Extra features for language learners when watching videos on Amazon Prime.
Buy Amazon Tools (Updated)
*Note: Amazon Tools is included in Master LingQ Premium
Rooster Amazon Tools (Premium) (FIREFOX Exclusive)
- After purchasing MasterLingQ or Amazon Tools from SendOwl you will be sent an email automatically from me with your license code. If you paid via donation I will generate and send a code to you manually.
Amazon Prime uses a different mechanism than Youtube/Netflix to retrieve their subtitles. Unfortunately they have managed to hide their subtitles by placing them in a different scope of data. We need to utilize a tool like TamperMonkey which allows greater control of webpage manipulation. You will still need to install the Amazon Prime Tools Extension in conjunction.
Instructions to Install Tampermonkey and Rooster Subtitles script
(Instructions for Disney - same for Amazon Prime)
Install TamperMonkey
Copy and paste the script located inside subtitlesAmazon.js (In the ZIP folder)
Save the Script
Enable the script
- Removed the permission and granted extended permissions to certain websites / data points. (Privacy change)
- See Install Video
- Updated Tampermonkey script and returned to Tampermonkey script reliance. Note: Bringing the subtitles into the mainscript resulted in a whole range of timing and update issues. This change has been reverted.
- Bug fix for loading on domains other than (all Amazon specific domains should now be accepted. e.g.
- You must click the
Load with Rooster
Button before playing each video.
- Removed the permission and granted extended permissions to certain websites / data points. (Privacy change)
- Improved parsing of
word overlay- Bug fix for LingQ opening in new tab sometimes when pressing
Create Lesson
when LingQ account is already logged in.1.133
- Stats menu now shows total words read and listening time (without resetting to 0 when sending to LingQ)
- Added a new dropdown to subtitles group. (Rooster Dictionary language). [This controls
Rooster Translate
word translate option]- Bug fix for incorrect mapping of certain language names to Rooster Translate endpoint. (See new dropdown)
- Bug fix for vertical spacing between translit / word translation / word element and sentence translation
- Bug fix for mouseover GUI flickering on/off in some cases.
- Added a fallback for LingQ data failing on very long/word dense videos.
- Added Keybinds to toggle Captions Box, Floating Captions and Floating Translation
- Added a menu toggle for hiding the caption box
- Added a fallback for LingQ data failing on very long/word dense videos.
- Bug fix for Toggle Video Settings Menu keybind
- Removed Translation heading in the clicked word popup
- Bug fix for loading dictionaries/caption examples on newly LingQed words this session
- Bug fix for caption box size collapsing under certain conditions
- Added a preference to hide the settings in the side panel
- Changed word translate / define dictionary links to be a popup instead of new tab
- Bug fix for an error loading words in the side panel in some cases
- Bug fix for caption box not resizing correctly when highlighting phrases in the captions when using translit/word translation overlay
- Added Latin transliteration for Arabic
- Bug fix for latin based words being written RTL in RTL languages
- Bug fix for processing of some characters with punctuation in Persian and Arabic
- Added Order in Text and Frequency in text filters to word side panel
- Added display current caption words only preference to word side panel
- Added background image panning with persistence (Move the image focus around within the caption box)
- Bug fix for loading a custom font url with extra parameters
- Bug fix for caption buttons shifting on mouseover
- Style fix for load background url button and sizing buttons
- Added a
Line Stroke Order
GIF and diagram to the clicked word GUI for Chinese.- Added
Individual Character Definitions
and their pinyin to clicked word GUI for Chinese- Added translation caching for instant reloads of same words clicked this session
- Bug fix for clicked word GUI failing to load in some rare cases
- Bug fix for translation failing to load for Chinese in some cases
- Added persistence to clicked word GUI position
- Added Text to Speech Button to clicked word GUI
- Bug fix for max width and height of clicked word GUI
- Bug fix for clicked word GUI being below the end screen
- Bug fix for interacting with mouseover GUI when word overlay translation is below word
- Added Background Size Options for the Loaded and Saved background image
- Bug fix for mouseover word status disappearing when trying to interact when it is above the word in some cases
- Bug fix for elements getting their new status effects when changing statuses and caption hasn’t changed
- Bug fix for deleted words this session being LingQed again and having a status applied
- Bug fix for Checkboxes for Word Translations not being visible
- Bug fix for
Hide Known Worn Translation
toggle- Bug fix for mouseover GUI position when translation overlay is below word
- Bug fix for Word Translation over over/under from applying immediately
- Style fix for updating words effects changing the word element and not the container initially
- Bug fix for consistently selecting the correct part of the hint as the tooltip when Word Overlay is set to Tooltips
- Style fix for font size of Side panel button
- Added an expandable
Side Panel
for viewing lesson words, definitions, TTS- Added a keybind for
Toggle Side Panel
. (base: ctrl+j)- Bug fix for Color picker GUI appearing in screen corner on overlay load
- Bug fix for saved video and language preferences from applying in all cases
- Bug fix for Caption Buttons being visible every caption change instead of on mouseover when preference is on
- Added ability to load an image as the caption box background with persistence
- Added 2 new word effects
Letter Spacing
andLine Through
- Bug fix for Opacity word effect
- Bug fix for word effects applying immediately after pressing save
- Bug fix for highlighted phrases triggering a second time when deselecting
- Bug fix for LingQing phrases when Translit or Word translation overlay is applied
- Bug fix for initial visibility of Word Translation Overlay when loading from Tooltips.
