How to add imported video/audio to playlist?

I have started to import from Youtube, which now understand how to do. But is it possible to add the audio from these imported videos to a playlist? And how?

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no. of you want to have audio and video in the same lesson, you should add audio track additionally

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Thanks for the answer. Unfortunately I still don’t understand how to get audio from an imported lesson to the playlist, If it’s even possible.

In some of the old thread, they talk about an button used to add audio to playlist. I haven’t found such button.

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In Web. If there is audio

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No such menu option in the PC browser (Firefox), but I found the option in the mobile version. And now I managed to add the lesson to the playlist.
Thank you!

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It exists on my end, both under Firefox and Chrome. Are you sure you’ve looked in the right spot?

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