What do you love about the language(s) you are learning?

I like the feeling to know that I’ve reached the level that allows me not to fake to understand what’s beeing said, like in this video: - YouTube

A reporter quoted him as saying, “I’ve learned a lot in the past few weeks…”

Yea, it doesn’t seem likely that Japanese was one of those things. Though, I think he did a decent job of pretending to understand. Those 10-15 minutes must have felt like a lifetime.

Yeah Swahili should be added. That would be cool. I know I talk about adding languages, and I don’t add any myself, but I only speak 1 language (learning 1 now, ofc) and I also don’t know how to add.

By the way, does anyone else think they should add Russian cursive as a text option on LingQ? I need to practice my cursive reading and I would like to do it on here.

at least obama managed a merci beaucoup in a speech and bom dia in brazil lol lol

Dude, I am finding typing and spelling BRUTAL in Russian. In Hello talk right now I realized how terrible I am at the Russian alphabet.

Yes please. I would love to learn a Niger Congo African language… along with the 19 other languages on my to do list.

I really, really, really do not like Trump… but I’m not gonna get on him for not understanding Japanese. I am a Bernie Sanders voter and I don’t think Sanders would have spoken Hindi better than trump did. Donald Trump speaks in Hindi in Indian-American campaign ad - YouTube

I really, really, really do not like Trump… but I’m not gonna get on him for not understanding Japanese. I am a Bernie Sanders voter and I don’t think Sanders would have spoken Hindi better than trump did. Donald Trump speaks in Hindi in Indian-American campaign ad - YouTube

I like the conciseness of the language. The sound of it can be pretty cool too in certain situations though the tones can sometimes make it difficult to follow. Theres also something appealing about the aesthetic of the characters, very different from any other major language in the world in that it does not have a consistent sound relationship to its written language

It’s not too terrible, just take an English word, cyrillicize it, then add -ов -чески -ый to the end!

But, I think the alphabet makes pronunciation easier. I cringe when I see people use the Romanization of Russian, because it’s never accurate!

  1. I love almost everything about the US.
  2. English is so different than Turkish.
  3. There are obviously a lot of interesting things to read and listen.

I love how Spanish works and the words are so cool. Easy! to learn. Sounds perfect. There are 20+ countries where the Spanish language is the official language. This is really important to me.

German. Well I don’t like it very much. :slight_smile:

very good idea!

Yes, although my university’s Soviet era textbook did a pretty good job teaching cursive. I’d also like to see some older Russian texts, although not sure what dictionary could used. There are quite a few pre-revolutionary newspapers and journals Ièd like to read.

i like inglish because its very interesting and easy and ispeak 4languages and i want to study turkish now

I am learning Mandarin and Spanish, and they are not the most interesting, but that is okay because it is good 2 learn a language because it is useful.

Hey, thanks for the nice words about the US. I think Turkey is really cool, too.

Contrary to its reputation, Russian can be so soft and lyrical. - YouTube

I don’t know much about Mandarin but Spanish is really awesome. You are lucky because you speak English, you are in Texas and you’re smart. I think, if you understand how the Spanish language works, you can easily learn it. Me? I have to work A LOT.

Hey! I’ve been reading the history of Texas. I’d like to write a book about Texas Republic, someday. I really love the US and the southern states but I love Oregon and Washington too. I had some friends from these states. I will visit your country someday.

Sorry for this long post, but there is one more thing I want to say. Maybe you guys don’t recognize it but writing in English is awesome. Writing and reading in English is totally a different experience for me.

Wow! That is awesome! Texas is a very unique place, there’s no doubt about it. I live in a part of Texas called San Antonio that has a lot of history. You would love it. The interesting thing about it is that it is a state that has an unusual pride unlike the other states, it feels independent.

In Turkey is there a region like that? I know it is kind of in a weird geographical state because most of it is in Asian but some of it is in Europe.

Also if you visit America you should come here to San Antonio. That is so cool that you are interested in Texas.

Turkey has always been a place I want to visit, too. I want to go to Istanbul and shop in the Bazaars, and have some of their tea and coffee. The language is very interesting, too, but I am studying Mandarin mostly now : ( I hope I’ll get to it one day.