Major update to lessons organization, tutoring functionality and much more

@mfr - Yes, sorry about that. We are working on this.

About 17 hours ago, alleray sent me a short message both as a private message and as a public message. I cannot see them on my wall. “July 01” is the date of the last message I received on my wall.

About 18 hours ago, I sent alleray a private message on his wall. I can see it on his wall, but he says he cannot see it.

Can you see either message I’ve posted on your wall?

No, I can’t.

I sent a message. Can you see my message on your wall?

I sent a message again as a private one.

You once wrote:
"In the interest of not bothering all the people on this thread with a string of notifications with the back and forth on this, I have asked you for more detail on your wall. "

When I read this message, I felt you are a little angry at me, but I could not understand what you wanted to say because I could not read your message.

I cannot see any messages from you on my wall. Posting on this forum seems to be the only way even if it might bother all the people on this thread.

Thank, yes, there still seem to be permission problems. We will get them resolved.

It isn’t so simple as you say.
It was really simple before: you offer some times, a student chooses from your scheduule or makes a request for another time that you can accept or cancel. But it was seldom, the most students just chose the slots from your schedule.
Now you must always confirm every rerquest.
You can’t offer a convenient slot for 15 minutes - only for 30 minutes or longer that is a big challenge fort a student on the intermediate level.
And I don’t underrstand with tfghe reschule. For example, cholinguist some days ago signed up for today’s conversation with me at my 7.30 pm. Today I rerceived a new request for a conversation on We from him.
On today’s slot I have ‘Edit time. Reschedule rerquired.’ I can’t underrstand whart does it mean; hr cancelld today’s cvonversation and took a slot for WE.
Or I have tweo conversations wirth him: today and on WE?
It was much easier before - the student could just cancell the re4qwuest and make a new one - without this ‘Edit time’ etc.

@evgueny - You should be able to see your confirmed conversations in the My Activities tab. If you see two conversations in the list, you have two. If you see one, then that user has requested to change the time. We will look and see if we can make the wording clearer.

Thanks Mark, i’ve understood now.
The follwing proiblem is also important to solve - the comnmunicqation with friends or followers.
When I write something on their profile pages, I can see my messages, but unfortunately they can’t see my messages.
For example, I wrote 3 days ago on the Reingard’s wall, and today he wrote me in an E-mail that he didn’t see my message.

Where can I find my speaking schedule with tutors? I couldn’t find them.

The My Activities tab shows your scheduled events. Just go to Tutors and choose the My Activities tab

@evgueny - Yes, we are working on that.

A few more updates:

  • Wall posts should now be showing up and notifications being sent. We are working on the garbled notification text and post comments which should be fixed soon.
  • You can once again click to see who has liked your posts
  • Links can now be added to your profile bio and are clickable
  • All tutors should now be able to edit their calendars

Yes, I start to rerceive notifications but they are still with some strange technical words, for erxample:
{“entityMap”: {}, “blocks”: [{“text”: “Hi, Evgueny Thank you so so much for you new Russian podcast. I did not see your comment aand your preposition of lesson ( that you send me a new podcast). I return to my work he next week. Thank you for your friendly teaching. I think that I improve my russian. SSee you soon.”, “depth”: 0, “type”: “unstyled”, “inlineStyleRanges”: [], “entityRanges”: []}]}

Thank you for restoring The ability to see likes, as well as open threads in a new tab.

I don’t understand what about you thank.
As beforre I can’t open ‘view rose’ when someone gives them for my lessons.

When I press ‘view rose’ I receive a very stupid sentnce -“reuest does not exist or is private.”
Why ‘dfoesn’t exist’ although I received a rose or ‘lthump up’ from this learnerr???

For example, I rerceived a lot of roses for my lessons from Y.J.Lee for last two weeks.
I would like to say ‘thanks’ tio him for this andf I’d like to follow him, but I can’t!
Because of this stupid sdentence ‘request doesn’t exist’ thoufg before it was so easdy to sasy ‘thank’ to such people and to follow some of them!

That is a separate issue. We will look at that too. The issue here refers to clicking on the Like link here in the forum and seeing who has liked your comment. As for the email, if you know it’s from YJLee, for now you can go to his wall and thank him/her there.

ANy news on bringing back the word count?