Yes I have looked around for this answer. I will link the places I’ve already look at the bottom.
I am a new user and I just want to try lingq out. I am already at about intermediate Spanish and can understand simple stories.
I signed up, chose Spanish and clicked around not knowing what I"m doing and click on many words, it turned them into linqs when I didn’t want them to. I know these words. I have used up all 20 of my lingqs. I try and delete the lingqs after looking online, they delete but my account still shows them as used. So I ahve still used all my linqgs despite my vocabulary page showing zero words.
Okay no worries I read online about deleting a whole language to remove it’s data. No issue I’ve only been on the app for like 20 minutes. I go an delete my spanish language.
WOW how wonderful those lingqs are still in use on my account and the words I had clicked on are blue again. Like I’m on a clean slate but STILL have used up all my 20 linqs.
At this point I literally delete my full lingq account and go to login to start fresh - awesome! my account is “inactive” and I can’t log back in with that one (vs being able to remake it) . So now I go and make a new one with a different email/method (first account was “login with google”)
Oh boy what fun when I turn a few words into linqs, try and remove them and and the same thing happens.
Is turning a word into a linq a one-time permanent use of a “lingq” on my account? regardless if th e lingq is still in use or not, creating one “spends” the lingq currency and there is no getting it back?
I really believe in this method and want to try aout but so far I have been fillding with this stupid app/website for 1-2+ hours and have a total of 0 minutes of studying and I have used all 20 of my free lingqs in error causing me to totally delete and make a new account and now 3 of my free 20 linqgs doing absolutely nothing.
yes I have watched the getting started video