Still bugs

Today morning (Dec 10) still exist bugs within the LingQ system which makes it more or less unusable. What’s more, one doesn’t know whether newly inputted things are stored properly or not.

(1) Search on vocab page.

Search “s’épui*” doesn’t find “s’épuisait”
Search “pui” finds it.

I think it’s because LingQ uses a different kind of apostrophe: ’ instead of ', which is on German keyboards.

(2) Adding term manually on vocab page.

No popup to enter hint and sentence. But the term is stored in the background without any hint nor sentence.

(3) Certain terms (terms with apostrophe?) in lessons are not marked as LingQed (yellow/underlined) or unknown (blue)

They are just white. E.g. “s’éteignaient” in one of my own lessons is totally unknown to me (not LingQed and not known). But it is white and cannot be LingQed. “s’épuisait” is LingQed with status 1, but is not yellow, it’s white without anything…

Please fix these things ASAP, thank you!

I just want to add the following (from a software developer’s perspective):

If LingQ considers an apostrophe as a part of a word, then the system should consider different kind of apostrophes as identical. Before searching, inserting, updating the system should convert all kinds of apostrophes to a unique kind.

You have:
’ (Unicode 0027, the one on the keyboards)
ʼ (Unicode 02BC, an alternative, often found in texts)

Another thing:

In my LingQs the apostrophe in terms is Unicode 02BC.

But if I upload a new lesson, then all 02BC in the lesson are now automatically changed to 0027 (that was not the case before yesterday!).

That results in a new problem: all previously LingQed tems with 02BC are now marked blue because they are different.

As I said already - all existing LingQs and all existing lessons should use only one “standard” apostrophe!

Has anybody read this in the last 24 hours?

Update today, Dec 12 2010 morning:

Lessons seem to use ’ as the standard apostrophe now.

The VERY BAD consequence is, that all items that were LingQ-ed with the other apostrophe ’ aren’t any more recognized and are now blue. Are we expected to re-LingQ them again???

I think you should also change all apostrophes ’ in all LingQs to the standard apostrophe ’ !

Status of recently mentioned bugs:

(1) Search on vocab page.

Search “s’épui*” doesn’t find “s’épuisait”
Search “pui” finds it.

— Still not OK. —

(2) Adding term manually on vocab page.

— Seems to work now. —

(3) Certain terms (terms with apostrophes) in lessons are not marked as LingQed (yellow/underlined) or unknown (blue)

— Still not OK. — (see also above)

“s’éteignaient” is still white (should be blue, but can now be LingQ-ed manually. Some others are also white … :frowning:

I would really appreciate if somebody can tell me/us when I/we can use the system again.

In the moment, I am not able to use LingQ. :frowning:

Hi hape,

We read all your comments, don’t worry. Steve and I replied to your concerns on separate threads, so we didn’t feel it was necessary to address you in several different threads.

It’s impossible for us to give you a time when each bug will be fixed, but I will reiterate that we continue to work on getting these elements back up and running. In the meantime, perhaps it would be better to focus on the parts of the site that are working properly (for instance, creating LingQs of words without apostrophes, reading and listening, etc.). We will get the rest fixed as soon as we can.

Thank you, Alex!

@Alex: I use LingQ for LingQing. Creating LingQs without apostrohes don’t work as well. The hint is not saved. I tried it out one minute ago. Additional I cannot review my LingQs. Then I loose the hint that I have created in the past. At the moment it is impossible to use LingQ if you like the LingQing.
I’m not able to use LingQ too at the moment. I don’t dare to do anything with LingQs because I’m not sure if my work will be save.


If you create a LingQ with a hint, the word turns to yellow.
If you hover on it, the hint is NOT shown. (THAT’S A BUG)
If you open it again for editing, the inputted hint exists.
Close it, and: if you now hover on it, the hint is visible!!

Very strange!

@hape: I seem to have a different problem. In my case the hint is really empty. I can see on the vocabulary page that there is no hint and when I open the LingQ on the lesson page again as well.

