"There is little they could do to stop Trump should he decide, on a whim, to press the 'nuclear button'."

“Working on your TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) is arguably more relevant than commenting on the drivel spat forth by Guardian, Washington Post and the like, innit?”

The witer of the above comment seems to be a big fan of the reckless US president. Isn’t it Tommy himself that is suffering from some Trump-related syndrome, although I am not sure about this?



It is kind of sad that the biggest TDS suffering troll on this forum can’t recognise their own disorder.

How’s the best economic growth and lowest unemployment in decades going YutakaTDS-san? Must make you sick to see so much prosperity?

How about you you give us some more alt-left propaganda from Carlos Slim’s blog or Jeff Bezos’s blog to make us all laugh?

Go 1 week without reading the grauniad, NYT, WaPo or CNN and I’ll be very impressed.



“Go 1 week without reading the grauniad, NYT, WaPo or CNN and I’ll be very impressed.”

I would reply:
“Go 1 week without reading fringe post-truth news sites, and I’ll be very impressed.”


If sticking up for democracy, capitalism and free enterprise makes me a “trump-worshipper”, then lol, ok.

Why do you hate democratic outcomes so much?

And – biggest question – why do you continually inflict your alt-left nonsense on these boards, troll?

You do realise that the only people on these boards (who have posted a lot after the “like” system came in) that have number posts/number of likes ration worst than yours – are advertising spammers?

Why do you keep “advertising spamming” your alt-left nonsense here?

All it does is harden people’s views against your own.




The post history shows you started the insults and persist with them, troll.

Since you are in the mood for giving advice - here’s some in return – how about you give something back to this community rather than continually use it as your own personal forum, troll?

誰に対するinsults ですか?「偉大的」アメリカ大統領に対してですか。メディアの報道のほとんどがトランプに対するinsults であり、「フェイクニュース」だとiaingさんは信じているのですか?

Elsewhere Yutaka wrote:
— I am an old man. I retired several years ago, when I was sixty-five years old. Fortunately or unfortunately, I have a lot of time to kill. —

There’s a saying that goes something like:

If you’re not a liberal till 25 you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative by 50 you have no brain.

Just sayin Sir.

So please dare to step out of the fake news echo chamber of: Washington Poo, New York Slimes, Gmarxian and similar rags for a refreshing change:

-Steven Crowder
-Stefan Molyneux
-Rubin Report
-Sam Harris
-Gad Saad
-Aaron Clarey
-Jean-Francois Gariépy
-Davis Aurini
-Paul Joseph Watson
-Jordan B Peterson
-Rebel Media
-Vox Day

Just some who spontaneously come to mind out of the insanely sane lunatic fringe. No need to agree with everyone and everything, but it makes for interesting listening :wink:

And don’t forget:

The answer to 1984 is 1776. If you are receiving this transmission, you ARE the resistance! :stuck_out_tongue:

No, thank you. Are they all your favorite programs? Do you listen to all those programs endlessly? I have to admit that I don’t like massive listening. I enjoy reading short stories by W. Somerset Maugham, Graham Green, and Kazuo Ishiguro.

Is Alex Jones’ InfoWars your favorite program? I don’t know anything about him. Do you think most of his opinions are justifiable? How about “Daily Torch”, which a troll from Australia, not from Austria, seems to love to read?

“If you’re not a liberal till 25 you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative by 50 you have no brain.”
I don’t know who said this. There seems to be several variations of this statement, and in each case, I feel a scent of self-justification. I don’t think there is such a linear/dicotomic development.

Daniel Bell considered himself a "liberal in politics, a socialist in economics and a conservative in culture.” In addition, the definitions of these terms are different in different countries, and change in the process of history.
Arguing the World -- The New York Intellectuals | Daniel Bell

iaing, what a fantastic idea!

