Major update to lessons organization, tutoring functionality and much more

Issues with the display of strange results when looking at Courses should now be resolved. Let us know if you continue to have problems.

Yes, the list is currently showing everyone who has ever posted conversation times as a tutor on LingQ. It is sorted by relevance but that is a work in progress and the results will get more relevant over time.

We are actually looking into a way to make this available with one-click again. Stay tuned.

We are still planning to bring back the sort by percentage of new words. It’s not that far off so that will be an improvement.

You can still post writing on the exchange and interact with other learners. And, you can also submit writing to a tutor on the Tutors page for a more detailed report. The other services got used so infrequently, it didn’t make sense to continue to support them. If usage develops for writing correction/writing exchange and there is some momentum there, we can always look at re-introducing some of those other features.

Glad you like it!

  1. We are now looking at making it possible to access the translation option or video option with one click
  2. Besides allowing you to reduce the amount of text on the page so as not to overwhelm you, you also get the text to speech for that whole sentence. In fact, for some beginner lessons you can actually get the lesson audio broken down by sentence. In addition, when using the integrated review, you only review your LingQs from that sentence as you page. Finally, the Translate button allows you to see a full Google Translation for that sentence which is a powerful feature in itself whether as a beginner or even advanced learner depending on the lesson you are reading.

The random sets are gone, but there are problems. With an empty search, My Lessons > Courses shows 2 courses (I have taken / am taking more) and the counter says 255 courses. If I search “who”, I only see one of the several “Who is She” I have taken, none of which were displayed in the empty search.

(It would be helpful to be able to filter My Lessons by level, like the old interface or like the new Library.)

That does seem strange. I, too, see a number there that isn’t correct but nowhere near as off as you are suggesting. We will look into that. We may add to the filters on the Search results page at which time we could add level filters in there.

I’d really love to see that, so glad to hear that.

This is a huge update and I’m happy with the changes. I really love the statistic graphs - it is nice to see my progress over many years. I believe this will motivate more to keep improving.
Well done to everyone!

Any timeframe for getting back the word count for lessons?
I can’t keep keep track of my progress without it.

Which word count are you talking about?

I just want to add to this, in case this hasn’t been thought of, that the Translation icon etc. only added clutter if there actually was a translation available. Currently I am thinking people are not going to realize when the additional resources like this are available.

I would like the ability to see the word count of vocabulary implemented again.

We just pushed a number of fixes you should be aware of:

  • Friends page search results are now clickable
  • Toggle on Reader to flip between Full Text, Translation, Video, Exercises Notes (where the last 4 resources are available)
  • Conversations and conversation requests can be canceled
  • Privacy switch for wall post comments
  • Playlist time tracking is fixed

Let us know if you come across other issues. Thanks!

Hi Mark,

You know I cannot really do without LingQ, as far as language learning is concerned. I have learned to appreciate it as a valuable if sometimes a bit troublesome tool. The latest version is still a bit unclear to me. I discovered the changes during a conversation and was unable to offer a conversation for the same time next week. I think this makes no sense.
A quick look over some forum posts showed me that more than just a few things had changed. Maybe I’ll find out how to work it out, but I am not sure I will continue to use LingQ the way I got used to, as a learner and as a tutor.

I have made friends through LingQ. What happened to the Exchange function? Why can’t I just offer conversation slots for 15 minutes and talk longer. Members can reciprocate and sign up for conversations with me, or I just like talking to them and they talk to me as long as they like.

If you must make a profit, I guess this is not the right way. You can’t force customers into using your services. Unhappy customers are not going to do business with you.

The last point I want to mention: where have some of my points gone? On the points page it says:
2018-07-17 -1811.00 Balance adjustment by zoran
The points were not 90 days old.
What about this bullet point:

  • Points now only expire after a year and only if the user has not visited LingQ in that time.

I think this is totally unfair. I have seen users complain about lost points and it has happened to me. But I am an active user and the points were earned through conversations and writing corrections/recordings and I got some points for imported content. And by the way, I have contributed lots more content by supplying recordings for Evgueny without asking for any compensation. I think there must be another way of dealing with active users’ points. As for inactive users it’s okay to take the unused points, I guess.

I need to think it all over.

When I look at my courses (under the My Lessons tab), only about 20 are displayed, but the counter at the bottom says there are 270 courses (I feel like it was somewhere around 150 before the update though). But there is no option to scroll to a new page like before. Is there any way to find the other lessons without the search bar? There are some old courses and lessons that were above my level that I hoped to go back to at some point, but I now don’t know how I will be able to find them without remembering the titles.
This is less important to me because I import most of my material, but the same issue occurs when trying to search for new courses.

Every modernization must be done if something works incorrectly.
Maybe some features with the lessons were not peerfect, but just the profile page and the converrsation calender were quite good.
For what reason just these features were so deeply and senselessly changed???
Everything with them is much more complicated and more incovenient!

The count for the number of unique words per lesson.

Two other things that are resulting in more mouseclicks and page-loads compared to the old version.

  1. Instead of seeing my recently read lessons when i load LingQ I now get the library tab. I now have to click on the lesson tab to get to where got to immediately in the past.

  2. To identify which lesson I’ve only read once before I used to be able to just click on a course and scroll through the lessons.
    Now I have to click on the lesson, load it and then click on the “…” button to see how many times I’ve read the lesson.

Very frustrating changes and its working towards making lingq a more cumbersome experience rather than speeding things up.