Import Netflix Content into LingQ

Only audio from YouTube is imported by the extension. Then, it can be added to the playlist like any other lesson with audio. We only grab the captions from all other video sites.

Sure it’s called Accidentally In Love

Thanks. I have passed that along. I’ll let you know when it should be working.

I just tested that show and it seems to import fine for me. In both Safari and Chrome. I had to have Traditional Chinese added as one of my languages in LingQ. If its not working for you, do you have the latest version of the extension? Which browser are you in?

Right now I just tried it again on a chrome book. LingQ Version
1.7.14 of LingQ

I appear to have Chinese Traditional as a language because I can select it from the import extension menu. I will note, the only thing weird is that the flag does not fill in when I select that language, but it does for every other language I try. IE in LingQ importer it has an empty circle next to “Traditional Chinese”

Do you have ‘normal’ Chinese added as a language? I wonder if it’s taking precedence somehow because whenever I try I always get those, simplified characters, showing up.

I’ve found that sometimes the audio from YouTube is imported and sometimes it isn’t. Is there a setting that affects this?

Audio should always import together with video and subtitles. In some cases there can be small delay in audio uploading.
If you have any example video where audio never uploads, please post a link.

Well it works fine for another show in traditional characters so I guess for this show I’ll do the review in simplified and just use traditional when I watch it on Netflix.

I won’t struggle with it unless I get this issue happening again.

We have pushed an update to all Extensions to resolve outstanding issues with importing Croatian, Serbian and Traditional Chinese captions from Netflix. This should all be working properly now. Make sure you have updated to the latest version of the extension. You may have to close and/or refresh your browser to fully update the extension.

I actually imported my first traditional character set after that.

The firefox link is not working for me

Hi I am learning spanish and have tried to import a netflix show ( im using chrome) and come up with this error message :camera:Error:No appropriate captions found.
I have tried a few different spanish shows but none them work.
Please can you help with this?
Many thanks

Please add Amazon Prime! Their range of subtitles is way more than Netflix,

When I use this, I am only getting the subtitles and not the audio. Am I doing something wrong, or does this feature only give you the subtitles?

That’s how Netflix importing works, you get the subtitles, but not the audio. When importing from YouTube, however, you’ll get subtitles, audio and video all together.

Does the plugin still work? I’ve tried with Safari and Chrome and it always says No appropriate captions found. If I look in the Chrome developer tools, I can see the subtitle file in the Network view and was able to download it.

Should be working fine. Make sure you have the latest version of the extensions installed. Is it one show in particular or all shows that aren’t working for you?

I’ll uninstall and try again. I’ve tried with a handful of shows – the drop-down box to select the language is always empty (though I’ve turned on French, German, Italian subtitles in various shows).

The list of languages should reflect the languages you have open in your LingQ account. But, even if you are not logged in, all languages should show. That seems strange. That is happening in multiple browsers?