I have the same problem for several days, the hints are empty in the vocabulary page

I have had this problem which occurs at some times in the day. I think we have found the cause.

Dont want to start a new thread for Bugs. I’m not sure if this is related to all the other bugs showing up.

I just noticed today that any lessons i go into ( in korean) that i already studied or clicked “i know all” it says that There are 2 unknown words. the I know all button is gone and theres no new blue words in the lessons.

Doesnt bother me. I assume its somekind of bug… Just thought Id let you know.

Thanks for reporting this and we will eventually get to the bottom of all of this.

All the bugs on the Lesson page seem to be resolved now except for the issue with words containing apostrophes. We are continuing to work on the apostrophe issue and hope to resolve it later today or tomorrow. These were related to caching that was done for performance reasons and that is why the problem seemed to come and go and was difficult to resolve. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Everything seems to be working properly now.

Thank you, Mark, Alex, and the whole team!

I really would like to use LingQ, but it’s not possible. When do you expect that all current problems are solved?

I am using LingQ without difficulty.

Hape could you tell us specifically what problems you are encountering.

The present spate of problems originated with our effort to solve problems that two members raised, one having to do with saving words with apostrophes and one having to do with the slowness of the Vocabulary section for learners with very large databases.

We ran into unforeseen problems and have inconvenienced a lot of people. This recent series of troubles has also identified some problems in our procedures. We will be tightening things up.

One thing we will make sure to avoid is to devote resources to problems that affect only a few people, if there is a risk that many people are going to be inconvenienced. It is very important that we focus on those problems that affect the largest number of people.

When we do hear of problems from our users we need all the circumstances and details so that we can evaluate how general or widespread the problems are. We appreciate all the reports of problems, but do require them to be quite specific if we are to be able fix them.

As to how long it will take to fix all current problems, that is a difficult question. Many have been fixed, at least for the things that I do on LingQ. We do want to hear about specific problems that remain. Even if I thought I had the answer as to when all current problems would be fixed, I would not announce it here. We have learned to expect the unexpected.


I don’t believe that you can use LingQ without difficulty. Maybe you just work in a language without vocab with apostrophes.

Let me repeat it again (and for the last time, because I am tired to post my problems AGAIN and AGAIN):

The word “s’appelait” EXISTS in my vocab, but it is either not recognized as a LingQed word (it’s blue!!) nor found in the vocab search as a full word “s’appelait”. If I search for it with a wildcard “*appelait”, it is found. If I add “s’appelait” as a new word, it’s created as a new word although it already EXISTS; that is against the philosophy of the system.

If I would now use the system, I would create sometimes the same LingQs again because I don’t know whether I created a word already or not. I see a lot of blue words in all of my old lessons that I have worked on and have pressed the “I know all” button.

It’s all because the system now handles words with apostrophes totally different than before (see my posts above). You should just change the “wrong” apostrophes (ʼ = Unicode 02BC) in my (and maybe other user’s) vocab to the new one (’ = Unicode 0027). Then it should be solved, hopefully. But you know your system better than I do.


I don’t believe that you can use LingQ without difficulty. Maybe you just work in a language without vocab with apostrophes.

Let me repeat it again (and for the last time, because I am tired to post my problems AGAIN and AGAIN):

The word “s’appelait” EXISTS in my vocab, but it is either not recognized as a LingQed word (it’s blue!!) nor found in the vocab search as a full word “s’appelait”. If I search for it with a wildcard “*appelait”, it is found. If I add “s’appelait” as a new word, it’s created as a new word although it already EXISTS; that is against the philosophy of the system.

If I would now use the system, I would create sometimes the same LingQs again because I don’t know whether I created a word already or not. I see a lot of blue words in all of my old lessons that I have worked on and have pressed the “I know all” button.

It’s all because the system now handles words with apostrophes totally different than before (see my posts above). You should just change the “wrong” apostrophes (ʼ = Unicode 02BC) in my (and maybe other user’s) vocab to the new one (’ = Unicode 0027). Then it should be solved, hopefully. But you know your system better than I do.

Sorry for the double post.