Extension: Rooster CrunchyRoll Tools for LingQ - LingQ Video Overlay


Extra features for language learners when watching videos on CrunchyRoll

Buy CrunchyRoll Video Tools | Video Tools User Guide | Permanent Install Guide
*Note: CrunchyRoll Video Tools are included in Master LingQ Premium

License Code Info

After purchasing MasterLingQ or CrunchyRoll Tools from SendOwl you will be sent an email automatically from me with your license code. If you paid via donation I will generate and send a code to you manually.

Japanese subtitles are not available on Crunchyroll due to a licensing agreement.
→ Ability to import own subtitles for Japanese has been maintained. (.SRT) opensubtitles
→ A future update to this extension will allow transcribing of Japanese audio.
→ If the loader gets stuck during the create/apply process then try to interact with the settings icon on the video player.
→ CrunchyRoll was the most difficult website to develop for and a great challenge!

Latest Patch Notes

  • Bug fix for caption box not resizing correctly when highlighting phrases in the captions when using translit/word translation overlay


  • Added Background Size Options for the Loaded and Saved background image
  • Bug fix for mouseover word status disappearing when trying to interact when it is above the word in some cases
  • Bug fix for elements getting their new status effects when changing statuses and caption hasn’t changed
  • Bug fix for deleted words this session being LingQed again and having a status applied


  • Style fix for font size of Side panel button


  • Added an expandable Side Panel for viewing lesson words, definitions, TTS
  • Added a keybind for Toggle Side Panel. (base: ctrl+j)
  • Bug fix for Caption Buttons being visible every caption change instead of on mouseover when preference is on
  • Bug fix for language preferences applying continuously for a few seconds when page is reloaded
  • Bug fix for Color picker GUI appearing in screen corner on overlay load


  • Added ability to load an image as the caption box background with persistence
  • Added 2 new word effects Letter Spacing and Line Through
  • Bug fix for Opacity word effect
  • Bug fix for word effects applying immediately after pressing save
Patch Notes


  • Bug fix for caption box not resizing correctly when highlighting phrases in the captions when using translit/word translation overlay


  • Added Background Size Options for the Loaded and Saved background image
  • Bug fix for mouseover word status disappearing when trying to interact when it is above the word in some cases
  • Bug fix for elements getting their new status effects when changing statuses and caption hasn’t changed
  • Bug fix for deleted words this session being LingQed again and having a status applied


  • Style fix for font size of Side panel button


  • Added an expandable Side Panel for viewing lesson words, definitions, TTS
  • Added a keybind for Toggle Side Panel. (base: ctrl+j)
  • Bug fix for Caption Buttons being visible every caption change instead of on mouseover when preference is on
  • Bug fix for language preferences applying continuously for a few seconds when page is reloaded
  • Bug fix for Color picker GUI appearing in screen corner on overlay load


  • Added ability to load an image as the caption box background with persistence
  • Added 2 new word effects Letter Spacing and Line Through
  • Bug fix for Opacity word effect
  • Bug fix for word effects applying immediately after pressing save


  • Bug fix for LingQing phrases when Translit or Word translation overlay is applied
  • Bug fix for initial visibility of Word Translation Overlay when loading from Tooltips.


  • Added More Hints mini button to the Mouseover Word GUI
  • Added Show Hints to the Clicked Word GUI popup
  • Added Use Machine Translate as an additional setting when loading from LingQ text
  • Style fix for Mouseover Word GUI shifting when using the buttons in some cases
  • Style fix for button positions in the Clicked Word GUI popup
  • Bug fix for Clicked Word GUI appearing behind less important elements
  • Style fix for drag menu limit line being visible


  • Bug fix for mouseover GUI flickering when mousing over a word and the caption is fading.
  • Style fix for Show Overlay Menu margin


  • Added a menu setting to display/hide the control menu when overlay has finished loading
  • Bug fix for word tooltips remaining on the screen in some cases
  • Bug fix for word tooltips displaying in screen corner when the new words menu is hidden and Auto LingQ New Words is checked.
  • Bug fix for Floating Captions/Translation menu being non-interactable after using Move Menus
  • Style fix for Auto Ignore Hint-less words setting menu margins


