Updated Vocabulary SRS Review page, improved export for Anki, Memrise

I’m only studying Russian, so I couldn’t tell you whether this is a problem for other languages.

I’ve just tried it in Firefox (Safari is my normal browser) and it’s a problem there too.

The problem must exist in the backend somewhere. For example if I hit the following url, I get one result but the api should return a lot more:


Thanks, I’ll pass that along.

I can still see words and phrases with the status of “Known-review never” while my activity “Review now” I don’t want to study words of that status! I want studying only words and phrases of status “4” but it impossible to divide them! And there is no sound neither in the vocabulary section, nor in the lesson section any more. It’s happened since that Tuesday and it applies only the web version, the android version is fine.

And I can’t now use playlist (both : android and web) - it doesn’t play lessons in a row. I have to put the “play” button every time to go to the next lesson in the play list. It’s really annoying.

In addition, I tried to download an audio files to listen to them with my player (android), but this was possible only in the classical version of the lessons. In a new form, I could not find a button for this action. Is it a glitch or another innovation as the inability to edit the original words and phrases?

I’m afraid status known-review never are status 4 words so if you include that status, they are included. That is no different on the classic vocabulary page. We can consider adding an additional filter for those words but that would be new functionality. But, I recommend not reviewing status 4 words. You should wait for these to appear in future lessons and review them in context. There is no need to learn words in Review until they become 4-review never.

As for the audio, it seems to work fine for me. Maybe try refreshing the screen or exiting and restarting your browser. Nothing has changed there. Likewise with the playlist. it sounds like you are having some strange issues which may be browser related. If you still have problems, let us know which browser you are using.

The download audio control is right beside the audio play button where it has always been. Nothing has changed on the lesson page.

I usually look through phrases with status 4 and only those that fall into the section ‘due for review’. In the old version, I could filter the phrases of the 1st status, the 2nd status, the 3rd status, the 4th status. I use a different kind of activity for each status, so it’s important for me to separate them. In the new version, I can do what I did before only with statuses 1,2,3. In my dictionary 1172 phrases with a 4-th status and only 150-200 phrases of them, which are ‘due for review’ - how can I separate them out? I want to see only them. In the old version, I did not have problems with this. In a separate tab ‘due for review’ I can choose words with status 4 and do what I whant, but these are words, and I need phrases. With phrases, I can only work in the “phrases” tab, but there is no way to select phrases the 4 th status for ‘due for review’.
And you know what? I shouldn’t wait for these phrase to appear in future lessons, I want looking through them now. How can I do that?
What aplies the audio I think you are right. I’m using Firefox and that kind of issues has already happened to me, I can remember that I already dealt with a similar problem to the support team and I do not know how, but the problem was solved. On my phone I use chrome to work with the web version of the LingQ and everything is all right.
Restarting the browser didn’t help.

The download audio control is right beside the audio play button where it has always been - you are right again, but I meant that I can see it only on my computer, When I do the same on my phone ( I use my phone much more often) I can’t see that. You can see what I mean on the pictures



I’m able to download audio only when I switch to the classic version.
I hope now my explanations are much clearer

You’re right. There is no way to review those kinds of phrases only in the new view. We’ll see how we can enable that.

Your image links don’t work for me but, on the phone, we don’t show the download control because not many people download audio files that way on their device. The website is responsive which means it adjusts to your screen size by moving or removing certain elements. In this case, the download button is removed because it was not really used on mobile.

If your goal is to download the audio so you can listen while offline, I recommend installing our mobile app for Android or iOS. The iOS version has the same Playlist as on the web and downloads all audio files in your playlist automatically. Android unfortunately is still the old version but it does automatically download any lessons you open on the app.

thanks for understanding. Unfortunately I can’t use the old android version, because I’m already using new Android version, and I love it very much, but there’s no way to make playlist.

The Playlist should be on the beta app soon so that should help. In the meantime, when you open a lesson on the app it should be downloaded automatically so you can listen offline.

@neofight - Can you try again now?

Yep, working now! Seems to be working faster too. Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

Great! Thanks for being patient and helping us find that issue!

Update: You can now turn off the auto text to speech for flashcards in the settings and notes now preserve line breaks when displayed in the review activities and on the page.

We just posted an update which allows you to add Reverse Flashcards as an additional activity in the Review section. You can show the term on the front with no TTS and see the term on the back. There is also a box to disable auto TTS for regular flashcards. Thanks for your patience!

Are there any plans in the future to have the SRS automatically change from 1 all the way to known similar to Memrise or Anki? because Memrise just keeps on screwing over their userbase (they’ve just removed mems!) and I could see this type of thing potentially getting a large chunk of new users over to LingQ. And it would also mean I could just do my SRSing here too :smiley:

Your words do change status if you review them using our review activities. In a session, if you correctly answer the same word two times in a row, it moves up one status level. If you keep reviewing the same words, they will eventually move to known.

I don’t know what a “mem” is, but I definitely think reviewing here makes a lot more sense. Especially if you are finding the terms to learn in our lessons. Plus, you have the added ability to review these terms in context in all of your current and future lessons, which is really the best way to review and learn new words. Of course, in the lessons, you have to increase your word status manually.

Oh, that’s cool then. I didn’t know about it working like that. That makes things easier.


Edit: I just tried the review system and they were bumped up one level. This is great for me personally. It makes the whole process so much easier.

And mems were mnemonics that are (or were?) a large part of why a lot of people used Memrise to begin with. So since those have been removed people are looking for alternatives. I guess they could probably do that with the notes section here on LingQ?

If you could describe the flow on Memrise and what you would like to see, I could answer better. You can add Notes and Tags but neither of those things can be displayed during your review sessions unless you click to edit the term.

When you first learn a word you get the option of creating a mnemonic story to go along with that word (or item), or you can choose a previously made community mnemonic. If you forget to remember a word with a previously saved mnemonic it shows up on the review. So it would show the word, the definition and then the story you’ve chosen. I’ve personally only used this for hard words (or hard Kanji) but there seems to be a large group of learners that use this for every single word. They haven’t removed them all together, just prevented them from being shared. So users who have created 4000+ mems for the community or for particular courses have now lost the ability to share.

Well, it sounds like the best place for these would be in the notes. These are currently only accessible when viewing the expanded LingQ (term) info. And, they don’t show in the review activities unless you edit the terms. Notes are also currently not shareable although that is something we are looking at doing in the future.