- Mouseover Word GUI positon now has its own preference rather than relying on other factors.
- Bug fix for empty space in the word translation space when loading from tooltips and no LingQ lesson supplied
- Added Tooltips as a Word Translation Overlay source
- Bug fix for size of caption box in some cases
- Bug fix for initial preference of word level translations
- Bug fix for a bobbing motion on the captions box on subtitle change
- Bug fix for Pause on Mouseover user preference applying on video load.
- Bug fix for Word GUIs appearing on the screen corner under certain conditions
- Bug fix for Clicked Word GUI appearing behind less important elements
- Style fix for drag menu limit line being visible
- Style fix for size of sentences in the mouseover word gui
- Added
More Hints
mini button to the Mouseover Word GUI- Added
Show Hints
to the Clicked Word GUI popup- Added
Word Level Translation
option to theDownload Subtitles
feature in theVideo Settings
menu- Added
Use Machine Translate
as an additional setting when loading from LingQ text- Style fix for Mouseover Word GUI shifting when using the buttons in some cases
- Style fix for button positions in the Clicked Word GUI popup
- Bug fix for words with grammar marks being excluded in some words/languages that use them
- Style fix for size of the translation and sentences in the word GUI
- Added an extra button to the word status gui for
same video sentence examples
- Added External/Video sentence buttons to the clicked word gui popup
- Bug fix for synchronization of dropdowns when machine translating to a Chinese variant
- Bug fix for word splitting not occurring for Chinese variants on lesson load in some cases
- Bug fix for untitled split lessons in some cases when using the
Series Import
feature- Lessons imported via
Series Import
are now in their own course. (No longer adds to a same named course if applicable)1.99
- Bug fix for initial preference of
Show Overlay Menu
- Further bug fix for interactivity of the floating captions / translation menu after using the
Move Menus
menu setting.1.97
- Further bug fix for Netflix word GUIs appearing in corner of screen when
Auto LingQ New Words
feature is enabled and no menu shown.1.96
- Bug fix for mouseover GUI flickering when mousing over a word and the caption is fading.
- Style fix for
Show Overlay Menu
- Added a menu setting to display/hide the control menu when overlay has finished loading
- Bug fix for word tooltips remaining on the screen in some cases
- Bug fix for word tooltips displaying in screen corner when the new words menu is hidden and
Auto LingQ New Words
is checked.- Bug fix for Floating Captions/Translation menu being non-interactable after using
Move Menus
- Style fix for
Auto Ignore Hint-less words
setting menu margins1.94
- Added
Auto Ignore Hint-less words
setting toAuto LingQ New Words
feature- Bug fix for LingQing all available translations when using
Auto LingQ New Words
orLingQ All
- Bug fix for sending of listening time in some cases
- Added
Word Level Translations
feature and interface options- Bug fix for end screen visibility and
Show end screen
- Bug fix for LingQing new words with
as the selected dictionary1.91
- Added a checkbox to
Adjust Time Differential
to automatically any ad time. (Ad timing should be auto adjusted, use this as a backup/reference)- Bug fix for time differential not applying correctly
- Bug fix for the floating captions/translations popups not appearing in fullscreen.
