To my Canadian friends

Don’t worry, you’re still better, and you’ll probably beat us somewhere in the second round or in a medal game, but tonight…

we were better…

How about that Ryan Miller

We should have just started a bench-clearing brawl in the third.

I can’t really talk about it right now…Miller was great…

We’re not dead yet though…fun to watch!

I wish they showed some of the games on tv here, the coverage of the Winter Olympics in Australia is a disgrace!

I’m a bit annoyed about the FIN v SWE result as well.

Does anyone have any thoughts on who might win the gold based on the heavyweight clashes today?

What a battle! Personally I don’t want to see Canadians as a rival for our “Red Machine” in the final :slight_smile:

And definetly, Miller bought some magician potions right before the match =)

Ooops! It seems we will have fierce battle in 1/4… Canada will play with Russia if Germany lose.

I have to say that Russia, Sweden, and the US have to be the favourites now. The other countries who must play the qualification round the day before the quarter finals are at a big disadvantage. But, anything can happen…

I hope to see Russia-Canada if Canada can get by the Germans!

I have said from the beginning that the 'old guard" Pronger, Niedermeyer and Brodeur should not be there. They cost us the game. Unfortunately the people selecting our team felt that “old boy” pressure in choosing these guys. I hope that as a result of the fiasco against the US, we can now rely on Luongo in nets and I look forward to the Canada-Russia game.

I see that Pronger is getting less and less ice time, and I hope the same happens with Niedermeyer. We should have had more young defensemen like Ovechkin’s buddy Mike Green from Washington instead of these two old guys.

Never thought of the old boy network angle. Add Jay Bouwmeister to the list of "should be there"s.
Still it is not like they are slouches either. I am sure they would have made any other team were they not Canadian. I think the issue is that the gap between the great players and the good players is smaller than before. So much more depends on chance and how the team is gelling. I now think Canada will beat the Germans and and the Russians, but lose to Sweden in the finals.

I doubt that Pronger would have made any of the top teams, too slow. Niedermeyer too stupid, Brodeur, too much of a hot-dog with his stick.

Well I agree about Brodeur. I have always thought he was considered the best by default once Roy retired. He is good, but has been lucky to play on a defensive oriented teams in New Jersey.

he was the reason they lost all those goals were blockable

blindside, my American friend, goalies stop pucks, they don’t ‘block goals’ ;p

Isn’t Ryan Miller Canadian? He must be.

go to your class tomorrow and say ‘all those pucks were stoppable’…

btw I’m happy we won, but I truly hope Canada wins the gold, if you guys don’t you’ll probably lose half your population to mass bridge jumpings… Your land to man ratio is already too high all that’ll be left are eskimos and curling fans…

blindside, with reference to the title of this thread, you have no more Canadian friends. I will twitter your comments to the snow bird community in Las Vegas. I would be careful if I were you.

If death by Canadian is my fate then so be it, but what I wrote up there was pure comedy gold and I have no regrets… :slight_smile:

curling fans! ha!


I fear for you, my friend. Death by Canadians, if it were only that simple. I am afraid you will be abducted to some dark place where you will be forced to make 50,000 LingQs first in Russian, then in Japanese and then later on in Chinese, Swedish, Portuguese…By the time you get out of that cold, dark cell, I hope you’d still have some hair left. Good luck!

I vote we put blindside in net to “block goals” without any gear on…this thread is getting kind of macabre. Actually, I’m glad for the Americans…it’s nice for them to beat Canada, some Americans may actually start watching the hockey now…tear themselves away from the tractor pull.

"tear themselves away from the tractor pull. "
