Feature Request: Web App, quick link to edit

Right clicking on a course shows “Edit Course.” Very handy. Could you please add “Edit Lesson” to a lesson? As it stands now in the Web app, I have to open the lesson to get to Edit. I am constantly opening a lesson just to edit and add an audio, for example - or change the title.



I agree. The hover over lesson should also provide the opportunity to edit a lesson. I shouldn’t have to open it to get to the edit. (which will also artificially increase the reading stats).


And good point about reading stats.

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In addition it would be nice, if the text of a lesson could be edited in page view in a similar fashion as it is possible in sentence view. The back and forth between both views can get quiet annoying when one has to make several edits to a text, especially as often when switching back to page view the reader jumps back to page one.


If you see value in other things the Rooster plugin brings to the table take a look at its lesson editor:

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Thanks, I’ll ask our team if we can do that.


@vernmartin Does one of @roosterburton’s extensions automatically upload the audio for YouTube videos or is there a mass import? Personally I have little use to import the audios of Russian with Max into LingQ, as I study the videos directly on YouTube. You can either use Language Reactor or @roosterburton’s extensions. Might save you from needing to manually download and upload them.

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I have not tried it yet, and maybe I should. Here’s the details about how the extension supports uploads:

Create Lingq Courses from Saved Media


I love Russian with Max. If you have not already, here are ways to get more from Max:

Subscribe to His Telegram Channel (free)

Register at his site: https://www.russianwithmax.com/ (also free).

Support him at the minimum level ($3/month) and get access to his YouTube audio on his Patreon Supporters exclusive podcast (his “Comprehensible Russian Podcast” is of course publicly available).


We will be doing this.


Great news! This is one of my pet peeves with the system.

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