- Style fix for caption buttons alignment
- Bug fix for caption buttons menu flickering on/off when setting is unchecked
- Added
Word Level Timestamps
feature- Added
Time Differential
stop time is now based on tick rate rather than video update rate. (new 0.1s was 0.2-0.4s)- Bug fix for previous caption keybind working correctly
- Bug fix for backup translation methods for new words not activating under certain conditions.
- Added
Pause for 'X'
to theShadow
feature- Note: Word timestamps are not yet available on AmazonPrime so old stop time remains (0.3s)
- Bug fix for key validation failing when Rooster website is down
- Added more backups for translating less common new words that have no saved definitions on LingQ
- Bug fix for Keybindings not working correctly when marking word status 1-5. (Since updated GUI)
- Bug fix for LingQ dictionary locale only updating during new lesson creation
- Updates to the Word GUI. (Dictionaries, Sentence Examples, Update LingQ)
- Bug fix for caption container being displayed in the wrong position
- Bug fix for overlay failing when loading from LingQ data and no subtitle options are available
- Style fix for floating translation line highlight not updating in sync with main caption
- Style fix for caption buttons menu being inside the caption box in some cases when using
subtitle translation
- Style fix for translation line background disappearing occassionally when using subtitle translation
- Added Color picker for main line caption when not loading from LingQ
- Floating word menus now fade out gracefully (No longer a sharp on/off display)
- Subtitle translation line now flows freely. (No longer force paired). Use Machine/GPT translation for exact pairs.
- Improved GUI tick rate (was 2.5t/s now 4t/s)
- Bug fix for current subtitle being selected in some cases in GUI menu
- Added
Series Import
→ Activate by clicking the button whereLoad Movie
usually is on movie page.- From this menu: Import an entire TV season in 25+ languages, Refresh the Rooster GUI with this episodes subtitles, 1 Click play episode (From info page)
- When an episode ends the GUI is automatically recreated with the next episodes data
- Bug fix for some new words not receiving a translation when LingQing and in translation popup
- Added backup data methods for word translations
- Bug fix for translation popup failing in some cases
- Added Machine Translation Feature
- Swapped Translation subtitle with translation menu
- Bug fix for start of caption lines being cropped in some cases
- Bug fix for mismatch between translation line and main caption line in some cases.
- Bug fix for interactivity of floating caption windows when not loading from a LingQ lesson.
- Style fix for words shifting slightly when captions update and importing multiple languages at same time
- Bug fix for word status gui disappearing early on extended subtitles menu when imported to LingQ
- Extended Subtitle Languages now update independently of the main caption line. (This fixes splitting issues between original subtitles)
- Bug fix for loading rooster menu on first attempt without page refresh in some cases
- Added more options for spoken speed preference
- Moved
Toggle Spaces
option toMenu Settings
- Bug fix for Overlay generating before GPT translation is ready on some longer videos.
- Bug fix for causing an error on import when using GPT Translation and importing to Japanese when word split optimization is checked
- Added a retry mechanism up to 2 if GPT translation returns less than 70% accuracy. (Most Translations are returning 65-100% with infrequent 0% failures)
- Long GPT Translation lessons are once again no longer split into multiple lessons
- LingQ Translation Language and Ling Dictionary Language are now separate
- Added additional checkbox to generate audio for video speed based on spoken TTS speed
- Bug fix for Amazon standard caption container not being visible when forced foreign subs should be shown. (e.g Spanish in an English movie)
- Style fix for width of initial menu
- Listening time is now calculated based on spoken time only, not video playback time. Video playback speed is also taken into account
- Bug fix for overlay failing to generate if no LingQ account attached
- Bug fix for word menus remaining on screen until next caption is played
- Bug fix for translation captions not autoscrolling unless main caption window is open
- Potential bug fix for time differential between ads
- Bug fix for lesson imports containing unrelated audio in some cases when importing from a privileged account
- Bug fix for incorrect video/source url appearing in lesson during early stages of lesson import
- Bug fix for translation popup visibility when not loading from a LingQ lesson
- Bug fix for importing video picture as the lesson picture in some cases. (More fallbacks added)
GPT Translate
lessons are now split. (Note: this was causing errors, you can still normal import, add a translation and re-overlay for long movies)1.58
- All imported lessons now include original timestamps and emote lines
Heavy Import
renamed toGPT translation
- Bug fix for GPT Translation failing on priviledged accounts sometimes
- Bug fix for
download subtitles
button not working when importing from LingQ data or after generating GPT translation1.56
- Bug fix for inaccurate reporting of video Listening time
- Bug fix for words sometimes returning no data.
