Hier sind neue deutsche Podcasts für die Mittelstufe, die für Sie interessant sein können:
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen “das Gleiche” und “dasselbe”?:
Thousands of hours of language learning content to choose from in 42 languages, including audio and video, with full transcripts. Import content from your favourite sites and create personalized lessons.
Ist es gesund jeden Tag eine Tasse Kaffee zu trinken?:
Thousands of hours of language learning content to choose from in 42 languages, including audio and video, with full transcripts. Import content from your favourite sites and create personalized lessons.
Wie ist das kyrillische Alphabet entstanden:
Thousands of hours of language learning content to choose from in 42 languages, including audio and video, with full transcripts. Import content from your favourite sites and create personalized lessons.