"There is little they could do to stop Trump should he decide, on a whim, to press the 'nuclear button'."

Trump has repeatedly bragged about his willingness to use nuclear weapons. As commander-in-chief, he oversees the world’s largest nuclear arsenal. Last year he threatened to “totally destroy” North Korea, a nation of 25 million people. He has also threatened Iran. Such lunatic recklessness appals many Americans. But it transpires there is little they could do to stop Trump should he decide, on a whim, to press the “nuclear button”.
Checks do exist. There is a chain of command that cannot be bypassed. But security experts say nobody, not even the secretaries of state and defence or the chairman of the joint chiefs, has legal power to block a presidential launch order. What could be less democratic?

Should Trump decide, on a whim, to press the “nuclear button”, there is little we could do to stop him.

The Trump presidency will be remembered for many things, but some of those who served it may prove tricky to recall. The former reality TV star has hired and fired staffers faster than he could ever jettison contestants on The Apprentice. High-profile appointees to august posts traditionally filled for years have struggled to stay for more than a couple of months – sometimes even days – before being fired or resigning.

Isn’t it time people in the US fired Trump?

We may soon face a situation in which a president whose campaign is under investigation for collaboration with a hostile foreign power’s sabotaging of our democracy — and who has gone to enormous lengths to both scuttle that investigation and to publicly vindicate that foreign power — is seeking to avoid questioning on these matters, with the help of the justice he just appointed, possibly (given what we know about Trump) in part for this very reason.

It is Brett Kavanaugh that was selected by Trump who presumably wants to avoid questioning by the special prosecutor on his collaboration with Moscow.

“The #NRA strongly supports Judge Brett #Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court because he will protect our constitutional right to keep and bear arms. It’s critical that all pro-Second Amendment voters urge their senators to confirm Judge Kavanaugh.” --tweet by NRA

Yutaka babes, is this you?

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You may find some consolation in the fact that even if he gives the order and presses the button, then the people on the nuclear submarines still have to actually fire the things. Legal or not, it seems plausible that someone would disobey the order if Trump truly decided on a whim to bring about nuclear armageddon.

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Tommy babes(?), what have you been lost in thought about? If you removed your nonsense message in this thread, you wouldn’t be labeled a troll.

What’s the title of the video? If You were Musashi, your favorite hero, you would write the title and explain the relationship between the video and the theme of this thread.



「hehehe I can tell he took the immense courage to watch the descriptionless Hikikomori video, and is flailing[sic] and failing to hit back. 」

If I were Musashi, I would have either taken the unusually wise council of that Holocaust-skeptic edgelord Paivi Antisemiteberg, and not further engaged the asylum inmates, or I would have bid a blessed peasant erect wooden message signs in my name all around Nippon, challenging you Sir to a sword duel to the death. :wink:

Beautiful English as always!


Rhetorical might be better word, and the phrase “that Holocaust-skeptic edgelord Paivi Antisemiteberg” seems to be extremely Germanic. English natives never come up with such a phrase.

Tommy seems to have been lost in comic books in German. Had he read the title of this thread, he would not have posted the off-topic comment.

hehehe I can tell he took the immense courage to watch the descriptionless Hikikomori video, and is flailing and failing to hit back. Seems Germanic in what sense? You’re not suggesting different ethno-linguistic groups could possibly consistently have on average different characters, are you? That would be like totally soooo racist. The mask is slipping Captain Japan!

Or is he attacking me on an ethnic basis for producing ten-line sentences, including eight subclauses, and containing several never-seen-before compound words and stuffy, overly pseudo-intellectualized, spontaneously made-up power-words! Can you believe it?!

If I were a weak-sponge loosing an argument I’d threaten to go tattle to the site management and get your hate speech censored!

hmmm, say what you want about Mr. Tommy, but judging from his postings here, I can say his writing is virtually indistinguishable from that of a native.
Even if it wasn’t, I don’t think it’s appropriate to try and deride other peoples language skills on a language learning forum. It’s not a good look…

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JEALOUSY is a very destructive characteristic. All I ever see in your posts is BITTERNESS and RESENTMENT.

Ah well Tommy, rhetorical English as always! Laters!

Tommy is a very naughty boy who watches far too much Youtube! That’s what I wanted to say about Tommy and I feel much better for it! Thanks amop!

Trump isn’t going to randomly start a nuclear war, if you people used your head once in a while you’d figure out that the absolute last thing a country ever wants to do is start a nuclear war that would result in disastrous side affects on the nation itself.
As a regular user of lingq, please take your political interests elsewhere to discuss as it clogs up the community feed.
We’re linguists, not politicians.


Could you be more specific, Triggered?
Who do you say is jealous? Who is angry at whom?


Could you see Tommy’s first post in this thread? Does it make any sense?


”If I were Musashi, I would have either taken the unusually wise council of that Holocaust-skeptic edgelord Paivi Antisemiteberg, and not further engaged the asylum inmates, or …”


A set of “never-seen-before compound words” that end with Something-“berg” seems intriguingly Germanic. I am not “deriding” your ostentatious language skills.


Thank you, kind Sir. MAGA!

@Pete the Saxon of Londinium, Crusher of Enemies and Herald of the Lemendeyshn of their women aka Triggered

I confess to an overconsumption of youtube. This shall henceforth cease for the following three reasons:

  1. Yes, it’s making me cranky and aiding the process of radicalization :wink:
  2. My antiquated Fernsprechgerät (iPhone 4S) has to-day passed on after long suffering and is now in smartphone heaven. In my madness I posthaste aquired a Huawei product to quell the pain, supressing concerns of PRC espionage. A second Chinese visa is not guaranteed, now that they will know all about young, dashingly handsome Tommy the pernicious agent of corrupting imperialist European influence, rabid anti-communist, and defiler of innocent Chinese maidens.
  3. Now that the you-tubez have sinned against as pure a soul as Alex Jones of InfoWars, I shall join the exodus of the deplorables and explore the exotic realms of BitChute and co. I’ve heard the commonfolk in the marketplace tell many a tale about it.

@His distinguished excellency Count Yutaka von Japan-Reich

You had zero likes and zero comments on this twenty-seventh Donald-spasm of yours, until we made it interesting. Isn’t any engagement then to the benefit of ye olde Englishe?

Working on your TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) is arguably more relevant than commenting on the drivel spat forth by Guardian, Washington Post and the like, innit?

Tommy wrote:
”Now that the you-tubez have sinned against as pure a soul as Alex Jones of InfoWars, I shall join the exodus of the deplorables and explore the exotic realms of BitChute and co. I’ve heard the commonfolk in the marketplace tell many a tale about it.“

I don’t know what Tommy wants to say here.

“Removals from Facebook, YouTube, Spotify and Apple haven’t slowed his posting, but the Infowars founder is appealing to the president.”
Alex Jones claims he’s being silenced as bans push him to alternate platforms