can I see statistics of the lesson I am reading?
  • Annoying switch button on the left; does ffull text button have to be always visible? Really?
  • Buttons to the right of word look and behave ugly
    Design in general feels very unpolished - a lot of white space that can be used to show something useful
    You seems to have forgotten that main benefit is to read imported articles that are of interest!
    Book import feature that I would very like to use produces completely unusable result.

Iā€™m angry and very disappointed.

We are still working to get rid of those strange courses that are showing up but they will be removed shortly. As for hiding courses youā€™ve taken, that isnā€™t possible Iā€™m afraid. But, you can see which courses you have partially completed as the status bar shows for the course.

Iā€™m sorry you are unhappy. The changes were made to help all learners find content more easily. Of course, this includes wanting beginners to understand how to find lessons better.
Are you saying you want to land on My Lessons instead of Library when you go to the home page?

Regarding the dropdown control, we will institute a slight delay so it doesnā€™t open accidentally.
The original url is missing and needs to be added back.
What statistics are you looking for?
The switch between sentence and page mode is actually a significant improvement for those who use the two modes. If you havenā€™t tried using sentence mode, I suggest you give it a try. It is a powerful feature.
Iā€™m not sure what you mean by ā€œbuttons to the right of wordā€.

We have gotten many positive comments about the design. White space is a good thing as it keeps things uncluttered. The book import feature wasnā€™t touched in this update so Iā€™m not sure what the issue is there. But, if you are having problems with a specific text, please send it in to support with an explanation of the issue and we will try to get it fixed.

I have the same problem: some weeks are busier and canā€™t offer a lot of conversations. And some weeks I have more free time and would offer more conversations. Besides, sometiimes I leave my home to go to som,e other place for 1-3 weeks - how can I stop offering tutoring for this time?
And now I have the constant schedule, thatā€™s not very convenient for me.

When I first started using the upadated version it was a little bit strange but I quickly ajusted to it. Love the changes! Never the less, I love LingQ, it has done wonders and makes everything easier in language learning.

Good to hear the thing about the strange courses, but the other thing will make it much harder to find new courses, especially since there still is no way to sort by percentage of new words. Before, I could at least do that manually once the number of new courses was low enough, but if I canā€™t hide completed courses, thatā€™s not possible any more. I fail to see how that makes it easier to find new courses. The idea with the categories is nice, but this is a major change for the worse.

I like the new look, but I wonder about getting the most out of it:

  1. So to get to the translation of a lesson, I now need to hover over the dotted line and then select translation? Since not all lessons supply translation, I liked it before when I just needed one step to get to the translation.
  2. I am trying to understand the motivation or why one would use the sentence view feature instead of page view. It seems I may be missing out on something good here, but I would really like to know how people use that function.
  3. I love the new rules for points. Thatā€™s a good one.

damn, I agree it wasnā€™t being used much. Whenever I went to correct english learners, no one had posted so it made racking up points difficult. But it was so helpful! I felt like it was the one place I could interact with other lingq users often and I just started writing a lot because Iā€™m still too scared to speak but I definitely reached the point in my language learning where I needed to review the phrases Iā€™d learned and start to use them somehow (move them from passive to active understanding). I had planned to use the recording feature soon too , honestly, less to get my pronunciation corrected, than to see if I was understood enough to have someone respond - kind of like a question and answer thing. That way I could talk in my target language, but with a little bit of time to think and formulate thoughts.

When I look at the list of French tutors, I wonder if some people are being included without their knowledge. I see several tutors on the list who havenā€™t offered conversations in a really long time. Two of them, Iā€™m quite sure have left the system for good.