Discuss:why do you learn a second language?

Hi, Falcao
Your way of studying of foreign languages is very interesting. I have been impressed!!! What language is easier for you?
Do you have favorite? Where did you learn English language? I am learning English. I like Italian, but firstly I want to master even English. Maybe I am doing many mistakes now. And I hope you understand me!

Hi Ks,
Thanks for the encouraging words! What language is easier for me? Well, it depends… grammatically I would say Portuguese, but the Italian pronunciation is much easier, so it really depends on how you look at it.
My favorite? I would say Portuguese, it has this sexy sound that I can’t explain. If you ever decide to study Portuguese you will know what I mean.
Where did I learn English? Well… I would say I learned it in life, I guess. I had some English lessons when I was a little kid at school, but I never really learned anything, probably the very basics and that was it, but being exposed to this language through music, movies, tv, etc… I sort of just learned it without trying or without consciously “learning”. So now that you are studying English I would definitely recommend exposure, exposure and more exposure to the language. Same with Italian. You will soon notice how the words just start flying out of your mouth in no time.

Just keep the motivation up and you will see how easy it gets once you are motivated. Your English is great by the way!!!

You freely communicate in English, though specially did not study it. It is delightful! I agree with you that Italian pronunciation is easy. For example, English pronunciation is more difficultly for me. And You have intrigued me concerning Portuguese!!! Perhaps I will listen to some songs in this language. Should I speak on it to understand sexy sound? :slight_smile:
Write to me about my English please. What your opinion? shank you!

Hi Folks,
I’d like to bring you back to the mane subject of the discussion. Here in Russia first of all people intent on learning the second language to find a good job place and built a carrier. To my knowledge if you know English, besides your native language (in our case it’s Russian) you become more valuable employee. But time is getting tougher and many people decide to learn the third language, in Russia it’s German due to the great expansion of German companies.
The other reason why people learn English is the chance to communicate all over the word. Learning the second language is a good way to keep your mind clear.

I think that most Russian people choose English as foreign language. International conferences, congresses, scientific measures are carried out in English.