- Bug fix for listening time going negative when skipping backwards in a video.
- Bug fix Japanese/Chinese Text to Speech returning with gaps between characters.
- Bug fix for fetch lesson details timing out in some cases
- Bug fix for word data returning in your preferred dictionary language rather than your set translation language.
- Imported videos are no longer split
- Heavy imported subtitles no longer stop at end of lesson limit
- Regular import no longer occurs when Heavy Import is selected
- Bug fix for some words being concatenated together when using
Heavy Import
- Bug fix for translation popup information when loaded from extended subtitles menu
- Bug fix for Auto LingQing new words from extended subtitles menu if new word had no previous definition
- Bug fix for updating the status number of extra languages
- Bug fix for TTS, Know and Ignore function on new words in extended subtitles box
- Removed combined word menus when multiple languages are imported. (Note: Process needs to be reworked)
- Added
Extended Subtitles
menu. (Note: Similar to Netflix/Youtube, load subtitles for and import multiple languages at once)1.44
- Style fix for button width extending past some menus
- Bug fix for displaying ignored word tooltips
- Lesson is now named after the episode, course remains the series name
- See Install Video
- Updated Tampermonkey script and returned to Tampermonkey script reliance. Note: Bringing the subtitles into the mainscript resulted in a whole range of timing and update issues. This change has been reverted.
- Bug fix for loading on domains other than (all Amazon specific domains should now be accepted. e.g.
- You must click the
Load with Rooster
Button before playing each video.
- Bug fix for saving meanings of new words in LingQ if word had never been defined
- Bug fix for auto-ignoring words that have itself as a meaning but also other meanings
- Removed dependence on
- Bug fix for some movies failing to find subtitles
- Added ignored words to hide all known words feature
- Bug fix for TTS on LingQed words menu
- Overall style clean of all menus
- reworked pause on mouseover to only replay if video was playing
- If selecting a course with 1 lesson it now auto fills the lesson id
- Bug fix for Alert for dangerous buttons appearing in full screen
- Bug fix for LingQing words with special formatting requirements
- Bug fix for LingQing words with apostrophes in languages that require it
- Updated Alert for dangerous buttons popup to a rooster themed one
- Updated word colors and effects menu
- Bug fix for newly lingqed words with transliteration losing their transliteration on next viewing
- Bug fix for visibility of caption buttons
- Converted ‘Video Settings’ menu to ‘Control Panel’ like Netflix/YT.
- Added ability to change the speed of spoken/non spoken parts of the video.
- Style and color fixes across various menus
- Added ‘Auto Replay Caption
times’ feature to caption buttons.- Added Hindi as a select-able language.
- Added more TTS options to Observer
- Style fixes for caption buttons, control panel menu, tooltips for caption buttons
- Bug fix for word status GUI position if page was partially scrolled before loading the video.
- Added ‘Generate Audio’ → You can now dub your video with any of the available subtitles.
- Readded large number of text to speech voices. (Fixed a previous error → some of the voices failing to play)
- Bug fix for Video settings menu not being hidden if initial panel is closed while creating. (Now just inserts an icon)
- Normalized the ‘Keybindings’ Modal colors/styles to other menus
- Can now repopulate the courses dropdown if wrong language was initially selected
- Minor styling fixes, hover effects across various menus
- Bug fix for display of word status menu if word was marked ‘known’ without Lingqing
- Bug fix for the text display of a keybind sequence that had been rebound from 1 action to another
- Bug fix for word status bars when mousing out of end screen
- Bug fix for toggling of ‘Move menus’ via click
- Style fix for color settings menu position
- Style fix for some menu positions after pressing ‘Reset Display’
- Removed some problematic Text to Speech options
- Bug fix for being able to drag several menus with the ‘move menus’ bind/checkbox
- Bug fix for removing word status menus when mousing out of combined new word list
- Bug fix for excessive lag caused by Observer menu
QoL Patch → Bug fixes and menus
- Normalized colors across menus
- Style fixes for Checkboxes / Buttons / Text centering
- Video thumbnail now imports with the LingQ lesson.
