Thanks Mark
when i try to import netflix subtitles, i get an error on the extension, not a valid string. any reason for this?
Wow…You guys are amazing!
I work at hope It can help you some day.
Am I the only one here can’t import subtitles? I’d like to import Italian subtitle using Safari! It simply says ‘Import Failed’. Help me out please :///
I‘m having a problem importing an episode from Netflix. The sign ‘importing’ is circling forever. I’ve tried it with two different shows but it’s the same. What should I do? I’m using Chrome.
We are looking into the issue @Olioli. Thanks for your patience.
That’s happening with me, how did you get around it?
I tried for the first time to import Chinese content from Netflix and it didn’t work at all. I don’t know if there is any difference because I live in Japan and I’m accessing the Japanese website.
Issue also here from Brazil, using chrome extension. Everything working fine on youtube, but not on netflix
We’ve just pushed updated versions to Firefox and Chrome. Safari should be working already. The new Firefox version is now live so make sure to update your extension to the newest version. The Chrome update is pending but will hopefully be available for update soon. The new versions should resolve the issue you were having.
Update: The updated Chrome extension is now also live. Make sure to update to the latest version 1.7.14.
LingQ Importer Netflix: CAN"T get TRADITIONAL Chinese characters
Even if my netflix subtitles are set to traditional when I use the Import from the chrome extension in windows 10, I only get simplified characters (with an option to have small traditional above the simplified instead of pinyin in the settings).
Something I’m doing wrong or Traditional is only beta so doesn’t work? (Or is there a greater list of my imports that I’m missing? I looked in both “course” lists that I made, no luck. Please help!
For edX courses, I have been using the Google Dictionary extension (which allows you to look up words on any webpage) and then importing the history as vocab from the CSV file - not ideal but allows you to have a similar experience and still be able to import words into LingQ
Netflix won’t work with norwegian. Is there something I can do to get it done? Whereas youtube vids with norwegian subs do import, netflix vids wont get through. I have no problem with other languages or other browser’s. It is just the norwegian vids on netflix. Does it have to do with the Bokmal thing, Any solutions? thanks in advance
I tried many times using Chrome and Windows 10 but importing traditional Chinese characters Netflix which were available for the show in question never transferred, it always came as simplified.
Can you post an example of a show you are trying to import so we can check into it?
Are you using the Traditional Chinese slot on LingQ? And choosing this as the language to import into?
I’m not sure what you mean 100%, however:
My language for my profile in the blue header on the desktop website version says Traditional Chinese.
In the menu for the LingQ importer chrome extension, it is set to Traditional Chinese.
All of that sounds correct. Can you tell me the name of the show so we can try it ourselves?
This is life changing! Is there a way to get this explosion of newly imported youtube/netflix content to show up on the audio playlist? Or do you have to be in the computer version lesson to hear it.