Discuss:why do you learn a second language?

Communication. English gives me a wide access to all kinds of interesting ideas.

Because it’s important to achieve good jobs here in Brazil, on the other hand, learn other language help me to increase the number of material that I can read, listen, have fun and so on.
Despite, I study computer science and a lot of lectures, books, papers are written in english too.

I learned my second language (English) in school since it was mandatory, and all the other languages (i.e. fragments of languages…) out of pure interest.

I study Italian only because I love this language. I don’t need it for my work at all, but who knows, may be in future.
As for English - yes, I need it for my work… But 90% of my time I spend in Italian section, despite on huge problems with “more important” English. I hope to get it more balanced in next few month…

I love English Language , and we can’t forget that English is The world Language. We need this language everywhere.

When recruiting in some large companies here in Germany, English counts as good as “no foreign” language, but as international, it is taken for granted that young candidates have no problem with it.

First because i love to learn the english language too much.
Second because the english is the most widespread language of the world, not the most spoken (That one is Chinese,because the population).
Third because my career need it.

The reason why I study a second language( for me, it’s Japanese)…
I study Japanese only because I love this language. I don’t need it, but who knows, may be in future. I don’t know…

Studying of other language enables to see more widely a life.

You’re absolutely right! :slight_smile:

Communication is essential in life,that`s why learning a second language might be considered an important tool to be in touch with a huge number of people.I teach English at a school and through this occupation I have learned a lot from my students at the same time they aqcuire the language.You can teach not only contents but values so necessary nowdays.

I learn english because, when i know only one language. i feel limitation my sensing world

i need it in my work

Your native language is English!!! Why you have written briefly? What language is required to you for work?

I study foreign languages because I enjoy being able to understand literature, films, music the way it was meant to be and not relying on a translation with many real meanings lost along the way. Of course, being able to communicate with more cultures and ways of thinking is also one of the reasons that motivate me to keep studying.

Also, I’ve been wanting to become an “expert” in romance languages and study how they evolved from a same root into all these different languages.

You studies more than one languages simultaneously! How it is possible to you? Whether you get mixed up?

Hi Ks
Yes, I study three languages simultaneously and no, I do not get them mixed with each other. It is a matter of knowing how to study and when to study what. I usually study all three everyday at least one hour per language. I’ve tried assigning specific days for specific languages and it has not worked for me.I think I need daily exposure to each of them.

I will usually begin with an hour for Portuguese, then go do something else… while still trying to listen to some Portuguese music as a background for any activity. Then repeat the same process for the other two. This way I take a sort of “break” between languages and avoid getting them all mixed up. I also have a separate notebook for each language where I write most of my vocabulary and any important notes. This helps me realize they are all different languages and do not go “together”. I hope that made sense ha!

I study languages for several reasons, but the most important is because when you learn a new language a whole new world unfolds in front of you. You get in contact with a new culture, new ideas, new information… and you discover that you don’t need to go to outer space or to an imaginary world to find something different. The paradox of this is that the more you know the language the more of all its cultural context becomes familiar to you. There are other reasons (intellectual challenge, professional needs, fun), but for me learning a language is, above all, a cultural experience.

Fully agree Carlos. With each language we discover a new world, and more about ourselves as human beings.

In my case it would be learning a third language, French. And I’m doing it because I want to broaden my horizons.
Learning a language uncovers a hidden door full of treasures that would’ve been close forever unless you open it with the knowledge of your new language. I enjoy listening to other people speaking, I enjoy their music, films and books.
My plan for now is to learn french, but in the future I would like to learn Italian and japanese and maybe portuguese.
Just thinking about being able to understand all those cultures feels me up with excitement!
And now that found Lingq the adventure seems to be taking off just fine. :wink:
happy learning everyone!