- No longer need to input 2nd caption line to play the video. Also added a “None” option for clarity.
- Bug fix for click to move on floating captions/translation.
- Bug fix for floating captions/translation being visible in fullscreen mode.
- Bug fix for Text to Speech buttons missing from the new/lingqed words menus.
- Bug fix for main captions box starting in the middle of the page instead of closer to bottom.
- Bug fix for some menus being able to drag off the screen in some cases.
- Bug fix for Netflix logo showing on validation menu.
- Bug fix for ‘Reset Display’ causing weird behaviour when dragging menus.
- Bug fix for permanent position of ‘Stats Menu’
- Bug fix for permanent position of new/lingqed words menus when dragging via drag handle
for 1.29
- Moved several settings to more relevant menus
- Added Known button to Observer ‘New Words’ Menu
- Bug fix for ‘Create new course’ from courses dropdown
- Bug fix for native language populating dropdowns for some users
- Bug fix for Observer causing requests to fail in some cases
- Bug fix for Text to Speech on word click in some cases
for 1.28
- Bug fix for display of non native language GPT translations
- Minor style fixes on start menu
for 1.27
- Added GPT Translation Import
- Replaced Import as Ebook with Import ‘Heavy Lesson’
Note: Heavy Lesson imports the video with Timestamps and GPT translation. This information is then used in the overlay. The caption will be translated to your LingQ Translation language preference. This process can take up to 10 minutes to complete based on length of the video.- Bug fix for import as E-Book not working at all. (TTML2 format was not supported by LingQ)
- Bug fix for word status gui persisting when mousing out of floating word menus
for 1.26
- bug fix for changing container and translation colour via caption buttons
for 1.25
- Added a toggle to hide the word hover status buttons. (can still interact with keybinds when toggled off)
- Added persistance for floating captions & translation size / position / preset / font size / padding.
- Bug fix for word status menu position if page had been partially scrolled.
- Bug fix for interacting with word status menu if border effect is applied.
- Bug fix for space between words based on font size
for 1.24
- Added tooltips to most menu actions
- Improved Stats/Settings/Lesson Settings/Start menu styles and colors.
- Added a checkbox to toggle word status menu above/below word. (Default is underneath if translit attached, above if no translit)
- Major improvements to presentation and layout
Supported website variations
Detailed Notes
Feature | Description |
Dual Subtitles | Display subtitles in selected language pairs. |
Subtitle Syncing | Captions are synced with the original audio, regardless of spoken language. |
Query Word Translation from Language Reactor | Utilize GPT/Machine learning for word translation data. |
One-Click LingQ Lesson Creation | Create LingQ lessons in any language with a single click. |
Attach LingQ Lessons for Tooltips and Highlighting | Use attached LingQ lessons for mouseover tooltips and word highlighting. |
Automatic stats | Automatically calculates your listen time / words read and sends to LingQ |
LingQ Observer Integration | Sophisticated LingQ creation / editing menu built for Youtube. |
In-Player LingQ Lesson Management | Create and update LingQs directly in the Amazon video player. |
Split Lesson Support | Attach multiple LingQ lessons to a single video. |
Autoscrolling Words Popup | Displays popups for new words and those in LingQ lessons as they appear in the video. |
Text to Speech and Voice Selection | Choose different voices for text-to-speech functionality. |
One-Click LingQ Word Management | LingQ all lesson words or mark words as known with a single click. |
Transliteration for Certain Languages | Offers transliteration options for languages that require it. |
Word Splitting for Chinese/Japanese | Splits words appropriately for these languages. |
Segment Solutions for Arabic/Chinese | Provides segment solutions tailored for Arabic and Chinese languages. |
Filtering Options for LingQed Words/Phrases | Filter options for words or phrases that have been added to LingQ. |
Text to Speech for Phrases/Sentences | Activate text to speech for full phrases or the current sentence. |
Subtitle Tools Menu | Copy, Rewind and Text to Speech of current caption. |
Keybindings | Utilize and modify LingQ related keyboard binds on Amazon Prime. |
Customization Options | Control a wide array of menu options including colors, size, position, visibility and more |