Importing from YouTube is taking forever. Is it still available?

Hi Zoran,

Thanks a lot for having fixed this bag after just a few days. It’s a featured really important for our language learing journey.


Hi I tried importing a few Chinese youtube again but it still fails.
I’m using Edge and the youtube link would be (in case the link helps).

I’ll try with another browser


More like a week, however well done to them for sorting this out.

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A week are a few days - seven, to be precise. :crazy_face:

Same error message when I try to open imported video: “AI features can take some time. Try this lesson again later”.
mmm… one day isn’t enough? sorry… i love lingq… but this problem is troubling. Will fixed?

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Generally a few means two or three, not seven. :clown_face:

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This isn’t an error message. Transcribing the audio of a video and/or generating the timestamps is indeed something that takes time. Depending on how long the video is and how many people currently try to import videos, it can happen that you have to wait a moment. Refresh the page every now and then. You will be informed once transcription is complete.

Generally ≠ precise. The definition I found for few is “a small number of”, which is equally unprecise.

Nevermind, as a mathematician such statements itch me to respond - not that it would serve any good. :rofl:


You found the wrong the wrong definition. Please search again. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes it is imprecise, generally we mean two or three, or maybe even four, but it might vary by region and country. Here is another viewpoint:

So a few is more than two, but less than several which in turn is less than many. Which makes it crystal clear. If we know what several and many mean,

I have a very analytical mind, and for me the difficulty in learning foreign languages has been to cope with uncertainty, and the gradual acquisition of knowledge. However, one does learn a lot about the process of acquiring knowledge, and I now believe that the way I learnt at university is very inefficient. I digress !


Hi I tried importing a few Chinese youtube again but it still fails.

I tried same video with recent version of lingq importer & removing cache and it works.


I tried to import through firefox and it seems to be working. Thank you Zoran and lingQ team. Appreciated.


Han logrado solucionar el tema de importar los videos ?

Generalmente yo importaba los videos de easy german y ahora no deja importar ninguno de los videos que he intentado sin importar el canal.

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We are working on issues related to YT importing. Thanks for your patience.


Do we know if there will ever be a stable version of this feature? I find that it works half of the time and doesn’t work the other half. It’s the main way I study so it’s very annoying that the same issue keeps re-occurring so frequently.


The only reason I use LingQ is that I can watch YouTube videos while reading the transcript, and click on a word to see a dictionary definition, or see a translation of a line. In principle it is a fantastic product.

More than half the videos I want to watch do not import. The software has severe bugs such as videos routinely going back to the start during a session. I would move to an alternative product immediately if one existed. They are putting effort into adding new features, rather than fixing existing bugs, which in my view is a mistake. Others may of course disagree.


Failing to import again on two YT videos. It continues to be a daily “adventure” with this process.


Today all of my imports failed, lots of them, French and German.


Thanks for reporting, our developers are investigating the issue.


I can confirm that as of today I am unable to import videos too. It has been working until yesterday and I have tried with several channels and using Chrome and Firefox.


That’s spot on. It’s the main reason I pay for LingQ and it seems to go down every month. All the time searching and uploaded wasted - along with the money I’m paying for something I all of a sudden can’t use.


I noticed that only videos containing subtitles are imported. Those videos that require subtitle generation are not imported.

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