Hail Tommy, Geißel des Kommunismus und Befreier der chinesischen Jungfrauen. Grüße an die Stadt der Musik.
Ich hoffe, dass Ihr Geständnis eine neue Phase der Erleuchtung in Ihrem Leben einleitet. Ich wickele mein Handy in Zwiebel, rein und roh, meine persönliche entwickelte Formulierung, die nach dem gleichen Prinzip wie das Tor-Netzwerk funktioniert und Ihre Daten sicher aufbewahrt :wink: sie blockiert alle schädlichen Angriffe, lässt die Zwiebel aber nicht austrocknen!
Ich habe nicht von Alex Jones neulich gehört, weil ich ganz fleißig studieren war, doch Soros und die Echsen wollten Jonesy nur so lange tolerieren, seine Karte war markiert, sein Verfallsdatum begrenzt.!
Übrigens ist er nicht auch ein Holocaust-Skeptiker? Es scheint seine Tasche zu sein und damit will ich nicht jeden Mann mit einem walisischen Namen verunglimpfen, so wie es unser Gastgeber für richtig hält, germanische Satzbauen zu beschimpfen.
Ein letzter Gedanke an Diesemschönensonntagmorgen: Unser Gastgeber hat mir eine Frage gestellt, eine Frage, die ganz und gar “rhetorisch” definiert. Die Antwort lautet “Ja, ich könnte”. Posts 6090:900 Likes = 6,7: 1
Schönen Tag noch! Tschüss!

ps Hope my German isn’t too terrible. and that you like my compound word.

@The Imperial Japanese Minister of Trump-bashing and Awkward Passive-agressiveness

The amount of listening done and agreement felt varies significantly between the lunatic fringe crazies I listed. InfoWars didn’t make the list, since I actually never was a regular listener or fan at all. I’d recommend it more for entertainment value than unbiased, serious reporting.

Hinting at the mysterious iaing as being a troll is not a safe bet. He has done quite a helpful bit for the Chinese library, source recommendations, and has been nothing but sober and constructive on the forum.

@Pete, Slayer of Onions and Liberals, abductor of consenting wenches

I’m sure Jones is an everything-skeptic. Be that as it may, he is undoubtedly a blessed child of Allah, and will with certainty emerge victorious in his tireless battle against the “Transgendered Illegal Mexican Islamofascist Elite of Illuminati lizards and interdimensional alien Democrats”

Your German is very good, with only a few sprinkles of charming grammatical slips. As Steve K teaches, attitude is the most important thing. To TERMINATE these last remaining spots all you need is put yourself fully into that Mc.Bain attitude:

As you can see, this attitude is also to a certain extent effective when bringing justice upon the lizard illuminati/Democrats/Remainers at their sinister scheming meetings

To further keep and improve the German ability potential for future generations of strong and healthy Saxon children, we must heed King Cedric’s reasonable policy of not producing weak half-people with what one certain Brit used to call Remainist slime, but rather find a dignant Saxon wench to bring forth plentiful Brexiting heirs from strong child-bearing hips.

BTW, I’m starting to think Yutaka is really an evil genius from the dark side of the language world, just implementing the advice of Darth Clugston here, using us for his own personal controversy-English practice!

Thank you very much young Tommy for your kind words and sound advice, cunningly administered through Youtubery. It’s been a pleasure my rhetorical, ostentatious friend to chat. Bis zum nächsten Mal !


“And – biggest question – why do you continually inflict your alt-left nonsense on these boards, troll?“

I think that most journalists working for the Washington Post and the like are NOT forging nonsensical “fake“ news. They are not “alt-left” fringes but investigative journalists. I, who read their articles and cite them here, am not a troll. You equate critical comments about Trump with insults at him, and you seem to be angry at me. You don’t want me to write about the US president here at the LingQ forum “Open Forum in English,” which has a description “Talk about anything you like as long as you write in English.”

Tommy jokingly describes me as “an evil genius from the dark side of the language world”, but I am simply an old man who is two years younger than the president of the US and thinks that the president whose the country has the strongest military power in the world is not qualified for the position. I am not interested in his private life. He has reportedly bankrupted some of his business to survive. His slogan “America First“ sometimes contradicts with the interests of American people and those of peoples of the world, although I do justify a sort of mild protectionism in trade to protect the people and industries in each country from so-called Multinational or Transnational Corporations. However, more important thing than this is that, as the first excerpt from the Guardian justifiably describes, Donald Trump “has repeatedly bragged about his willingness to use nuclear weapons.” We have never seen such a weirdly reckless president.

I am not a linguist, but I am learning English and German. I am interested in US politics. I am worried about the recklessness of the president whose country has the most dangerous weapons that could destroy Spaceship Earth several times.

@Yutaka Senpai

I can recommend this great free podcast episode, though it may not relieve your nuclear anxiety.

Duration 5h50min

At the risk of disappointing, I’d like to point out that this ‘Hardcore History’ podcast is not about the history of the porn industry.