Nope. I´m talking to the guys who terrorize little girls^^

Aha! I should worn you to be careful not to be sued by abusing the poor princess because then you won’t have any money left to pay for your premium accounts :))

Did everybody went to bed ? Fine then I’ll just have to entertain myself :)))

Seems like it…
I´ll go to bed as well…it´s 1am^^

Guten nacht !(if I’m not mistaken)

Careful Paul, I would hate to see this thread go off topic!

I’m hunting lyrics for songs from this band and finding a whole lot of nothing:

Maybe someone with better interneting skills can help me out?

Bonjour/Good morning people! I came just to check in here. :slight_smile:


I´m having the same problem. It´s hard to find the lyrics of japanese songs…unless you like anime-music and roumaji…

PS: Why u no accept my skype invitation?^^


How´s your French and your English doing?

Just got off the tram and headed home… some old woman asked me where some street was (in german). so I give her some directions in german… and she says “Oh okay, that’s easy. thanks!” Learning German is really hard in this country

I believe you. I ordered ‘ein Big Mac und große Pommes’ in a McDonalds next to Zürich Hauptbahnhof a couple of hours ago. The woman behind the desk interupted me before I finished the word ‘Pommes’ to ask me, in English, if I wanted to make it a Big Mac meal.

Yep. There’s actually an “integration” companion going on in the trams of Zurich that say (well various things) but one says “Why do the Swiss always respond in English?” “Because they think it’s polite?”

It happens all the time. My wife and I ordered some Icecream at this place Mövenpick (worth a try)… so my wife ordered in German. She struggled but her order made sense (my german is better). The waitress turns to me in perfect “hollywood English” and says “And what would you like?”

…also, when I arrived at the hotel a few nights ago in Bern, before initiating a war that almost destroyed the LingQ forum here, I entered the hotel and said to the man at the desk ‘Ich habe eine Reservierung. Ich bin Colin Johnstone’. Upon hearing my name, he started to look a bit awkward, and without saying a word, he went into the back room to get his English speaking colleague to do all my checking in stuff for me. Ich war verblüfft!

Of course what they do in a McDonalds next to the main train station in Zürich, and what they do in an expensive hotel, is not representative of how they behave in general.

Interesting. Well the Swiss are generally extremely polite people. I’m not sure how I’ve survived here. They haven’t kicked me out yet though… Like I said, I think it’s just more polite for them to speak in English – because their English is better than our German. They watch way… WAY too much american tv and movies here.

Oh BTW, did you hear enough Bernüütsch to compare it to your local Austrian dialect?


I sympathise. Quite a few years ago, at a hotel in (if my memory serves me correctly) Nürnberg, I can remember asking the girl at the reception something in perfectly good German - and d’you know what she did? She actually TRANSLATED the question aloud into English, and then replied in English! :open_mouth:

I forgave her because she was blonde and had a really nice, well let’s say, ‘shape’. But it occurred to me later that this is actually a game that two can play.

Next time the person at Mac Donald’s (or wherever) replies in English - just quickly repeat their question to yourself in German - as if thinking aloud. Then reply in German!

(That was one of the tactics I developed for fighting back against outbreaks of UES* - I’d say it works at least 60% of the time.)

*Unwanted English Syndrome

Not a bad technique. If they respond in English and I can reply in German, I just stick with German. Sometimes the wires cross in my brain and the sentence comes out in half english half german… that’s a weird feeling

In the meantime, I’d also recommend finding tandem exchange partner(s) - preferably with older folks whose English maybe isn’t so smooth.

Oh, yeah I’ve got the best tandem exchange partner already.