Stop adding words to known upon lesson completion

However, adding an option (are you sure?) as @WillowMeDown just wrote, for people that forget that when they finish a lesson, could be useful. But just for them. I want less clicking and not more.

Good point. An “undo” button would do the trick for just those who need it without bothering those who don’t. :slight_smile:


I’ve also had trouble with this feature. For instance, I often import academic texts that may have references with a hundred names or other words that don’t exist in my target language.

To avoid automatically adding these words or names as “known words,” I stopped marking my readings as “finished.”

Unfortunately, this doesn’t accurately record how many words I’ve read in the last few years, which is a critical metric for language acquisition. It would be nice if there was another option for this…

I do find that it helps a bit to use hotkeys/keyboard shortcuts.


Once again:

I have completed the lesson by mystake … Import worked in the strange way so I was clicking to see end of import and then …


This is the page just before:

I cannot know next page is the one to terminate the lesson.


Oh, I can feel your frustration. It is a pity that according to the LingQ philosophy this is not a bug, this is feature; you are just using the app in the wrong way.

Ok, I did not want to sound mean. Sorry for the quip :). Jokes aside, it looks like we are close to breaking the ice and making LingQ a better place!

There is a GREEN bar on the top of the page that clearly give you the reference that you are at the end of the lesson.

However, if we can all contribute to improve how the software works the better. And if we can all push to improve the communication between the customers and the team, the better as well.

Considering that is years that we are writing about many things, I can say that since last year, there have been improvements, both in the dialogue and software.



“There is a GREEN bar on the top of the page that clearly give you the reference that you are at the end of the lesson.”

That would be true if the dot on the bar were always all the way to the right at the end of the lesson, but it’s not. Look again at the posted image. You’d have to mentally calculate exactly how much space to the right of the dot means you’re on the last page and then remember to look at the bar each time. Not ideal. :slight_smile:

Actually, words read are not dependant on clearing lessons. Your reading is tracked as you page regardless. That changed a few years ago.

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An undo button has always proved tricky in the past. It seems simple but, in this case, it isn’t.

This isn’t possible on the Vocabulary tab where we only show your LingQs but you can see these Known words in the lessons on the All Words tab in the sidebar.

To everyone else here, I think the most realistic options are possibly settings that could be added to move the Complete Lesson button away from the side and making it a button at the bottom like it is on the mobile apps. And/or a setting which would show a prompt when clicking to complete a lesson asking you “are you sure?”.


I don’t think most people are worried about the the erroneous metrics from completing a lesson when it wasn’t completed. Although, I’m assuming people would like that to be resolved, too. I think people are more likely looking for a mechanism to “easily” reset or selectively reset words.

The only way to address words in the lesson is to search down the words marked as “Known” within the actual lesson. You can’t change them within this sidebar. This is a poor UX for changing to the appropriate value for “known” words, especially if the lesson is large and the number of Known words is large.

If a user can go through other lessons to reset the value of the word, they should be able to reset the word from the lesson summary/completion page or the lesson’s sidebar.

One of the reasons to have a list of “known” words is to see the difficulty of new material. If we pollute this word list with unknown words, we remove this ability.


I’ve only read “We’re looking into it” for years, and the number of improvements is minimal while the number of errors and annoyances increases.


Trust me, I know those answers as I have read many of them.
But I disagree; many things have been improved, others remain unsolved.

I don’t know what to tell you If you consider minimal the fact that:

  • now you can have the auto-transcription of podcasts
  • the automatic audio for entire lessons
  • simplified AI for difficult lessons
  • improved translations with DeepL for many languages (not all of them)
  • automatic underline when using the karaoke (for people that like it)
  • changed of forum to this new platform
  • more developers that sometimes answer and engage in the forum
  • other little things here and there

I have just written those things above by randomly remember a few things, all in the last year.

Don’t get me wrong, I complain as well when I’m mad on certain things, but I also give credit where due.

I have understood that there are things that can’t be changed, and others where there is more possibility of improvement. I focus on the second, but I appreciate whoever is fighting for the first as well.

At the end of day, many of us love this software, and we want it to get better and better.


That’s odd. When I’m on the last page of a lesson that I’m working through for the first time, I don’t have an arrow on the right, but a checkmark.

