Best use of importing videos

I think maybe I understand the import video feature. But maybe I don’t. Like there could be some aspects to it that I’m missing.

I imported a Netflix video. Cool.

So I can read through a transcript of the show on LingQ and use sentence view, create lingqs, reviews–all the normal stuff I could do with the other content like mini-stories.

I don’t think I would use the feature this way because the transcripts of video by themself aren’t as compelling as content that was written to be read. And it is interesting and valuable to watch videos with subtitles on Netflix, but I could do that without importing.

Is there some other way to use video-imported lessons or the browser plugin that I’m missing? Maybe other people are really into it for some reason.

I don’t voice this as a complaint. I appreciate LingQ a lot.



I will partially answer my own question…

It is pretty great to see from lingq site, the Netflix content with a percentage known words based on my vocabulary. That makes it a better launching page than the Netflix app itself, because I can hunt for the programs that are less likely to overwhelm me with new vocabulary.

Right. When you import from Netflix onto LingQ you only copy the transcript. There is no audio/video you can watch.

I’m still offering free review copies of this extension until end of the month. You can watch the video on Netflix and do all the things you could on LingQ at the same time. Send me a message if you’re interested in a copy.


I’ve tried reading both before the Netflix movie/TV series and afterwards. These days I find it not very interesting, so don’t do it. For me, the value I get from importing content in from Netflix is merely to keep my statistics, as I watch with target language subtitles. I import the transcript just to add +1x read. You can go through the New Words list to mark some words as Known too.

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