  • Added Auto Ignore Hint-less words setting to Auto LingQ New Words feature
  • Bug fix for LingQing all available translations when using Auto LingQ New Words or LingQ All
  • Bug fix for sending of listening time in some cases


  • Bug fix for LingQing new words with Chinese as the selected dictionary


  • Improved video data retrieval process. (UI gimmick remains as a backup)
  • Added Machine Translation and Subtitle Generation features
  • Added Use Own Subs Checkbox
  • Added Main Line color picker
  • removed original Import Subtitle from dropdown
  • Bug fix for CC subtitles being selectable
  • Bug fix for certain style tags being included in the video captions
  • Bug fix for play/pause keybinding
  • Bug fix for lessons not containing a proper name in some cases
  • Bug fix for video image not being included with the import
  • Bug fix for half of some caption lines being missing on some videos
    -Full screen overlay will require some sort of rebuild. Will be looked at in future
    -Video is unable to be paused when there isn’t a current caption. Will be looked at in future


  • Bug fix for Keybindings not working correctly when marking word status 1-5. (Since updated GUI)


  • Updates to the Word GUI. (Dictionaries, Sentence Examples, Update LingQ)


  • Bug fix for some new words not receiving a translation when LingQing and in translation popup


  • Added backup data methods for word translations
  • Bug fix for translation popup failing in some cases


  • Listening time is now calculated based on spoken time only, not video playback time. Video playback speed is also taken into account
  • Bug fix for overlay failing to generate if no LingQ account attached


  • Bug fix for lesson imports containing unrelated audio in some cases when importing from a privileged account


  • Bug fix for incorrect video/source url appearing in lesson during early stages of lesson import


  • GPT Translate lessons are now split. (Note: this was causing errors, you can still normal import, add a translation and re-overlay for long movies)


  • Further bug fix for GPT Translate when using a privileged account


  • All imported lessons now include original timestamps and emote lines
  • Heavy Import renamed to GPT translation
  • Bug fix for GPT Translation failing on priviledged accounts sometimes
  • Heavy Import no longer imports a duplicate of the lesson
  • Imported videos are no longer split into multiple lessons
  • Bug fix for Lesson name/Picture of GPT Translate imports


  • Bug fix for download subtitles button not working when importing from LingQ data or after generating GPT translation


  • Bug fix for inaccurate reporting of video Listening time


  • Bug fix for words sometimes returning no data.


  • Bug fix for listening time going negative when skipping backwards in a video.


  • Bug fix for fetch lesson details timing out in some cases


  • Bug fix for word data returning in your preferred dictionary language rather than your set translation language.


  • Bug fix for saving meanings of new words in LingQ if word had never been defined
  • Bug fix for auto ignoring word if first translation was the word but other meanings exist

1.11 → Bug fix for own imported subtitles demanding .vtt extension but srt content
1.10 → Initial Release


You did it! Hooray!

(adding text for minimum 20 characters)


How do I add my own Japanese subtitles?

1 Like

There seems to be an issue with loading your own subtitles.

I’ll do a quality check on this tool today and add in some of the missing features

There was a few things to fix up but the process is a bit more streamlined.


CrunchyRoll 132

  • Improved video data retrieval process. (UI gimmick remains as a backup)
  • Added Machine Translation and Subtitle Generation features
  • Added Use Own Subs Checkbox
  • Added Main Line color picker
  • removed original Import Subtitle from dropdown
  • Bug fix for CC subtitles being selectable
  • Bug fix for certain style tags being included in the video captions
  • Bug fix for play/pause keybinding
  • Bug fix for lessons not containing a proper name in some cases
  • Bug fix for video image not being included with the import
  • Bug fix for half of some caption lines being missing on some videos
    -Full screen overlay will require some sort of rebuild. Will be looked at in future
    -Video is unable to be paused when there isn’t a current caption. Will be looked at in future