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Today, I tried an experiment. I read for a bit and then checked my total logged reading on LingQ, recorded as 322 words read. I then put this exact text on a Word document (set to my target language), which indicated that the text included 1,114 words. I tried this in another language and noticed the same thing. I mainly use academic texts that I import to LingQ, so that might be why there’s a discrepancy.

For that reason, I’ve been using “words known” as my primary metric to gauge progress.

I love LingQ and have noticed many wonderful improvements over the years; I’m just trying to provide constructive feedback. Thanks for running the platform :slight_smile:


The reason I leave a lot of words blue is because they are usually proper nouns and not really considered a part of the vocabulary. It would be quite tedious to click every single one of them as I go through the lesson and click trash.


The reason I leave a lot of words blue is because they are usually proper nouns and not really considered a part of the vocabulary.

@dominic_deboer If you aim for 100k known words, 1000/2000 nouns will become irrelevant. In any case, just for your consideration, I believe that nouns are part of your vocabulary and you should consider them so.

When you are beginner in a language, especially if it’s very different from your native language, the capacity to understand that a substantive is a noun and not another type of word, is not so easy. Also the capacity to distinguish that a noun has got only the meaning of a personal noun and not a double meaning for something else. And also, the capacity to distinguish if the same name belongs to that language or to another language is part of your learning experience.

We could eventually say the same thing for surnames, some of them have other meanings as well, some are only surname, and it is not so immediate to distinguish them with certainty. If you are capable to do so, it is also because you have that knowledge.

At the beginning, I was paying attention to those things as well. Maybe it is an attitude when we only have 5000 known words, and we are starting to understand the software. But after a while, you don’t pay attention to those things anymore. If you have 100k known words, just think that you have 95K and you are ok. It will take you a few years, not a big deal, trust me.

However, I understand your thinking process to be more precise, and if the team can easily help to make it more relevant for you, the better. I just give you another point of view that you might consider, so you dedicate less time on those details, and better enjoy the process of learning.


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I can see where an undo button would be a nightmare.

What about simply giving a boolean option in settings “Automatically Mark Words Known” (default=true), similar to the “Automatically Create LingQs” setting?

That’s actually probably the best option from all perspectives:

  • It should be fairly low impact and straightforward to implement/test/document (if AutoMarkKnown=true then execute the loop that marks words known, otherwise skip)
  • It doesn’t touch any complex or more “visible” parts of the UI, requiring only a simple addition to the settings page
  • It preserves the current “main” UI and current workflow, meaning instructional videos, tutorials, etc. remain current
  • No confirmation, which would get old fast
  • Works equally for those who go page-by-page, sentence-by-sentence, and lesson-by-lesson

Most importantly (to us, the users)…

  • It doesn’t change anything at all for people who like it the way it is
  • It completely solves the problem for everyone else
  • Provides the ability to implicitly distinguish between Ignored, Known, and Skipped words, which preserves things like % Known Words lesson stat.

What do you think?


It really isn’t that tedious once you get the hang of it. And, the benefit is that your words stats are accurate like New Words, Known Words etc… and your location in the lesson is stored.

Which platform were you reading on? It should track your reading as you page as long as you are spending a reasonable amount of time on that page relative to the number of words displayed. If this is not working properly, it’s a bug and we should look into it.

That is the metric we think is the best indicator of level but to be accurate completing lessons is kind of required.

This is true on web and something we will be updating hopefully. This list in the sidebar should function the same as on mobile.

@BassmasterJJ I’ve passed on your suggestion. We’ll see if that might work. Thanks!


This reminds me of the saying, “This business would be great if it wasn’t for all these customers!”.


I use page-to-known and like it, but have been bitten by the web version’s “next-page” button changing to a tick mark “complete-lesson” button on the last page. I would really like to see the suggestion of moving the complete-lesson button somewhere else to make the two actions distinct.

Even though I use page-to-known and I don’t mind complete-lesson-moves-to-known when I am reading on LingQ normally, I would like a way to preview a lesson I am creating without it affecting my statistics. I am often not confident about how the text will be rendered for reading when I am looking at it in the lesson editor, so I often switch to the lesson reading mode and page through it to see if it looks right. (That was how I ended up going from 50 to 3000 known words in Latin without trying… I kept clicking the next-page button rapidly without a clear idea of how far through the lesson I was.)