I tried import some move from Netflix and just half move imported ~ 40 minutes. Added just 5 lessons. When I import eBook all good but from Netflix not. I tried with FF plugin
I’m using Chrome, trying to import “Pablo Escobar: Patron Del Mal” from Netflix and I get an error that says “Error:No appropriate captions found.” Any ideas why? I can clearly see the captions/subtitles as turned on…
Me too. I get the message “Error:No appropriate captions found” or just “Error”. I tried on Chrome and Firefox.
ATTEMPT #2: Now the transcript imports, but NOT the video? Any ideas?!
Around several months age, I imports the first episode of some korean drama from Netflix. It worked.
Today I started to import the second episode of the same korean drama but I found it didn’t work. It says "“Error:No appropriate captions found.”
I don’t know why. Is there something changed in Linq importer or in Netflix?
Please help.
Sorry about that. We are already familiar with that issue and our team is looking into it. Hopefully we will have it fixed soon.
Thanks for your patience!
I’ve been trying to import “Better Than Us” in the original Russian. There are Russian captions on Netflix but it still says ‘no appropriate captions found’
I’ve tried a couple of others that didn’t work either.
Yes, we have a new version of the extension which fixes the issue waiting for approval by the Chrome app store. Hopefully, it should be available in the next few days. Sorry about that.
How do you guys deal with the terrible Netflix subtitles that are pretty much a paraphrase of what the characters are actually saying? I’d use Netflix a lot more if I could find an accurate transcript… I guess in a sense it’s useful to know two ways of expressing a similar meaning, but it’s confusing if you don’t know exactly what they’re saying in the first place.
Totally understand what you are saying, especially when watching English language shows. However, I have noticed that in all the Spanish shows and movies I have watched that Spanish subtitles were pretty much 100% matching the Spanish dialoge. Some the Spanish translation of the occaisional English being spoken on screen wasn’t the greatest, but the Spanish was still accurate and this was a not very frequent (say a scene where an American DEA agent is speaking English in a Mexican show).
Despite this, I don’t think it would matter, even if this weren’t true because when you were linqing the text before or after watching the show, that’s when you’d be doing the real learning anwyay.
Thanks! All the Netflix shows I’ve watched have had subtitles that vary from the actual speech at least once every other sentence, but maybe it’s because I only watch PG kid/family shows with less production quality lol. But you’re right, it probably won’t matter because I’ll be learning the subtitle phrases, which after all are equally valuable examples of Spanish bc they’re still grammatical and have the same meaning.
Agreed. Also, based on my personal experience, the primary combined benefit of watching the Spanish show, hearing the Spanish dialogue, and reading the Spanish subtitles is being able to associate the sound of the language wtih the appearance of the text. Aside from the fact you’ll be reading outside of the show (on LingQ like I mentioned before) I also think you’ll be fine as long as the words are being pronounced properly and they more or less match up. In other words, close enough is good enough.
It’s not working.
Sorry to hear that. What happens when you try to import? Do you see any error message?
That’s the message: There was an error opening this lesson. We have been notified and will investigate this issue. You will be redirected to the home page where you can try opening another lesson.
I’ve been following all the steps from youtube video “lingq import netflix”. I’ve already changed the browser but still not working. Tried diferent episodes and diferent languages too, but none of these worked.
I have downloaded the Chrome extension just now to my Windows 10 computer. The extension works with a random Youtube video.
However, I want to import episodes of Dark. This is not working. I have set the Netflix language and subtitles to German and have clicked PLAY on Netflix. I have then clicked PAUSE. Then I click on the extension, being sure to set my language to German.
I think this is what the LingQ instructional video advises.
But all I get is a spinning wheel and the message “importing”. I tried Episode 3 and Episode 4. Same result. If I don’t choose an episode at all, but just click on the Dark series, I do find that the import works and brings in the English description of the series.
Am I missing additional steps?
We seem to be having some issues with Netflix import right now. Sorry about that. We are working to fix it as fast as we can.
Thank you. As an update, I tried this whole process through Firefox just now, and it worked!
As a further update, I went ahead and downloaded all ten episodes of the first season. A few times I got an odd message from the extension, about the appropriate language not being available. But then I closed Netflix, and opened the Dark Episode again, and was able to get the extension working again.
This Extension is going to be a godsend. It was taking me hours to watch half an episode because I was looking up words the old fashioned way, and making notes. So much easier with LingQing! THANK YOU!
Update: A new version was published to Firefox and Safari today which fixes various bugs with Youtube and Netflix import.
Unfortunately, the Chrome Extension continues to be hung up in Chrome’s extremely painful Extension Review Process which has had us in their queue waiting for approval for almost 2 weeks now. Hopefully, once we get this approval, which seems to be a new thing, future approvals will go faster since we have made 2 additional updates since we pushed a version for approval from Chrome. Until those updates are approved, the latest fixes will not be available. Not sure why they feel they can sit on extensions for this long in this day and age!