Ich habe zusamen mit Reinhard einen neuen Text für diese Sammlung WISSEN SIE DAS SCHON vorbereitet - DIE GESCHICHTE DES COMPUTERS:
In diesem Text erzählen wir über die ersten Rechenmaschinen, die zum ersten Computer geführt haben.
Außerdem können Sie in diesem Kurs solche Texte finden, wie zum Beispiel:
Die Geschichte des Kalenders
Die Geschichte der Zeittung
Lachen ist die beste Medezin
Die vier Menschentzpen
Die Geschichte der deutschen Sprache
Wie kann man Vokabeln lernen?
Die Entsteheung des Tourismus
Die Europäisdcher Union
Die Lüneburger Heide
Der märchenhafte Harz
Der Schwarzwald
und viele andere.
Viel Erfolg!
Hier sind meine neuen deutschen Podcasts über das Internet aus dem Kurs WISSEN SIE DAS SCHON? - WAS IST INTERNET: Login - LingQ
You should change the first link on the top. It’s /ru/ instead of /en/.
I clicked it and it changed all my interface in Russian language for I don’t know which reason and I couldn’t go back. It wasn’t easy to figure out how to change it back to English and I couldn’t understand a word
I noticed that all other links you have posted here are /en/.
Really?.. It’s interesting… I don’t know how to change the links that I did some time ago, but I see that it depends on your interface.
You have to go to ‘lessons’ and then you see a wheel on the top in the left. By pressing the wheel you see ‘interface’ - you can change to ‘english’ or to your mother language - and then all comments will be in the chosen language.
Now I’ll be more careful and send my new lessons only with the English interface.
If you go to ‘lessons’ you can see the wheel on the top. By pressing the wheel, you see some settings including ‘interface’ - you can change the interface to English or to your native language - and then all comments will be in this language.
But I will be now more careful by linking, thanks!
Yes, I could change it back as I opened my profile in another browser and searched where the language setting was and where English was. Fortunately English is the first one on the list.
It’s the first time that happened to me, maybe it’s another glich that we are experimenting.
You should have an “edit” option but maybe it works only for new posts.