Discuss:why do you learn a second language?

It benefits every area of my life. Its fun. It’s an impressive skill. It’s healthy. I can definately make you money. It opens up culture and there for aids in open mindedness and overall knowledge and wisdom haha

The question should be “Why don’t you?” :stuck_out_tongue: but i guess that wouldnt work on this site…

I study English because it is very useful. International measures realize by English.

i need to say as a continuous english learner, choosing another language to learn and study after english was hard to decide for me. i had not a clear idea… i don’t know what happened but i am here and studying italian:) it was a difficult choice and is a difficult language. and i sometimes think that what does italian language can benefit me after learning it. i have still trouble because i have no intrest about italy or italian movies(suggest me pls) or you know ,you name it. i guess, i am learning it to be said by the other people; he knows italian:D something like that.

Furkan89, I agree with you that choosing a new language for learning it can be hard.

Anyway, you can flirt with the new language (listen to some mp3 for begginers, reading a little, having a look to grammar), and then you’ll know better if you have feeling with the new language. If not, you can try another.

i did not like its grammer. it is absolutely elaborate compared to english and my native language. but i am still learning it. its rhythm is fantastic… also i have always wanted to learn japanese but its alphabet gave me a scare when i started to take a look at it… i am going check it some time. i have a lot of spare time.

thanks oscarP

Because they are beautiful.
Like a mechanic taking apart a car, or some machine to see how it works and also to put it back together. A need to understand is the greatest hunger.

I feel like a kid in a candy store.
This might be what I choose to do with my life. Going into linguistics and learning many languages.
How I could turn that into a job that pays well is another challenge down the road.

Why some people do not show any interest in learning a foreign language?

My guess is as follows:

  1. They might think that their mother tongues could be deformed by studying “strange” foreign languages.
  2. They have little interest in the things that are not around them.
  3. They have a lot of other things that they can enjoy doing.

“Why do some people not show any interest in learning a foreign language?”

I am learning because the sounds, rythym and intonation of the italian language does things to me that I find magical and extraordinarily pleasurable. (And no I do not mean that in a dirty way!) I had been around Spanish all my life and never really liked the language for various reasons. Yes italian and Spanish have almost identical sounds, but the intonation and rythym and FEEL is completely different. I found myself listening to audiotapes in italian even though I couldn’t understand a word of it because I just really like listening to the language. I now understand what Steve means when he says to study the language you love rather than the one you or others think you SHOULD study. Because I love this language & feel compelled to study it I have come to know more italian in the past month than I’ve ever learned of Spanish in a lifetime of living around Spanish people & 3 years of spanish classes.

YutakaM I think there are many translate program and people do not need to study foreign language

steve as i now you study many language!!! I wonder what is your favorite language?

My favourite language is the one that I am listening to or reading at the time. I must say that I really enjoy Russian.

What do think about studying two language simultaneously? For example English and Italian

What do you think? i am sorry for mistake :slight_smile:

YutakaM , In my view, it’s not about that there are many translating programs (by the way, they don’t work very well sometimes), it’s at least about:

  1. They are lazy people
  2. They had terrible experience in learning a foreign language in school, and they don’t know how fun and interesting can be learning a new language. (For example, they probably think that you have to study a lot of grammar).
  3. They don’t know Lingq

YutakaM, about studying two languages at the same time, I think it’s up to the learner.
Anyway, a good approach may be learning 80% of time language 1, and 20% time language 2 in background (or swap it when you want)

I agree with you OscarP. Learning foreign language may by very interest. But many people have not free time therefore they use translate programs

Ks, Many people say they don’t have time for learning a new language. However, with an mp3 player, you can listen while running, washing dishes, driving, waiting in a queue, eating, and so on. If you sum all the wasted minutes during the day, it’s a lot of time.

I agree with you again! If you have wish you find time for it. I hope that it was written correct and you understand me.

My interests are various and change at a fast rate, but learning languages is a thing I’ve never ceased to do. I like to study english because it opens you to the world, plus I find exquisitely charming the writers of the Victorian Age (actually, all the books i’m reading in english belong to that period). English is an omnipresent language, and its field of action spans from literature to science and arts. I determined to study English seriously once I returned from a trip to Denmark. I was surprised at noticing how seamlessly it is spoken there. And, of course, speaking “utilitarianese”, it is quite obvious that English is essential to work nowadays. Not least, it makes you sound sophisticated.

I’m learning Spanish for other reasons though. First, I want to test the LingQ method, which so far has proved to be amazingly effective, and second, in truth, I would really like to have a spanish girlfriend. Of course spanish, just like english, unlocks innumerable doors to new and completely unforeseen worlds. I’m probably going to Spain this year (one week or so), and I can’t wait to get to the first book store I find there and immerse myself in millions of books (and audiobooks, for sure). I always thank God that they didn’t teach me Spanish at school, because doing it at my own pace (which is quite fast) and in my own way is the first reward I’m receiving.

I’m not going to learn any other language soon. I’d rather strengthen my skills in these two. But I’ve given some time to this thought, I’m deciding between French or Romanian. It is, though, an extremely long-term decision, and experience taught me that long-term plans 99% of times don’t work or don’t go as expected